Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'in'

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Direct access: 掛持 , 過去 , 仮死 , 柏餅 , 風邪 , 仮装 , 括弧 , 河童 , 活動 , 家庭


pronunciation: kakemochi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 掛け持   keyword: job   
translation: additional post [office]
掛持する: kakemochisuru: work [do business] in two or more places, hold two or more posts concurrently


pronunciation: kako   kanji characters:    keyword: calendar , grammar   
translation: past (n.), preterite
過去の: kakono: past (a.), bygone
過去に: kakoni: in the past
過去の人: kakonohito: has-been <<<
過去を懐しむ: kakoonatsukashimu: yearn for the past
過去形: kakokei: past tense <<<
過去分詞: kakobunshi: past participle
過去完了: kakokanryou: past perfect tense <<< 完了
大過去: daikako: pluperfect tense <<<
半過去: hankako: imperfect tense <<<
check also , 現在 , 未来


pronunciation: kashi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: apparent death
仮死状態: kashijoutai: asphyxia, syncope
仮死状態に在る: kashijoutainiaru: be in a syncopic state


pronunciation: kashiwamochi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: カシワモチ   keyword: confectionery   
translation: a rice cake wrapped in an oak leaf, kashiwamochi


pronunciation: kaze   keyword: disease   
translation: cold, chill, influenza
風邪を引く: kazeohiku: catch cold <<<
風邪を引いている: kazeohiiteiru: have a cold
風邪を引き易い: kazeohikiyasui: catch a cold easily <<<
風邪が治らない: kazeganaoranai: cannot get away from the cold <<<
風邪を移す: kazeoutsusu: infect a person with a cold <<<
風邪が流行る: kazegahayaru: Flu is raging
風邪気味である: kazegimidearu: have a slight cold
風邪薬: kazegusuri: antiflu drug <<<
酷い風邪: hidoikaze: serious cold <<<
軽い風邪: karuikaze: slight cold <<<
鼻風邪: hanakaze: cold in the nose
check also 感冒 , インフルエンザ


pronunciation: kasou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: amusement   
translation: disguise (n.)
仮装する: kasousuru: disguise (v.)
仮装して: kasoushite: in disguise
仮装会: kasoukai: masquerade <<<
仮装服: kasouhuku: fancy dress <<<
仮装行列: kasougyouretsu: costume parade
仮装舞踏会: kasoubutoukai: fancy dress ball, masked ball, masquerade
仮装巡洋艦: kasoujunnyoukan: auxiliary cruiser


pronunciation: kakko   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar , science   
translation: parenthesis
括弧の: kakkono: parenthetic
括弧に入れる: kakkoniireru: put in brackets, parenthesize <<<
括弧で囲む: kakkodekakomu <<<
括弧で括る: kakkodekukuru <<<
括弧を開く: kakkoohiraku: open the parentheses <<<
括弧を閉じる: kakkootojiru: close the parentheses <<<
丸括弧: marukakko: (round) bracket <<<
鉤括弧: kagikakko: (square) bracket <<<
中括弧: chuukakko: brace <<<
check also ブラケット


pronunciation: kappa   kanji characters: ,    other spells: カッパ   keyword: legend   
translation: kappa (a Japanese legendary aquatic animal)
河童巻: kappamaki: seasoned rice and sliced cucumber rolled in laver <<<
屁の河童: henokappa: dead easy, easy-peasy, very easy
御河童: okappa: bowl cut <<<
御河童頭: okappaatama <<<
check also Kappa


pronunciation: katsudou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: action, activity, function (n.), operation
活動する: katsudousuru: be active, show activity, function (v.), operate
活動的: katsudouteki: active, energetic <<<
活動中: katsudouchuu: in activity [action] <<<
活動家: katsudouka: man of action, militant, activist <<<
活動力: katsudouryoku: activity, energy <<<
活動範囲: katsudouhanni: scope of activity <<< 範囲
活動分野: katsudoubunnya <<< 分野
活動方針: katsudouhoushin: policy of action <<< 方針
check also 活躍


pronunciation: katei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family , house   
translation: family (n.), home, household
家庭の: kateino: family (a.), home, household, domestic, homely
家庭的: kateiteki: homely <<<
家庭で: kateide: at home, in the home
家庭向きの: kateimukino: for domestic use <<<
家庭を持つ: kateiomotsu: make a home <<<
家庭科: kateika: homemaking course <<<
家庭着: kateigi: home dress <<<
家庭欄: kateiran: domestic column <<<
家庭医: kateii: family doctor <<<
家庭教師: kateikyoushi: private teacher
家庭教育: kateikyouiku: home education [discipline]
家庭用品: kateiyouhin: domestic articles
家庭料理: kateiryouri: home cooking
家庭裁判所: kateisaibansho: court of family affairs
家庭内暴力: kateinaibouryoku: domestic violence
check also ホーム ,

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