Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'to'

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Direct access: 甲板 , 外出 , 該当 , 餓死 , 学界 , 学校 , 我慢 , 気合 , 記憶 , 帰京


pronunciation: kanpan, kouhan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: ship   
translation: deck
甲板渡し: kanpanwatashi: free on board <<<
甲板に出る: kanpannnideru: go out to deck
甲板長: kanpanchou: boatswain, bosun <<<
甲板船客: kanpansenkyaku: deck passenger
甲板積荷: kanpantsumini: deck cargo
上甲板: joukanpan: upper deck <<<
中甲板: chuukanpan: middle deck <<<
下甲板: gekanpan: lower deck <<<
前甲板: zenkanpan: forecastle deck <<<
後甲板: koukanpan: quarter deck <<<
check also デッキ


pronunciation: gaishutsu   kanji characters:   
translation: going out
外出する: gaishutsusuru: go out
外出しない: gaishutsushinai: stay at home, remain [keep] in doors
外出着: gaishutsugi: street wear <<<
外出中: gaishutsuchuu: be out [absent] <<<
外出中に: gaishutsuchuuni: while one is out, in one's absence
外出時: gaishutsuji: outgoing time <<<
外出時間: gaishutsujikan <<<
外出日: gaishutsubi: outgoing day <<<
外出禁止: gaishutsukinshi: curfew <<< 禁止
外出許可: gaishutsyoka: permission to go out <<< 許可
外出証: gaishutsushou: vacation form [certificate] <<<


pronunciation: gaitou   kanji characters:    keyword: law   
translation: application, correspondence
該当する: gaitousuru: fall [come] under, be applicable to, correspond to
該当事項: gaitoujikou: pertinent data, concerning article
該当条項: gaitoujoukou
check also 相当 , 適用 , 関係


pronunciation: gashi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: death from starvation [hunger]
餓死する: gashisuru: starve [be starved] to death, die of hunger


pronunciation: gakkai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: science   
translation: academic circles, learned world, academia
学界に貢献する: gakkainikoukensuru: contribute to the progress of science <<< 貢献
check also 学会


pronunciation: gakkou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: school, college, educational institution
学校へ行く: gakkoueiku: attend [go to] school <<<
学校へ上げる: gakkoueageru: send (a child) to school <<<
学校を休む: gakkouoyasumu: stay away [be absent] from school <<<
学校を出る: gakkouoderu: leave school, graduate from college
学校を辞める: gakkouoyameru: give up school, drop out of school <<<
学校医: gakkoui: school doctor [physician] <<<
学校友達: gakkoutomodachi: schoolmate <<< 友達
学校給食: gakkoukyuushoku: school lunch <<< 給食
学校新聞: gakkoushinbun: school paper
学校時代: gakkoujidai: one's school days
学校生活: gakkouseikatsu: one's school life <<< 生活
学校用品: gakkouyouhin: school things <<< 用品
学校教育: gakkoukyouiku: school education, schooling <<< 教育
学校制度: gakkouseido: school system <<< 制度
女学校: jogakkou: girls' school <<<
synonyms: 学園 , 学院


pronunciation: gaman   kanji characters: ,   
translation: patience, perseverance, tolerance
我慢する: gamansuru: bear, endure, stand, forbear, put up with, tolerate
我慢強い: gamanZuyoi: patient, persevering <<<
我慢強く: gamanZuyoku: patiently
我慢出来る: gamandekiru: bearable, tolerable <<< 出来
我慢出来ない: gamandekinai: unbearable, intolerable
痩せ我慢: yasegaman: strained endurance, sham courage <<<
痩せ我慢する: yasegamansuru: try to endure beyond one's strength, bear out of pride, endure for the sake of bride
check also 堪忍


pronunciation: kiai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: shout, yell, cry
気合が籠る: kiaigakomoru: have much fighting spirit, have enough drive (to do) <<<
気合を掛ける: kiaiokakeru: shout at, urge a person to get a start [move] on his work <<<
気合を入れる: kiaioireru <<<
気合に欠ける: kiainikakeru: miss heat <<<
気合が足りない: kiaigatarinai <<<
気合負けする: kiaimakesuru: feel intimidated <<<
check also 気迫


pronunciation: kioku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: computer , medicine   
translation: memory, remembrance, recollection, record
記憶する: kiokusuru: remember, keep in mind, memorize, learn by heart
記憶すべき: kiokusubeki: memorable, noteworthy
記憶が良い: kiokugaii: have a good [strong] memory <<<
記憶が悪い: kiokugawarui: have a bad [poor] memory <<<
記憶を失う: kiokuoushinau: lose memory <<<
記憶が無い: kiokuganai: cannot remember <<<
記憶を辿る: kiokuotadoru: try to recall <<< 辿
記憶力: kiokuryoku: retentive faculty <<<
記憶術: kiokujutsu: mnemonics <<<
記憶喪失: kiokusoushitsu: amnesia, loss of memory <<< 喪失
記憶喪失の: kiokusoushitsuno: amnesic
記憶障害: kiokushougai: disturbance of memory
記憶装置: kiokusouchi: computer memory
記憶効果: kiokukouka: memory effect <<< 効果
記憶容量: kiokuyouryou: memory [storage] capacity <<< 容量
check also メモリー , 思い出


pronunciation: kikyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel   
translation: returning to Tokyo, returning to the capital
帰京する: kikyousuru: return to Tokyo, return to the capital
check also 帰省

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