Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'as'

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Direct access: 草々 , 存知 , 多分 , 多忙 , 担保 , 代弁 , 出汁 , 注文 , 直線 , 通常


pronunciation: sousou   kanji characters:    keyword: time   
translation: early, immediately, quickly, promptly, without delay, as soon [quickly] as possible, in haste
草々に: sousouni
草々に退散する: sousounitaisansuru: go away in haste


pronunciation: zonji, zonchi   kanji characters: ,   
translation: acknowledge (n.), acknowledgment
存知る: zonjiru: acknowledge (v.), know
御存知: gozonji: well known, famous <<< , 有名
御存知の通り: gozonjinotoori: as you know <<<
御存知の如く: gozonjinogotoku <<<
synonyms: 承知


pronunciation: tabun   kanji characters: ,   
translation: probably, presumably, perhaps, maybe, (most) likely, I dare say
多分の: tabunnno: considerable, a great deal of
多分に: tabunnni: much, highly, greatly, to a great extent
御多分に漏れず: gotabunnnimorezu: like the rest, as is usual (with)


pronunciation: tabou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: pressure of business
多忙な: tabouna: busy
多忙である: taboudearu: be occupied with, have much to do
多忙を極める: tabouokiwameru: be pressed by work, be busy as a bee <<<
多忙の為: tabounotame: on account of the pressure of business <<<


pronunciation: tanpo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance , realty   
translation: security, mortgage (n.), guarantee, pledge
担保に入れる: tanponiireru: give (a thing) as security pledge (for), mortgage (v.) <<<
担保に取る: tanponitoru: hold a mortgage on <<<
担保差押: tanposashiosae: foreclosure <<< 差押
担保物権: tanpobukken: real rights granted by a way of security
担保付: tanpotsuki: with security, covered, secured <<<
担保付貸金: tanpotsukikashikin: secured loan
担保付社債: tanpotsukishasai: secured debenture <<< 社債
担保付手形: tanpotsukitegata: bills with collateral securities <<< 手形
無担保: mutanpo: without security, uncovered <<<
check also 抵当


pronunciation: daiben   kanji characters: ,   
translation: agency, representation
代弁する: daibensuru: represent (a person), act for [in behalf of] (a person), act as spokesman (of), speak for (a person)
代弁者: daibensha: agent, spokesman, spokesperson, mouthpiece <<<
check also 代理


pronunciation: dashi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 出し   keyword: food   
translation: broth, stock
出汁を取る: dashiotoru: prepare stock <<<
出汁に使う: dashinitsukau: make a cat's-paw of a person, use a person as a tool <<< 使
を出汁にして: odashinishite: under the pretext of


pronunciation: chuumon   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: order (n.), request, wish
注文する: chuumonsuru: order (v.), give an order
注文を付ける: chuumonnotsukeru: assert [raise] a claim <<<
注文に応じる: chuumonnnioujiru: accept [take] an order <<<
注文を受ける: chuumonnoukeru <<<
注文を取る: chuumonnotoru: apply for an order <<<
注文通りに: chuumondoorini: as requested [required] <<<
注文先: chuumonsaki: orderer, customer, client, receiver of an order <<<
注文主: chuumonnnushi: orderer, customer, client, principal <<<
注文書: chuumonsho: order form <<<
注文票: chuumonhyou: order sheet <<<
注文帳: chuumonchou: order book <<<
注文品: chuumonhin: ordered goods, an order <<<
買い注文: kaichuumon: purchase request, order to buy <<<
売り注文: urichuumon: order to sell <<<
御注文: gochuumon: your order <<<


pronunciation: chokusen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics , transport   
translation: straight line
直線の: chokusennno: straight
直線美: chokusenbi: lineal beauty <<<
直線距離: chokusenkyori: as the crow flies, in the line of the crow <<< 距離
直線コース: chokusenkoosu: straight course
check also 曲線


pronunciation: tsuujou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: usually, ordinarily, generally, as a rule
通常は: tsuujouwa
通常の: tsuujouno: ordinary, common, usual, regular
通常会員: tsuujoukaiin: ordinary [regular] member <<< 会員
通常国会: tsuujoukokkai: ordinary [regular] session of the Diet <<< 国会
通常収入: tsuujoushuunyuu: ordinary income <<< 収入
通常条項: tsuujoujoukou: commerce clause
通常戦争: tsuujousensou: conventional warfare <<< 戦争
通常兵器: tsuujouheiki: conventional weapon <<< 兵器
synonyms: 普通 , 通例

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