Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 議長 , 逆上 , 逆転 , 議論 , 空爆 , 空腹 , 口調 , 係争 , 系統 , 痙攣


pronunciation: gichou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: chairman, president, speaker
議長の: gichouno: presidential, of chairman
議長を選ぶ: gichouoerabu: elect a chairman
議長に選ぶ: gichounierabu: elect a person as chairman
議長に選ばれる: gichounierabareru: be elected as chairman*****
議長を務める: gichouotsutomeru: preside over [act as chairman in] (a conference) <<<
議長に成る: gichouninaru: assume the chairmanship (of) <<<
議長職: gichoushoku: chairmanship, presidency <<<
議長選挙: gichousenkyo: election of a chairman
check also ,


pronunciation: gyakujou   kanji characters:   
translation: exasperation, fit of anger
逆上する: gyakujousuru: lose one's head, be beside oneself (with rage)*****
逆上させる: gyakujousaseru: provoke [arouse] anger


pronunciation: gyakuten   keyword: sport , mechanics   
translation: inversion, reversal
逆転する: gyakutensuru: turn, be reversed*****
逆転させる: gyakutensaseru: reverse
逆転層: gyakutensou: atmospheric inversion <<<


pronunciation: giron   kanji characters: ,   
translation: argument, discussion, debate (n.), dispute, controversy
議論する: gironsuru: argue (with a person about a matter), discuss (a matter), debate (on), dispute (about, on), contend (about)
議論好きな: gironzukina: argumentative, disputatious
議論に勝つ: gironnnikatsu: have [get] the best of an argument, outargue (a person)
議論に負ける: gironnnimakeru: be defeated in argument, have [get] the worst of an argument*****
議論の余地が無い: gironnnoyochiganai: It admits of no discussion, It is beyond dispute [question]
check also


pronunciation: kuubaku   kanji characters:    keyword: war   
translation: aerial bombing, air raid
空爆する: kuubakusuru: bombard, bomb (v.)
空爆を受ける: kuubakuoukeru: be bombed, suffer air raids*****
check also 爆撃


pronunciation: kuuhuku   keyword: food   
translation: empty stomach, hunger
空腹な: kuuhukuna: hungry
空腹を感じる: kuuhukuokanjiru: feel hungry <<<
空腹に成る: kuuhukuninaru: be hungry***** <<<
空腹を満たす: kuuhukuomitasu: satisfy one's hunger <<<
空腹を凌ぐ: kuuhukuoshinogu: stave off hunger <<<
空腹に耐える: kuuhukunitaeru <<<
空腹を訴える: kuuhukuouttaeru: complain of hunger <<<


pronunciation: kuchou   kanji characters: , 調   
translation: tone, intonation
口調が悪い: kuchougawarui: lack euphony, be discordant*****
口調の良い: kuchounoii: euphonious, rhythmic, musical


pronunciation: keisou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: dispute, contention
係争中: keisouchuu: be at issue [in dispute], be pending in court***** <<<
係争中の: keisouchuuno: contentious
係争点: keisouten: point at issue, disputed point
係争問題: keisoumondai: question at issue


pronunciation: keitou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: biology , history , family   
translation: system, organism, family tree, genealogy, lineage, party, group
系統的: keitouteki: systematic, organic, methodic <<<
系統を引く: keitouohiku: be descended from, be inherited*****
系統を立てる: keitouotateru: systemize
系統を辿る: keitouotadoru: go back to the source <<< 辿
系統発生: keitouhassei: phylogeny
check also 系図 ,


pronunciation: keiren   keyword: medicine   
translation: convulsion, spasm, cramp, tic
痙攣の: keirennno: convulsive, spasmodic
痙攣性: keirensei
痙攣する: keirensuru: be convulsed [cramped]*****
痙攣を起こす: keirennookosu: have a convulsive fit, have a cramp <<<
胃痙攣: ikeiren: stomach cramp <<<

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