日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「Go」の翻訳

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直接アクセス: 使 , , , , , , , , ,


カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 仕事    画数: 8
翻訳:use, employ

使う: つかう: use, make use of, employ, spend
使える: つかえる: be useful, be serviceable, be fit to use
使えない: つかえない: be useless, be of no avail
使い: つかい: errand, messenger, bearer
使いをする: つかいをする: go (out) on an errand, run an errand (for a person)
使いを送る: つかいをおくる: send a messenger (to) <<<
使いを遣る: つかいをやる <<<
使いを以て: つかいをもって: by bearer <<<
使い熟す: つかいこなす: master, manage, know how to handle, have at one's command <<<
使い過ぎる: つかいすぎる: use (a thing) too much [in excess, excessively], overuse, overwork, overdrive <<<
使い果たす: つかいはたす: spend all, use up, use up, exhaust, consume, go [run] through <<<
使い切る: つかいきる <<<
使い古す: つかいふるす: wear out (a thing) by use <<<
使て: して, しむ: causative verb

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 社会 , 宗教    画数: 8
翻訳:follow, accompany, offering, dedicate
キョウ, ク
供する: きょうする: offer, present, cater
供: とも: attendant (jp.), suite, retinue
供う: ともなう: follow, accompany, attend, take, be accompanied [attended] by [with]
供をする: ともをする: accompany (a person), follow, go with
供を連れる: ともをつれる: be accompanied by an attendant, take a servant with one <<<
供: ども: plural (gr., jp.)
供える: そなえる: make an offering, dedicate

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 行政    画数: 8
翻訳:govern, rule, reign, correct, remedy, reform, rectify, mend, repair
ジ, チ
治める: おさめる: govern, rule [reign] over, manage, pacify, suppress (an uprising)
治まる: おさまる: be in peace, calm down, be settled, fall, go down, subside, be got under control, be calmed down, be appeased, get better
治る: なおる: be mended [repaired], be put [set] to rights, be restored, be corrected, be reformed, be cured <<<
治す: なおす: correct, remedy, reform, rectify, mend, repair, patch up, fix up <<<
治: おさむ: pers.

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 旅行 , 健康    画数: 8
ホ, フ, ブ
歩く: あるく: walk, go on foot
歩き方: あるきかた: manner of walking, one's gait <<<
歩き回る: あるきまわる: walk [wander, ramble, roam] about <<<
歩む: あゆむ: walk, go on foot
歩み: あゆみ: walking, progression, step, pace
歩みが速い: あゆみがはやい: be quick of foot <<<
歩みが遅い: あゆみがおそい: be slow of foot <<<
歩みを速める: あゆみをはやめる: quicken one's pace <<<
歩みを緩める: あゆみをゆるめる: relax one's pace <<<
歩みを止める: あゆみをとめる: stop walking <<<
歩み合う: あゆみあう: make a compromise (with a person), meet (a person) halfway <<<
歩み寄る: あゆみよる: step up (to) <<<
同意語: ウォーク

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 8
翻訳:take, seize, get, grasp, catch, receive, nab
取る: とる: take, hold, take hold of, seize, catch, pass, hand, get, receive, gain, accept, take off, take away, remove, delete, leave [strike] out, keep, reserve, engage, steal, rob, buy, have, procure, adopt
取り合う: とりあう: scramble [struggle] for (a thing), give heed [ear] to, listen to <<<
取り合わない: とりあわない: pay no heed to, take no notice of, turn a deaf ear to, disregard <<<
取り敢えず: とりあえず: in haste, at once, without delay, for the time being, first of all <<<
取り集める: とりあつめる: collect, gather (together), scrap together (up) <<<
取り押える: とりおさえる: arrest, capture, seize, catch <<<
取り落とす: とりおとす: drop, let slip, let fall <<<
取り囲む: とりかこむ: surround, skirt, throng [crowd] around (a person), gather about [round] (a fire), lay siege to <<<
取り交わす: とりかわす: exchange (a thing with a person), interchange <<<
取り去る: とりさる: remove, eviscerate <<<
取り除ける: とりのける: take [clear] away, remove, make an exception of, put aside, set apart <<<
取り出す: とりだす: take [pull] out (a thing from), get [take] (a thing) out of, produce, whip out, pick out <<<
取り混る: とりまぜる: put together, mix up <<<
取り戻す: とりもどす: recover, regain, take back <<<
取り組む: とりくむ: wrestle [grapple] with <<<
取り乱す: とりみだす: be flurried, be confused, lose one's composure, be disheveled, be untidy <<<
取りも直さず: とりもなおさず: namely, that is (to say), in other words <<<
取り逃がす: とりにがす: fail to catch, let escape, miss [let slip] (the chance) <<<
取り違える: とりちがえる: mistake (A for B), misunderstand, misconstrue <<<
取り散らす: とりちらす: put in disorder, scatter about <<<
取り持つ: とりもつ: entertain, act as a go-between, recommend, procure, pimp <<<
取り上げる: とりあげる: take [pick] up, take in one's hand, take away, deprive, confiscate, forfeit, disqualify, accept, adopt, listen to <<<
取り残す: とりのこす: leave (a person, a thing) behind <<<
同意語: ,

カテゴリー:教育漢字   違う綴り: 參   部首:    キーワード: 社会    画数: 8
翻訳:participate, associate, three (bor.)
参つ: みつ: three <<<
参わる: まじわる: participate, associate <<<
参る: まいる: meet (pol.), go to worship (jp.)

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 単位    画数: 9
翻訳:measure, law, rule
ド, ト, タク
度: ど: degree, measure, extent, limit, moderation
度を過ごす: どをすごす: go to excess, go to far (in), go beyond [out of] the bounds (of moderation) <<<
度が過ぎる: どがすぎる <<<
度を越す: どをこす <<<
度を守る: どをまもる: keep within bounds <<<
度を失う: どをうしなう: lose composure, be upset, be beside oneself <<<
度を盛る: どをもる: graduate (a thing), calibrate <<<
度: のり: law, rule <<<
度: ものさし: foot rule <<< 物差
度: めもり: graduation <<< 目盛
度: たび: times (suff.)
度る: わたる: go across (conf.) <<<
度る: はかる: measure (v.) <<<
度い: たい: hope (v., jp.), wish

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 9
翻訳:breast, chest, bust
胸: むね: breast, chest, bust, bosom, heart, mind
胸が一杯に成る: むねがいっぱいになる: feel like weeping, have a lump in one's throat
胸が空く: むねがすく: feel refreshed [satisfied] <<<
胸が焼ける: むねがやける: have a heartburn, nauseate <<<
胸が悪く成る: むねがわるくなる: feel sick (at the stomach)
胸に抱く: むねにいだく: press against his [her] chest <<<
胸に浮かぶ: むねにうかぶ: flash across one's mind, occur to one <<<
胸に応える: むねにこたえる: go home to one's heart <<<
胸に秘める: むねにひめる: keep (a matter) to oneself <<<
胸を痛める: むねをいためる: trouble [worry] oneself (about), grieve [feel grief] (at, for, about) <<<
胸を打つ: むねをうつ: move, touch, impress <<<
胸を打たれる: むねをうたれる: be moved, be touched, be impressed <<<
胸を撫で下ろす: むねをなでおろす: feel a weight off one's mind, feel relieved
胸を張る: むねをはる: throw out one's chest <<<
同意語: バスト

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 9
翻訳:all, everyone, everybody
皆: みな
皆: みんな
皆で: みんなで, みなで: all told, in all, in (the) gross
皆で幾らですか: みんなでいくらですか, みなでいくらですか: How much in all? How much does it all amount to? <<<
皆で行こう: みんなでいこう: Let us go all together <<<
皆さん: みなさん: Ladies and Gentlemen, all of you, everybody

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 9
翻訳:loss, doubt, hesitate, mislead, delude, perplex, puzzle, undeceive, disillusion
メイ, ベイ
迷い: まよい: doubt, perplexity, bewilderment, superstition
迷いが醒める: まよいがさめる: be undeceived [disillusioned], come to one's senses <<<
迷いから醒める: まよいからさめる <<<
迷いを醒まさせる: まよいをさまさせる: undeceive, disillusion <<<
迷いから醒まさせる: まよいからさまさせる <<<
迷いを醒ます: まよいをさます <<<
迷う: まよう: be at a loss, get lost, hesitate, be perplexed (at, for), be puzzled, waver, vacillate, go [be led] astray, be tempted, be infatuated (with), be captivated (by)
迷わす: まよわす: mislead (a person into), delude, lead astray, tempt, seduce, fascinate, captivate, infatuate, puzzle, perplex

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