Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 覚悟 , 確信 , 家計 , 可決 , 火災 , 仮死 , 過信 , 華族 , 肩幅 , 活動


pronunciation: kakugo   kanji characters:   
translation: preparedness, resolution, resignation
覚悟する: kakugosuru: be prepared [ready] (for), be resolved (to do), be resigned*****
覚悟を決める: kakugookimeru
死を覚悟する: shiokakugosuru: resign oneself to dying <<<
覚悟の上だ: kakugonoueda: I have expected as much, I am prepared for it <<<
覚悟の自殺: kakugonojisatsu: premeditated suicide
check also 決心


pronunciation: kakushin   kanji characters:   
translation: conviction, assurance, trust, confidence
確信する: kakushinsuru: be convinced [confident]*****
確信して: kakushinshite: with confidence, in the firm belief that
確信を持って: kakushinnomotte <<<
確信させる: kakushinsaseru: carry conviction
確信を与える: kakushinnoataeru <<<


pronunciation: kakei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: housekeeping, household [domestic] economy
家計を立てる: kakeiotateru: make [earn] one's livelihood
家計が豊か: kakeigaitaka: be well off*****
家計が苦しい: kakegakurushii: be badly off <<<
家計簿: kakeibo: housekeeping book, household accounts <<< 簿
家計簿を付ける: kakeibootsukeru: keep (a record of) household accounts <<<
家計費: kakeihi: family budget, household expenses <<<
check also 家事


pronunciation: kaketsu   kanji characters:    keyword: politics   
translation: approval, adoption, passage
可決する: kaketsusuru: pass [adopt, approve] (a bill), vote
可決される: kaketsusareru: be passed [adopted, approved]*****
antonyms: 否決


pronunciation: kasai   kanji characters:    keyword: disaster   
translation: fire, conflagration
火災に掛かる: kasainikakaru: be burnt down***** <<<
火災を起す: kasaiookosu: start [cause] a fire <<<
火災が起る: kasaigaokoru: One declares a fire
火災保険: kasaihoken: fire insurance
火災報知機: kasaihouchiki: fire alarm
check also 火事


pronunciation: kashi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: apparent death
仮死状態: kashijoutai: asphyxia, syncope
仮死状態に在る: kashijoutainiaru: be in a syncopic state*****


pronunciation: kashin   kanji characters:   
translation: overconfidence
過信する: kashinsuru: trust too much (in), be overconfident [too confident] (of)*****


pronunciation: kazoku   kanji characters:    keyword: history   
translation: noble, peer, nobility
華族に列せられる: kazokuniresserareru: be raised to the peerage*****
華族階級: kazokukaikyuu: peerage, nobility, aristocracy
check also


pronunciation: katahaba   kanji characters: ,    keyword: body   
translation: build, breadth across the shoulders
肩幅が広い: katahabagahiroi: be broad-shouldered, have broad shoulders*****
肩幅が広い人: katahabagahiroihito: broad-shouldered man <<<
肩幅が狭い: katahabagasemai: be narrow-shouldered, have narrow shoulders


pronunciation: katsudou   kanji characters:    keyword: life   
translation: action, activity, function (n.), operation
活動する: katsudousuru: be active, show activity, function (v.), operate*****
活動的: katsudouteki: active, energetic <<<
活動中: katsudouchuu: in activity [action] <<<
活動家: katsudouka: man of action, militant, activist <<<
活動力: katsudouryoku: activity, energy <<<
活動範囲: katsudouhanni: scope of activity <<< 範囲
活動分野: katsudoubunnya <<< 分野
活動方針: katsudouhoushin: policy of action <<< 方針
check also 活躍

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