Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'so'

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Direct access: 改心 , 此所 , 左様 , 生涯 , 其所 , 対抗 , 只今 , 問屋 , 無謀 , 楽観


pronunciation: kaishin   kanji characters: ,   
translation: self-reform, repentance
改心する: kaishinsuru: reform oneself, turn over a new leaf (of one's life), mend [amend] one's ways, repent
改心させる: kaishinsaseru: reform so.
check also 改宗


pronunciation: koko   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 此処   keyword: position   
translation: here, this place
此所に: kokoni: here, in this place
此所から: kokokara: from here, from this place [point]
此所まで: kokomade: up to this place, thus [so] far, as far as here
此所らに: kokorani: hereabouts, about [around] here, in this neighborhood
此所いらに: kokoirani
此所の: kokono: local, of this place
此所彼所: kokokashiko: here and there, everywhere <<< 彼所
此所数日: kokosuujitsu: lately, recently <<< 数日 , 最近
check also 此方


pronunciation: sayou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: greeting   
translation: yes, indeed, exactly, precisely, that's right (anc.), well, let me see, let's see, such, like that
左様なら: sayounara, sayonara: good-bye, farewell, adieu, so long


pronunciation: shougai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: life, career, lifetime, for life, throughout (all) one's life, so long as one lives, to the end of one's life
生涯の: shougaino: lifelong
生涯を通じて: shougaiotsuujite: throughout his life, for as long as he lived [lives], all one's life <<<
生涯の友: shougainotomo: lifelong [lifetime] friend <<<
生涯の仕事: shougainoshigoto: (one's) lifework <<< 仕事
生涯学習: shougaigakushuu: lifelong learning [study] <<< 学習
生涯教育: shougaikyouiku: lifelong education <<< 教育


pronunciation: soko   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 其処   keyword: position   
translation: there, that place
其所の: sokono: there, in that place, over there
其所に: sokoni
其所へ: sokoe: there, to that place, thither, and then
其所で: sokode: then, thereupon, now, accordingly
其所ら: sokora: thereabouts, about there, more or less
其所ら中: sokorajuu: all over (the place) <<<
其所から: sokokara: from there, thence
其所まで: sokomade: so far, that far
其所此所に: sokokokoni: here and there <<< 此所
check also 彼所


pronunciation: taikou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport , politics   
translation: opposition, competition, rivalry
対抗する: taikousuru: oppose, compete, match, be against
対抗させる: taikousaseru: pit (set up) so. against
対抗馬: taikouba: opponent, rival <<<
対抗策: taikousaku: counter plan <<<
対抗試合: taikoushiai: round robin competition <<< 試合
対抗手段: taikoushudan: counteragent <<< 手段
対抗処置: taikoushochi: counter-measure <<< 処置
check also 対立


pronunciation: tadaima   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 唯今   keyword: time   
translation: now, at present, just now, directly, soon in a minute
只今の所: tadaimanotokoro: for the present <<<
只今迄に: tadaimamadeni: up to now [the present], so far, to date <<<
只今参ります: tadaimamairimasu: I am coming <<<


pronunciation: tonnya   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: wholesale store [house], wholesaler, wholesale dealer [merchant]
問屋が卸さない: tonnyagaorosanai: you are expecting too much, You can't get it so easily, Don't take so much for granted <<<
問屋業: tonnyagyou: wholesale business <<<
問屋値段: tonnyanedan: wholesale [trade] price <<< 値段


pronunciation: mubou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: recklessness, thoughtlessness, imprudence
無謀な: mubouna: reckless, rash, thoughtless, imprudent
無謀にも: mubounimo: be so unreasonable [outrageous] as


pronunciation: rakkan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: optimism, optimistic view
楽観する: rakkansuru: be optimist
楽観的: rakkanteki: optimistic, rosy <<<
楽観を許さない: rakkannoyurusanai: not so rosy <<<
楽観論: rakkanron: optimism <<<
楽観論者: rakkanronsha: optimist <<<
synonyms: 楽天 , 呑気
antonyms: 悲観

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