Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'a'

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Direct access: 咽喉 , 印紙 , 迂回 , 運河 , 笑顔 , 宴会 , 演技 , 遠足 , 円卓 , 鉛筆


pronunciation: inkou   keyword: body   
translation: throat
咽喉を痛める: inkouoitameru: have a sore throat
咽喉を扼する: inkouoyakusuru: hold the key position
咽喉癌: inkougan: cancer of throat <<<
咽喉カタル: inkoukataru: catarrh of the throat


pronunciation: inshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: (revenue, excise) stamp
印紙を貼る: inshioharu: stick [put] a stamp (on), stamp (papers) <<<
印紙税: inshizei: stamp duty <<<
check also 切手


pronunciation: ukai   kanji characters:    keyword: transport   
translation: detour, circuit
迂回する: ukaisuru: take a roundabout [circuitous] route, go round, make a detour
迂回線: ukaisen: loop (line) <<<
迂回路: ukairo: diversion, detour <<<


pronunciation: unga   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography , ship   
translation: canal, waterway
運河を掘る: ungaohoru: dig a canal <<<
運河を開く: ungaohiraku: make [cut] a canal
運河地帯: ungachitai: canal zone <<< 地帯


pronunciation: egao  
translation: beaming face, smile
笑顔に成る: egaoninaru: smile, beam with a joy <<<
笑顔で迎える: egaodemukaeru: greet [welcome] a person with a smile <<<
笑顔を向ける: egaoomukeru: smile at a person <<<


pronunciation: enkai   kanji characters:    keyword: amusement   
translation: dinner party, feast, banquet, entertainment
宴会を開く: enkaiohiraku: give (hold) a dinner party, banquet
宴会を催す: enkaiomoyoosu <<<
宴会場: enkaijou: banqueting hall


pronunciation: engi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: show   
translation: acting, performance
演技する: engisuru: perform, act (v.)
演技が上手い: engigaumai: be a good actor, perform well
演技が上手: engaigajouzu
演技が下手: engigaheta: be a poor actor, perform badly
演技を付ける: engiotsukeru: direct the action <<<
演技者: engisha: performer <<<
check also 演出


pronunciation: ensoku   kanji characters:    keyword: travel   
translation: (school) excursion, hike, outing, picnic
遠足に行く: ensokuniiku: go on an excursion [a hike], take [make] an excursion, hike (to), go hiking, have an outing
check also 旅行 , ハイキング


pronunciation: entaku   keyword: furniture   
translation: round table
円卓を囲む: entakuokakomu: sit at a round table <<<
円卓会議: entakukaigi: round-table conference


pronunciation: enpitsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: office , art   
translation: (lead) pencil
鉛筆の芯: enpitsunoshin: lead of a pencil <<<
鉛筆で書く: enpitsudekaku: write with pencil <<<
鉛筆を削る: enpitsuokezuru: sharpen a pencil <<<
鉛筆削り: enpitsukezuri: pencil sharpener
鉛筆入れ: enpitsuire: pencil case <<<
鉛筆画: enpitsuga: pencil sketch <<<
赤鉛筆: akaenpitsu: red pencil <<<
青鉛筆: aoenpitsu: blue pencil <<<
色鉛筆: iroenpitsu: colored pencil

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