Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'to'

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Direct access: 起源 , 帰国 , 既製 , 起訴 , 規則 , 期待 , 寄託 , 軌道 , 帰任 , 希望


pronunciation: kigen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: history   
translation: origin, derivation, birth, beginning
起源する: kigensuru: originate, derive, be born from
起源を尋ねる: kigennotazuneru: trace to its origin <<<
起源に遡る: kigennnisakanoboru <<<
種の起源: shunokigen: The Origin of Species (by Charles Darwin, 1859) <<<
synonyms: 由来 , ルーツ


pronunciation: kikoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel   
translation: homecoming
帰国する: kikokusuru: go home, return to one's country
帰国者: kikokusha: home-comer, repatriated, returnee <<<


pronunciation: kisei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: clothes   
translation: confection, tailoring, dressmaking
既製の: kiseino: ready-made
既製品: kiseihin: ready-made article, goods in stock <<<
既製服: kiseihuku: ready-made suit, ready-to-wear
check also 既成


pronunciation: kiso   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: prosecution, indictment, litigation
起訴する: kisosuru: prosecute [indict] (a person for a crime), charge (a person with a crime), bring an action [a suit] (against), go to law (with)
起訴中: kisochuu: under indictment (for) <<<
起訴状: kisojou: indictment, information <<<
起訴事実: kisojijitsu: indicted facts
起訴理由: kisoriyuu: charge <<< 理由
起訴猶予: kisoyuuyo: suspension of indictment
不起訴: hukiso: nonprosecution <<<
不起訴にする: hukisonisuru: drop a case
不起訴処分とする: hukisoshobuntosuru <<< 処分
check also 訴訟


pronunciation: kisoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law , grammar   
translation: rule, regulation
規則に従う: kisokunishitagau: follow [conform to] the rule <<<
規則を守る: kisokuomamoru: observe the rule <<<
規則を立てる: kisokuotateru: establish [frame, make, state] a rule
規則を破る: kisokuoyaburu: break [violate] the rule <<<
規則的: kisokuteki: systematic, orderly, punctual <<<
規則的に: kisokutekini: regularly, in a regular manner, systematically, methodically, punctually
規則通りに: kisokudoorini: according to the rule, by rule
規則に反する: kisokunikisokunihansuru: illegal, transgressive <<<
規則書: kisokusho: prospectus, regulations <<<
規則違反: kisokuihan: infraction, malpractice <<< 違反
規則違反を犯す: kisokuihannookasu: commit an infraction [an infringement] <<<
規則動詞: kisokudoushi: regular verb <<< 動詞
不規則: hukisoku: irregularity <<<
不規則な: hukisokuna: irregular, unsystematic, abnormal, anomalous
不規則動詞: hukisokudoushi: irregular verb [conjugation] <<< 動詞
check also 規定 , ルール


pronunciation: kitai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: hope (n.), expectations, anticipation
期待する: kitaisuru: hope (v.), expect
期待して: kitaishite: in hopes of, in the hope that
期待通り: kitaidoori: as expected
期待に添う: kitainisou: meet one's expectations <<<
期待に反して: kitainihanshite: contrary to one's expectations <<<
期待外れ: kitaihazure: disappointing <<<
期待を抱く: kitaioidaku: nourish [harbor, foster, cherish] a hope <<<
期待を抱かせる: kitaioidakaseru: promise to one
期待を掛ける: kitaiokakeru: hope much (from a person) <<<
期待を裏切る: kitaiouragiru: be not up to a person's expectation <<< 裏切
check also 希望 , 見込


pronunciation: kitaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: deposition
寄託する: kitakusuru: deposit (a thing with a person), entrust (a person with a thing), commit (a thing) to the care (of)
寄託者: kitakusha: depositor, truster <<<
寄託物: kitakubutsu: deposit (n.) <<<
寄託金: kitakukin: deposit money <<<
寄託証書: kitakushousho: deposit certificate <<< 証書
check also 委託


pronunciation: kidou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: astronomy , train   
translation: orbit, track, path
軌道の: kidouno: orbital
軌道に乗る: kidouninoru: get on the right track, maker steady headway, arrive to the right orbit <<<
軌道に乗せる: kidouninoseru: set in the right direction, put [launch] into orbit, orbit (v.)
軌道を逸する: kidouoissuru: get away from the right orbit [track] <<<
軌道を外れる: kidouohazureru <<<
軌道を敷く: kidouoshiku: lay tracks, build railroads <<<
軌道面: kidoumen: plane of the orbit <<<
軌道修正: kidoushuusei: course correction
軌道飛行: kidouhikou: orbital flight
check also 線路


pronunciation: kinin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: return to one's post
帰任する: kininsuru


pronunciation: kibou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: wish (n.), hope, desire, aspiration, expectation, prospect, request, demand
希望する: kibousuru: wish (v.), hope, desire, aspire, expect, request
希望により: kibouniyori: according to one's wishes
希望通り: kiboudoori: as one wishes
希望に反して: kibounihanshite: against [contrary to] one's wishes <<<
希望に生きる: kibouniikiru: live in hope <<<
希望に満ちる: kibounimichiru: hopeful, full of hope <<<
希望の無い: kibounonai: hopeless <<< , 絶望
希望に添う: kibounisou: meet a person's wishes <<<
希望を満たす: kibouomitasu <<<
希望を失う: kibououshinau: be driven to despair, abandon oneself to despair, yield to despair, lose hope <<<
希望を持つ: kibouomotsu: cherish [fuel] hopes, hold out hope <<<
希望者: kibousha: person who wishes, applicant, candidate <<<
希望条件: kiboujouken: terms desired
希望退職: kiboutaishoku: voluntary retirement
希望的観測: kiboutekikansoku: one's wishful thinking
check also 願望 , 期待

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