Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'up'

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Direct access: 缶詰 , 看板 , 看病 , 学校 , 我慢 , 機嫌 , 機首 , 起床 , 傷口 , 期待


pronunciation: kanZume   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: canned food, canning, tinning
缶詰にする: kanZumenisuru: can (v.), pack, confine, lock up (in a room)
缶詰に成る: kanZumeninaru: be packed [confined] <<<
缶詰を開ける: kanZumeoakeru: open a can <<<
缶詰工場: kanZumekoujou: cannery, packing plant <<< 工場
缶詰業者: kanZumegyousha: canner, packer, tinner <<< 業者
缶詰工業: kanZumekougyou: canning [packing] industry <<< 工業
check also 瓶詰


pronunciation: kanban   kanji characters: ,    other spells: カンバン   keyword: advertisement   
translation: sign, signboard, billboard, shingle, brass plate, closing time
看板を出す: kanbannodasu: put up a sign <<<
看板を掛ける: kanbannokakeru <<<
看板を降ろす: kanbannoorosu: withdraw a sign <<<
看板です: kanbandesu: It is time to close
看板屋: kanbannya: sign painter <<<
看板娘: kanbanmusume: star shop-girl <<<
看板に偽り無し: kanbannniitsuwarinashi: quite as good as they say
check also 広告


pronunciation: kanbyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: nursing
看病する: kanbyousuru: nurse, tend, sit up with (a person)
看病疲れする: kanbyouZukaresuru: become exhausted from a long period of nursing <<<
看病人: kanbyounin: (sick) nurse <<<
check also 看護


pronunciation: gakkou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: school, college, educational institution
学校へ行く: gakkoueiku: attend [go to] school <<<
学校へ上げる: gakkoueageru: send (a child) to school <<<
学校を休む: gakkouoyasumu: stay away [be absent] from school <<<
学校を出る: gakkouoderu: leave school, graduate from college <<<
学校を辞める: gakkouoyameru: give up school, drop out of school <<<
学校医: gakkoui: school doctor [physician] <<<
学校友達: gakkoutomodachi: schoolmate <<< 友達
学校給食: gakkoukyuushoku: school lunch <<< 給食
学校新聞: gakkoushinbun: school paper <<< 新聞
学校時代: gakkoujidai: one's school days <<< 時代
学校生活: gakkouseikatsu: one's school life <<< 生活
学校用品: gakkouyouhin: school things <<< 用品
学校教育: gakkoukyouiku: school education, schooling <<< 教育
学校制度: gakkouseido: school system <<< 制度
女学校: jogakkou: girls' school <<<
synonyms: 学園 , 学院


pronunciation: gaman   kanji characters: ,   
translation: patience, perseverance, tolerance
我慢する: gamansuru: bear, endure, stand, forbear, put up with, tolerate
我慢強い: gamanZuyoi: patient, persevering <<<
我慢強く: gamanZuyoku: patiently
我慢出来る: gamandekiru: bearable, tolerable <<< 出来
我慢出来ない: gamandekinai: unbearable, intolerable
痩せ我慢: yasegaman: strained endurance, sham courage <<<
痩せ我慢する: yasegamansuru: try to endure beyond one's strength, bear out of pride, endure for the sake of bride
check also 堪忍


pronunciation: kigen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: greeting   
translation: humor, mood, temper
機嫌良く: kigennyoku: cheerfully, willingly, with a good grace <<<
機嫌が良い: kigengaii, kigengayoi: be in good humor, cheerful
機嫌が良く成る: kigengayokunaru: recover one's temper, brighten up
機嫌を直す: kigennonaosu <<<
機嫌が悪い: kigengawarui: be in bad humor [out of humor] <<<
機嫌が悪く成る: kigengawarukunaru: sulk, upset <<<
機嫌を取る: kigennotoru: flatter, court, ingratiate <<<
機嫌を伺う: kigennoukagau: ask a person's health, pay one's respects <<<
機嫌を害う: kigennosokonau: offend, hurt <<<
機嫌を損じる: kigennosonjiru <<<
上機嫌: joukigen: good [high] spirits <<<
上機嫌の: joukigennno: in good [high] spirits, good-humored, merry, cheerful
不機嫌: hukigen: bad [ill] humor, displeasure, tantrum <<<
不機嫌の: hukigennno: discontented, disgruntled, grumpy, crusty
御機嫌は: gokigenha: How are you? <<<
御機嫌は如何: gokigenhaikaga <<< 如何
御機嫌よう: gokigennyou: How are you? adieu, farewell, bon voyage <<<
synonyms: 気分


pronunciation: kishu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: airplane   
translation: nose of a plane
機首を上げる: kishuoageru: nose up <<<
機首を上にする: kishuouenisuru
機首を上に向ける: kishuouenimukeru
機首を下げる: kishuosageru: nose down <<<
機首を下にする: kishuoshitanisuru
機首を下に向ける: kishuoshitanimukeru
機首を東に向ける: kishuohigashinimukeru: head for the east, take an eastern course
機首を西に向ける: kishuonishinimukeru: head for the west, take a western course


pronunciation: kishou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: rising
起床する: kishousuru: rise, get up
起床時間: kishoujikan: hour of rising <<< 時間
起床ラッパ: kishourappa: reveille


pronunciation: kizuguchi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: open wound
傷口を縫う: kizuguchionuu: sew up the wound <<<
傷口が塞がる: kizuguchigahusagaru: The wound closes <<<
傷口が開く: kizukuchigahiraku: The wound opens <<<
傷口を消毒する: kizuguchioshoudokusuru: disinfect a wound <<< 消毒


pronunciation: kitai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: hope (n.), expectations, anticipation
期待する: kitaisuru: hope (v.), expect
期待して: kitaishite: in hopes of, in the hope that
期待通り: kitaidoori: as expected <<<
期待に添う: kitainisou: meet one's expectations <<<
期待に反して: kitainihanshite: contrary to one's expectations <<<
期待外れ: kitaihazure: disappointing <<<
期待を抱く: kitaioidaku: nourish [harbor, foster, cherish] a hope <<<
期待を抱かせる: kitaioidakaseru: promise to one
期待を掛ける: kitaiokakeru: hope much (from a person) <<<
期待を裏切る: kitaiouragiru: be not up to a person's expectation <<< 裏切
check also 希望 , 見込

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