Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'hi'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: town    nb of strokes: 7
translation: village, hamlet
村: mura
村の: murano: village (a.)
村を出る: muraoderu: leave his [her] village***** <<<
村を離れる: muraohanareru <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: aid, help, assistance, support, rescue, reinforcement, relief, auxiliary
助ける: tasukeru: help (v.), assist, aid, support, second, back (up)
助けて: tasukete: Help!
助け: tasuke: aid, help, assistance, support, rescue, reinforcement, relief
助けを求める: tasukeomotomeru: call [cry] for help, ask for aid <<<
助けを呼ぶ: tasukeoyobu <<<
助けに行く: tasukeniiku: go to the rescue (of) <<<
助け合い: tasukeai: mutual aid <<<
助け合う: tasukeau: help each other [one another] <<<
助け起す: tasukeokosu: help (a person) to his feet, help (a person) up***** <<<
助け出す: tasukedasu: rescue (a person) from <<<
助けを借りて: tasukeokarite: with the help of <<<
助けと成る: tasuketonaru: be a help (to), be of help [service] (to), contribute to <<<
助かる: tasukaru: be saved, be rescued, be spared
助: suke: person (suff., pej.)

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: life    nb of strokes: 7
translation: mind, will, intention, aim, purpose, ambition, aspiration, desire, wish, register (conf.), shilling (English money, fam.)
志す: kokorozasu: intend (to do), aim (at), have in view, have an ambition (to), aspire (to)
志し: kokorozashi: mind, will, intention, object, aim, purpose, ambition, aspiration, desire, wishes
志を立てる: kokorozashiotateru: set an aim in life <<<
志を遂げる: kokorozashiotogeru: fulfill one's ambition, reach his aim***** <<<
志す: shirusu: register, record, write [note, jot] down, put [set] down, describe, give an account (of) <<< ,
志: sakan: tit. (jp.)

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 9
translation: breast, chest, bust
胸: mune: breast, chest, bust, bosom, heart, mind
胸が一杯に成る: munegaippaininaru: feel like weeping, have a lump in one's throat
胸が空く: munegasuku: feel refreshed [satisfied] <<<
胸が焼ける: munegayakeru: have a heartburn, nauseate <<<
胸が悪く成る: munegawarukunaru: feel sick (at the stomach)
胸に抱く: muneniidaku: press against his [her] chest***** <<<
胸に浮かぶ: muneniukabu: flash across one's mind, occur to one <<<
胸に応える: munenikotaeru: go home to one's heart <<<
胸に秘める: munenihimeru: keep (a matter) to oneself <<<
胸を痛める: muneoitameru: trouble [worry] oneself (about), grieve [feel grief] (at, for, about) <<<
胸を打つ: muneoutsu: move, touch, impress <<<
胸を打たれる: muneoutareru: be moved, be touched, be impressed <<<
胸を撫で下ろす: muneonadeorosu: feel a weight off one's mind, feel relieved
胸を張る: muneoharu: throw out one's chest <<<
synonyms: バスト
check also

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: true, faithful, sincere, truth, sincerity, faithfulness
真: makoto: truth, sincerity, faithfulness, fidelity
真の: makotono: true, real, sincere, faithful, actual, genuine
真に: makotoni: indeed, really, in truth, very, greatly, much
真: ma: pref. (jp.)
真に受ける: maniukeru: accept as true, take seriously, take at his word, believe***** <<<
synonyms: , 本当

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: business , sport    nb of strokes: 6
translation: pay, supply, purvey, deliver
kyuu, sou
扱く: koku: thresh rice
扱き下ろす: kokiorosu: denounce, criticize (severely), cry [write] down, blame (a person) to his face, lambast***** <<<
扱き使う: kokitsukau: drive [work] (a person) hard, sweat (workers) <<< 使
扱う: atsukau: treat (jp.), deal with, receive, entertain, manage, conduct, work, handle
扱い: atsukai: treatment, management, handling
扱い易い: atsukaiyasui: easy to deal, wieldy <<<
扱い難い: atsukainikui: hard to deal, unwieldy <<<
扱める: osameru: pay, supply, purvey, deliver <<< ,
扱く: shigoku: stroke one's beard, jerk in and out one's spear, haze
扱き: shigoki: undersash, waistband, hard [severe] training, hazing

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 5
translation: slap, pat, tap, clap
叩く: tataku: slap, pat, tap, clap, attack, censure, criticize
叩き上げる: tatakiageru: struggle [work] one's way up (from) <<<
叩き起こす: tatakiokosu: knock (a person) up, rouse (a person) mercilessly from his sleep***** <<<
叩き落す: tatakiotosu: beat [strike] down, knock off, knock (a thing) from [out of] (a person's) hand <<<
叩き切る: tatakikiru: hack, chop <<<
叩き込む: tatakikomu: drive in (a nail), strike [hammer, beat] (an idea) into a person's head <<<
叩き殺す: tatakikorosu: beat [flog] (a person) to death, strike [knock] (a person) dead <<<
叩き壊す: tatakikowasu: knock (a thing) to pieces, smash up, shatter, wreck <<<
叩き出す: tatakidasu: kick out, turn out, send (a person) packing, fire <<<
叩き付ける: tatakitsukeru: throw [hurl] (a thing at, against) <<<
叩き潰す: tatakitsubusu: smash [knock] (a thing) to pieces <<<
叩き直す: tatakinaosu: flog (laziness) out of (a person) <<<
叩きのめす: tatakinomesu: knock down, floor (a person) with a blow
叩き伏せる: tatakihuseru: knock down <<<

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 15
translation: knee, lap
shitsu, shichi
膝: hiza
膝を組む: hizaokumu: cross one's legs, sit cross-legged <<<
膝を付く: hizaotsuku: knee down, fall one's knees, get down on one's knees <<<
膝を付いて: hizaotsuite: kneeling, on his knees***** <<<
膝を崩す: hizaokuzusu: sit at ease <<<
膝を屈する: hizaokussuru: bow the knee to [before] <<<
膝を曲げる: hizaomageru: bend the knees <<<
膝までの深さの: hizamadenohukasano: knee-deep <<<


pronunciation: sutereo   etymology: stereo (eg.)   keyword: audio , music   
translation: stereo (n.), stereophony
ステレオの: sutereono: stereo (a.), stereophonic
ステレオ録音: sutereorokuon: stereo recording
ステレオ効果: sutereokouka: stereo effect
ステレオ放送: sutereohousou: stereo broadcasting
ステレオ装置: sutereosouchi: stereo set [equipment], hi-fi equipment
ステレオ・セット: sutereosetto <<< セット
ステレオ・タイプ: sutereotaipu: stereotype <<< タイプ
ステレオ・レコード: sutereorekoodo: stereo record [disk] <<< レコード
ステレオ・テープ: sutereoteepu: stereo tape <<< テープ


pronunciation: peesu   etymology: pace (eg.)   keyword: sport   
translation: pace, tempo
ペースを乱す: peesuomidasu: go out of one's pace, put (a person) out of his pace***** <<<
ペースを落す: peesuootosu <<<
ペースメーカー: peesumeekaa: pacemaker <<< メーカー
check also テンポ , ピッチ

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