Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'up'

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Direct access: 休暇 , 窮乏 , 急流 , 協議 , 競売 , 切上 , 起立 , 綺麗 , 禁煙 , 議題


pronunciation: kyuuka   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: holiday, vacation, leave of absence
休暇を取る: kyuukaotoru: make holiday, take a holiday [a vacation] <<<
休暇に成る: kyuukaninaru: (schools) break up <<<
休暇を許す: kyuukaoyurusu: grant leave of absence <<<
休暇を与える: kyuukaoataeru: furlough <<<
休暇届: kyuukatodoke: request for a vacation, leave of absence <<<
休暇願: kyuukanegai <<<
休暇願を出す: kyuukanegaiodasu: ask for a leave of absence <<<
synonyms: 休日


pronunciation: kyuubou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: want, poverty, destitution, privation
窮乏する: kyuubousuru: be in needy [straitened]circumstances, be hard up
窮乏化: kyuubouka: impoverishment <<<
窮乏化する: kyuuboukasuru: become impoverished
窮乏に耐える: kyuubounitaeru: bear the poverty <<<
窮乏生活する: kyuubouseikatsusuru: live a life of hardship <<< 生活
check also


pronunciation: kyuuryuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: nature   
translation: rapid current, rushing stream, torrent
急流を遡る: kyuuryuuosakanoboru: go up a rapid <<<


pronunciation: kyougi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: discussion, negotiation
協議する: kyougisuru: discuss, negotiate
協議に掛ける: kyouginikakeru: bring one's plan up at a meeting <<<
協議が整う: kyougigatotonou: come to [arrive at] an agreement <<<
協議の上: kyouginoue: upon deliberation with, by mutual consent [agreement] <<<
協議を凝らす: kyougiokorasu: deliberate fully <<<
協議会: kyougikai: council, board, conference <<<
協議員: kyougiin: delegate to a conference <<<
協議離婚: kyougirikon: divorce by consent <<< 離婚
協議事項: kyougijikou: subject [topic] of discussion <<< 事項
協議価格: kyougikakaku: negotiated price <<< 価格
check also 交渉


pronunciation: kyoubai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business , internet   
translation: auction (n.), public sale
競売する: kyoubaisuru: auction (v.)
競売に掛ける: kyoubainikakeru: put up for auction <<<
競売に付する: kyoubainihusuru <<<
競売人: kyoubainin: auctioneer <<<
競売場: kyoubaijou: auction room <<<
競売価格: kyoubaikakaku: auction price <<< 価格
競売公告: kyoubaikoukoku: auction notice
synonyms: オークション
check also 落札


pronunciation: kiriage   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 切り上   keyword: economy , mathematics   
translation: close (n.), stop, finish, revaluation
切上る: kiriageru: close (v.), stop, finish, cut short, wind up, revalue up, raise fractions to unit, count fractions as a whole number
antonyms: 切下


pronunciation: kiritsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: position   
translation: standing-up, rising
起立する: kiritsusuru: stand up, rise
起立採決: kiritsusaiketsu: standing [rising] vote
起立投票: kiritsutouhyou <<< 投票


pronunciation: kirei   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 奇麗   keyword: beauty , hygiene   
translation: beauty, splendor, cleanness
綺麗な: kireina: beautiful, lovely, fine, pretty, splendid, handsome, fair, clean, pure, clear, neat, tidy
綺麗な水: kireinamizu: clear water <<<
綺麗な空気: kirainakuuki: fresh air <<< 空気
綺麗に: kireini: beautifully, finely, splendidly, cleanly, neatly, tidily, completely, entirely, wholly, thoroughly
綺麗にする: kireinisuru: deck out, decorate, dress up, make clean, cleanse, make neat, tidy up, put in order
綺麗に忘れる: kireiniwasureru: have clean forgotten <<<
綺麗に負ける: kireinimakeru: be fairly beaten <<<
綺麗好き: kireizuki: tidy (person), cleanly <<<
綺麗事: kireigoto: without complication, whitewash, hypocrisy <<<
綺麗事に済ます: kireigotonisumasu: avoid complications, whitewash (an error) <<<
小綺麗: kogirei: pretty, neat, trim, tidy, spruce <<<
check also , 清潔


pronunciation: kinnen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: health   
translation: No smoking
禁煙する: kinnensuru: give up [stop, abstain from] smoking
禁煙席: kinnenseki: nonsmoking seat <<<
禁煙室: kinnenshitsu: nonsmoking room <<<
禁煙車: kinnensha: nonsmoking car [carriage] <<<
禁煙車両: kinnensharyou <<< 車両
antonyms: 喫煙
check also 煙草


pronunciation: gidai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: subject [topic] for discussion, agenda
議題に上る: gidaininoboru: come [take] up for discussion, be mooted <<<
議題にする: gidainisuru

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