Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'o?}c?}u'

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category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: bird    nb of strokes: 16
translation: (wild) duck, drake
鴨: kamo: wild duck, drake, dupe (n., jp.), one's (easy) mark, pigeon
鴨の子: kamonoko: duckling <<<
鴨にする: kamonisuru: dupe (v., jp.), deceive, fool
鴨にされる: kamonisareru: be taken in [be fooled] (by)
鴨が葱を背負って来る: kamoganegioshottekuru: a naive person easy to deceive

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: house , clothes    nb of strokes: 18
translation: wadded [padded] garment [ jacket]
襖: wataire: wadded [padded] garment [ jacket]
襖: husuma: sliding door [screen] (jp.)

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: bird    nb of strokes: 24
translation: hawk, falcon
鷹: taka: hawk, pers.
check also

category: JIS2   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: twisted, distorted, crooked, perverse, peevish, sulky, cynic
ou, you
拗ける: nejikeru: be twisted, be distorted, grow crooked, become perverse
拗けた: nejiketa: distorted, crooked, cross-grained, perverse
拗ねる: suneru: be peevish, be sulky, sulk, be cynic
拗せる: kojiraseru: aggravate
拗れる: kojireru: be twisted, go wrong, turn sulky, grow worse, get complicated [entangled]

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: health    nb of strokes: 14
translation: sing, vomit, bring [throw] up, nausea
嘔う: utau: sing <<<
嘔く: haku: vomit, bring [throw] up <<<
嘔つく: mukatsuku: feel sick
嘔つき: mukatsuki: nausea

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: utensil    nb of strokes: 18
translation: pot, jar, jug, vase
甕: kame: pot, jar, jug, vase <<<
甕: mika: a big jar for alcohol

category: JIS2   other spells: 鴬   radicals:    keyword: bird    nb of strokes: 21
translation: bush warbler, Japanese nightingale
鶯: uguisu
check also ナイチンゲール

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