Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'so'

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Direct access: , 危険 , 救助 , 遭難 , 難破 , 屡々 , 内外 , 以下 , 今更 , 所謂

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: jaw of an animal (orig.), northern barbarian (bor.), all the more so, what
ko, go, u
胡: nanzo: all the more so <<<
胡: ebisu: northern barbarian
Kanji words: 胡獱 , 胡瓜 , 胡坐 , 胡麻 , 胡椒 , 胡桃 , 胡散


pronunciation: kiken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: security   
translation: danger, risk (n.), peril
危険な: kikennna: dangerous, risky, perilous
危険を冒す: kikennookasu: risk (v.), venture <<<
危険に曝す: kikennnisarasu: endanger, jeopardize <<<
危険を避ける: kikennosakeru: avoid danger <<<
危険を防ぐ: kikennohusegu <<<
危険に陥る: kikennniochiiru: get into danger <<<
危険物: kikenbutsu: dangerous article <<<
危険地帯: kikenchitai: danger zone <<< 地帯
危険区域: kikenkuiki <<< 区域
危険人物: kikenjinbutsu: dangerous character <<< 人物
危険思想: kikenshisou: dangerous thoughts <<< 思想
危険信号: kikenshingou: SOS***** <<< 信号
危険手当: kikenteate: danger allowance <<< 手当
check also 脅威 , リスク


pronunciation: kyuujo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: rescue (n.), relief, aid, help
救助する: kyuujosuru: rescue (v.), relieve, aid, help
救助を求める: kyuujoomotomeru: ask [request] for help <<<
救助隊: kyuujotai: rescue party <<<
救助船: kyuujosen: lifeboat <<<
救助信号: kyuujoshingou: SOS***** <<< 信号
救助作業: kyuujosagyou: rescue operation <<< 作業
救助梯子: kyuujobashigo: escape [emergency] ladder <<< 梯子
check also 救援 , レスキュー


pronunciation: sounan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: ship   
translation: (unfortunate) accident, disaster, shipwreck
遭難する: sounansuru: have [meet with] an accident [a mishap, a disaster], be wrecked, be in distress
遭難者: sounansha: victim, sufferer, survivor <<<
遭難船: sounansen: vessel in distress, wrecked ship <<<
遭難地: sounanchi: place [scene] of a disaster <<<
遭難信号: sounanshingou: signal of distress, SOS***** <<< 信号


pronunciation: nanpa   kanji characters: ,    keyword: ship , disaster   
translation: shipwreck
難破する: nanpasuru: be wrecked, be shipwreck
難破船: nanpasen: wrecked ship <<<
難破信号: nanpashingou: signal of distress, SOS***** <<< 信号
synonyms: 遭難


pronunciation: shibashiba   other spells: 屡屡   keyword: time   
translation: often, frequently, repeatedly, again and again, every so often
synonyms: 度々


pronunciation: naigai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: position   
translation: inside and outside, about, some, or so, or thereabouts, around
内外の: naigaino: internal and external, home and foreign
内外の情勢: naigainojousei: internal and external state of affairs <<< 情勢
内外に: naigaini: within and without, inside and outside, at home and abroad


pronunciation: ika   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: below, under, less than, beneath, the following, as follows
以下の如し: ikanogotoshi: as mentioned below, as following, as follows <<<
以下の様に: ikanoyouni <<<
以下同様: ikadouyou: and so forth <<< 同様
以下次号: ikajigou: To be continued
以下省略: ikashouryaku: The rest is omitted <<< 省略
check also 以上


pronunciation: imasara   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: now, after so long a time, when it is too late
今更仕方が無い: imasarashikataganai: It can't be helped now
今更仕様が無い: imasarashiyouganai, imasarashouganai
今更出来ない: imasaradekinai <<< 出来


pronunciation: iwayuru   kanji characters: ,   
translation: what is called, what you (we, they) call, so-called

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