Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'market'

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Direct access: 国内 , 穀物 , 先物 , 証券 , 地合 , 時価 , 自由 , 相場 , 中央 , 築地


pronunciation: kokunai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: economy , travel   
translation: inland (n.), home
国内の: kokunaino: domestic, internal, inland (a.)
国内線: kokunaisen: domestic airlines <<<
国内生産: kokunaiseisan: home manufacture <<< 生産
国内市場: kokunaishijou: home market <<< 市場
国内消費: kokunaishouhi: home consumption <<< 消費
国内需要: kokunaijuyou: domestic needs <<< 需要
国内放送: kokunaihousou: domestic broadcasting <<< 放送
国内旅行: kokunairyokou: inland travel <<< 旅行
国内事情: kokunaijijou: domestic (internal) affairs <<< 事情
国内景気: kokunaikeiki: domestic economic activity <<< 景気
check also 国際 , 国外


pronunciation: kokumotsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: cereal   
translation: grain, corn, cereals
穀物倉: kokumotsugura: loft, granary, grain elevator <<<
穀物市場: kokumotsushijou: grain market, corn market <<< 市場
穀物取引: kokumotsutorihiki: cereal trade <<< 取引
synonyms: 穀類


pronunciation: sakimono   kanji characters: ,    keyword: market   
translation: futures
先物取引: sakimonotorihiki: futures, forward bargain <<< 取引
先物市場: sakimonoshijou: futures market <<< 市場
先物契約: sakimonokeiyaku: futures contract <<< 契約
先物相場: sakimonosouba: futures quotation <<< 相場


pronunciation: shouken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: market   
translation: bond, securities, certificate
証券化: shoukenka: securitization <<<
証券業: shoukengyou: security business <<<
証券業者: shoukengyousha: securities broker, stock dealer <<< 業者
証券ディーラー: shoukendiiraa
証券市場: shoukenshijou: security market <<< 市場
証券取引: shoukentorihiki: dealing in stocks, stock-broking <<< 取引
証券取引所: shoukentorihikijo: stock exchange <<<
証券会社: shoukengaisha: security company <<< 会社
証券アナリスト: shoukennanarisuto: securities analyst


pronunciation: jiai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: market   
translation: texture, market condition
地合が良い: jiaigaii: It is of fine texture, The market is in a good condition <<<
地合が悪い: jiaigawarui: It is of coarse texture, The market is in a bad condition <<<


pronunciation: jika   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: current price, quotations (for)
時価に見積もって: jikanimitsumotte: (estimated) in current prices <<< 見積
時価総額: jikasougaku: market capitalization, aggregate market value <<< 総額


pronunciation: jiyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , society   
translation: freedom, liberty, disposal
自由な: jiyuuna: free, unrestricted, independent, liberal
自由に: jiyuuni: freely, unrestrictedly, as one's pleases [lines], at will, without restraint [reserve], with ease
自由にする: jiyuunisuru: free (v.), release (v.), liberate
自由港: jiyuukou: free port <<<
自由業: jiyuugyou: liberal profession <<<
自由型: jiyuugata: free style (swimming) <<<
自由化: jiyuuka: liberation (of trade), liberalization <<<
自由の女神: jiyuunomegami: Statue of Liberty <<< 女神
自由市民: jiyuushimin: free citizen <<< 市民
自由都市: jiyuutoshi: free city <<< 都市
自由主義: jiyuushugi: liberalism <<< 主義
自由貿易: jiyuuboueki: free trade <<< 貿易
自由投票: jiyuutouhyou: free vote <<< 投票
自由落下: jiyuurakka: free fall <<< 落下
自由市場: jiyuushijou: free [open] market <<< 市場
synonyms: フリー


pronunciation: souba   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance , economy   
translation: market price, quotation, speculation, estimation
相場が上がる: soubagaagaru: rise in price <<<
相場が下がる: soubagasagaru: fall in price <<<
相場で儲ける: soubademoukeru: make money by speculation <<<
相場師: soubashi: speculator, stockjobber <<<
相場表: soubahyou: list of quotations <<<
相場変動: soubahendou: price fluctuation, fluctuation of a market price <<< 変動
買い相場: kaisouba: buying rate <<<
売り相場: urisouba: selling rate <<<


pronunciation: chuuou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: center, middle
中央の: chuuouno: central, mid
中央に集める: chuuouniatsumeru: centralize, concentrate <<<
中央線: chuuousen: central line, Chuo Line (railway which links Tokyo with Takao) <<<
中央本線: chuuouhonsen: Chuo Main Line (railway which links Tokyo with Nagoya) <<< 本線 , 東京 , 名古屋
中央駅: chuuoueki: central station <<<
中央区: chuuouku: Borough of Chuo (in Tokyo) <<<
中央政府: chuuouseihu: central government <<< 政府
中央銀行: chuuouginkou: central bank <<< 銀行
中央集権: chuuoushuuken: centralization, centralized government
中央市場: chuuoushijou: central market <<< 市場
中央大学: chuuoudaigaku: Chuo University <<< 大学
中央アメリカ: chuuouamerika: Central America
中央アジア: chuuouajia: Central Asia
中央アフリカ: chuuouahurika: Central Africa
check also 中心 , 中部 , 真中 , センター


pronunciation: tsukiji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: japan   
translation: Tsukiji (a district of Chuo Ward, Tokyo)
築地市場: tsukijishijou, tsukijiichiba: Tsukiji Market <<< 市場
築地本願寺: tsukijihonganji: Tsukiji-Honganji Temple
check also Tsukiji_market

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