Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'as'

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Direct access: 通例 , 都度 , 出来 , 弟子 , 電光 , 統一 , 途端 , 同情 , 道楽 , 仲立


pronunciation: tsuurei   kanji characters: ,   
translation: custom, habitude, usually, customarily, commonly, ordinarily, generally, as a rule
通例は: tsuureiwa: usually, customarily, commonly, ordinarily, generally
通例の: tsuureino: usual, customary, common, ordinary, general
synonyms: 通常


pronunciation: tsudo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: every [each] time, as often as, whenever
其の都度: sonotsudo: on all such occasions, each time <<<
check also 毎回


pronunciation: deki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education , farming   
translation: result, effect, crop, harvest, yield, make
出来る: dekiru: can, be able to, be capable of, be done, be ready, yield, feasible
出来るだけ: dekirudake: as possible
出来るだけ早く: dekirudakehayaku: as soon [quickly] as possible <<<
出来ない: dekinai: cannot, be unable to
出来が良い: dekigaii: be of good workmanship, cropped well, be of fine make <<<
出来が悪い: kigawarui: be of bad workmanship, cropped bad, be of poor make <<<
出来上がる: dekiagaru: be finished, completed <<<
出来栄え: dekibae: result, performance <<<
出来事: dekigoto: occurrence, event, incident <<<
出来物: dekimono: tumor, sore, abscess <<<
出来心: dekigokoro: sudden impulse <<<
出来高: dekidaka: yield, out put, production, total transaction <<<
不出来: hudeki: bad result, failure <<<
上出来: joudeki: good success <<<
check also 結果


pronunciation: deshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education , religion , sport   
translation: disciple, follower, pupil
弟子にする: deshinisuru: take a person as one's pupil
弟子を取る: deshiotoru: take pupils <<<
弟子入りする: deshiirisuru: become a person's pupil, be apprenticed <<<
兄弟子: anideshi: older disciple <<<


pronunciation: denkou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: electricity   
translation: electric light, flash of lightning
電光形: denkoukeini: zigzag (n.) <<<
電光形に: denkoukeini: zigzag (adv.), zigzagways
電光石火の如く: denkousekkanogotoku: like [as quick as] lightning
電光掲示板: denkoukeijiban: electric bulletin board
電光ニュース: denkounyuusu: illuminated ribbon of news, electric news sign
check also 稲妻


pronunciation: touitsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: industry , politics   
translation: unification, unity, integration, standardization
統一する: touitsusuru: unify, integrate
統一の有る: touitsunoaru: united, uniform <<<
統一の無い: touitsunonai: disunited, divided, non-uniform <<<
統一を欠く: touitsuokaku: lack unity, be not consistent as a whole <<<
統一見解: touitsukenkai: consensus <<< 見解
統一規格: touitsukikaku: (unified) standard, norm <<< 規格
統一価格: touitsukakaku: flat price, standard price <<< 価格
統一行動: touitsukoudou: united action [operation] <<< 行動
統一戦線: touitsusensen: united front <<< 戦線
統一教会: touitsukyoukai: Unification Church <<< 教会
再統一: saitouitsu: reunification <<<
check also 統合


pronunciation: totan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: just as, at the moment, no sooner than
途端に: totannni
check also


pronunciation: doujou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: sympathy, pity (n.), compassion
同情する: doujousuru: sympathize, feel sympathy, pity (v.)
同情して: doujoushite: sympathetically, out of sympathy (with, for), solicitously, commiseratively
同情すべき: doujousubeki: pitiable, pitiful
同情の無い: doujounonai: unsympathetic, unfeeling, coldhearted, pitiless <<<
同情の印として: doujounoshirushitoshite: as a mark of sympathy <<<
同情を表す: doujouoarawasu: express [show] one's sympathy <<<
同情を訴える: doujououttaeru: appeal to a person's sympathy <<<
同情的: doujouteki: sympathetic, pitiful <<<
同情者: doujousha: sympathizer <<<
同情スト: doujousuto: sympathy [sympathetic] strike
check also 思い遣


pronunciation: douraku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: amusement   
translation: dissipation, debauchery, hobby, amusement
道楽する: dourakusuru: lead a loose [dissipated] life, sow one's wild oats
道楽に: dourakuni: for pleasure, as a hobby
道楽者: dourakumono: prodigal, libertine, man of pleasure <<<
道楽息子: dourakumusuko: prodigal son <<< 息子
食道楽: shokudouraku: gastronomy <<<
食道楽の: shokudourakuno: gastronomic
synonyms: 趣味


pronunciation: nakadachi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: intermediation, intermediary, go-between, middleman, broker, matchmaking
の仲立で: nonakadachide: through good offices of
仲立する: nakadachisuru: mediate (between), act as go-between
仲立人: nakadachinin: intermediary, go-between, middleman, broker <<<
synonyms: 仲介

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