Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'as'

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Direct access: 仲人 , 任意 , 年貢 , 念仏 , 狼煙 , 廃人 , 反動 , 場合 , 媒介 , 必然


pronunciation: nakoudo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: go-between, matchmaker
仲人をする: nakoudoosuru: act as go-between [matchmaker]
仲人口を利く: nakoudoguchiokiku: say all sorts of nice things (about a person)
check also 世話


pronunciation: ninni   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: voluntariness
任意の: ninnino: voluntary, optional, free
任意の場所: ninninobasho: any place <<< 場所
任意の自白: ninninojihaku: voluntary confession <<< 自白
任意に: ninnini: at will, of one's own free will, as one pleases
任意出頭: ninnishuttou: voluntary reporting (to the police) <<< 出頭
任意調停: ninnichoutei: voluntary arbitration [meditation] <<< 調停
任意清算: ninniseisan: voluntary liquidation <<< 清算


pronunciation: nengu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: history   
translation: land tax (in kind)
年貢を納める: nenguoosameru: pay land tax <<<
年貢の納め時: nengunoosamedoki: time to pay debt
年貢を取立てる: nenguotoritateru: collect land tax
年貢米: nengumai: rice paid as land tax <<<


pronunciation: nenbutsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: Buddhist prayer
念仏を唱える: nenbutsuotonaeru: chant a prayer (to the Buddha) <<<
馬に念仏: umaninenbutsu: A nod is as good as a wink (to a blind man), my advice fell like water off a duck's back, cast [throw] pearls before swine <<<


pronunciation: noroshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: communication   
translation: signal fire, rocket, beacon
狼煙を上げる: noroshioageru: fire a rocket as signal, fire a signal fire <<<


pronunciation: haijin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: crippled [disabled] person, invalid
廃人同様に成る: haijindouyouninaru: become as good as the living dead
check also 病人


pronunciation: handou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , economy   
translation: reaction
反動で: handoude: as a reaction
反動する: handousuru
反動的な: handoutekina: reactionary (a.) <<<
反動高: handoudaka: rise by reaction <<<
反動安: handouyasu: fall by reaction <<<
反動思想: handoushisou: reactionary idea <<< 思想
反動主義: handoushugi: reaction, reactionary doctrine (principle) <<< 主義
反動主義者: handoushugisha: reactionary (n.), reactionist <<<
check also 反発


pronunciation: baai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: occasion, time, circumstances, case
の場合には: nobaainiha: in case of, in the event of, on the occasion of
場合に拠っては: baainiyotteha: under certain circumstances, as the case may be <<<
場合に拠り: baainiyori
場合に拠る: baainiyoru: That depends upon circumstances, It all depends
場合に応じて: baainioujite: as the case may be <<<


pronunciation: baikai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine , society   
translation: mediation, intermediation, good offices
媒介する: baikaisuru: mediate (between), act as (a), go-between
媒介者: baikaisha: mediator, middleman, agent <<<
媒介物: baikaibutsu: medium <<<
synonyms: 仲介 , 斡旋


pronunciation: hitsuzen   kanji characters: ,   
translation: necessity, inevitability
必然性: hitsuzensei <<<
必然の: hitsuzenseino: necessary, inevitable
必然的に: hitsuzentekini: necessarily, inevitably, naturally, as a matter of course <<<

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