日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「up」の翻訳

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カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 5
翻訳:cut fine, publish (in the past man used woods to print)
刊る: けずる: shave, chip, whittle <<<
刊む: きざむ: cut fine, hash, chop up <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 会計    画数: 5
翻訳:stick, attach, belong, join, follow, accompany, touch, contact, wear, add, append, give, offer

付き: つき: attachment, adherence, junction, contact, luck, fortune, per, for, on account of, because of, through, as
付く: つく: stick [adhere] to, be connected with, be stained [smeared] with, belong to, be attached to, join, side with, go over to, follow, accompany, attend, wait on, be in attendance upon, touch, come in contact with, get lucky (jp.)
付ける: つける: attach [affix, fix] (a thing to), fasten (a thing to), stick (a thing) to [on, together], put (a thing) on, apply (a thing to), put down, enter in (a book), put on, wear, add, append
付いて居る: ついている: be with (one), be lucky, be in luck <<<
付いて来る: ついてくる: follow (a person), come along with (a person), shadow (v.), dog <<<
付いて行く: ついていく, ついてゆく: follow (a person), go along with (a person), shadow, dog, keep up with <<<
付け: つけ: account, bill
付けで買う: つけでかう: buy (a thing) on credit <<<
付けを払う: つけをはらう: pay a [one's] bill <<<
付け回る: つけまわる: pursue, follow (everywhere), shadow (v.) <<<
付け狙う: つけねらう: keep watch on, follow, shadow, dog <<<
付け上がる: つけあがる: be puffed up, be stuck-up, grow impudent, grow vain <<<
付け替える: つけかえる: replace (a thing with another), change (a thing for a new one) <<<
付け加える: つけくわえる: add (a thing to another), supplement, append <<<
付け込む: つけこむ: take an advantage of, presume [impose] upon <<<
付け入る: つけいる <<<
付き纏う: つきまとう: follow (a person) about, hang about (a person), shadow (v.), dog <<<
付える: あたえる: give, offer <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 生活    画数: 5
翻訳:live, alive, rare, born, raw, grow
セイ, ショウ
生ずる: しょうずる, しょうじる: produce, yield, bring about, give rise to, cause, arise, grow (out of), spring up, result, happen, occur, come about, accrue
生まれる: うまれる: be born
生む: うむ: bear (a child) <<<
生まれ: うまれ: birth, lineage
生まれ変わり: うまれかわり: rebirth, regeneration, reincarnation <<<
生まれ変わる: うまれかわる: be born again, become a new man, start one's life afresh <<<
生まれたて: うまれたて: newborn
生まれつき: うまれつき: one's nature, one's character, by nature
生まれつく: うまれつく: be born
生まれながら: うまれながら: by nature, naturally
生まれながらの: うまれながらの: born, natural
生きる: いきる: live (v.), exist
生かす: いかす: revive, bring to a life
生きている: いきている: be alive [living]
生きた: いきた: live (a.), living
生き抜く: いきぬく: survive, live through <<<
生き残る: いきのこる: survive <<<
生き返る: いきかえる: revive (vi.), recover consciousness, come to oneself, come [return] to life <<<
生き返らす: いきかえらす: revive (vt.), resuscitate, bring (a person) to life <<<
生える: はえる: grow (vi.), sprout (vt.)
生やす: はやす: grow (vt.), cultivate
生: なま: raw, uncooked, rare, fresh
生: うぶ: innocent (jp.), naive
次もチェック , ライブ

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: ゲーム , 経済    画数: 5
翻訳:bundle, card, label, check, handbill, placard
札: さつ: banknote (jp.), bank bill
札を崩す: さつをくずす: change a note <<<
札: ふだ: card, label, check, handbill, placard, notice board
札を付ける: ふだをつける: attach [put on] a card, label (v.), tag <<<
札を立てる: ふだをたてる: put up a board <<<
札を配る: ふだをくばる: deal the cards <<<
同意語: カード , ラベル

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 戦争 , スポーツ    画数: 5
翻訳:strike, hit, beat
ダ, チョウ, テイ
打つ: うつ: strike, hit, beat, knock, smite, hammer, fire, shoot, drive [knock] in, attack, assault, defeat
打たれる: うたれる: be struck, be beaten
打ち明ける: うちあける: disclose [reveal] (a secret to a person), confide (in a person), confess <<<
打ち落とす: うちおとす: strike [knock] down, shoot [bring down] (a plane) <<< , 撃墜
打ち返す: うちかえす: strike [beat, hit] back, return a blow <<<
打ち勝つ: うちかつ: conquer, overcome, get the better of <<<
打ち砕く: うちくだく: break (a thing) to pieces, smash up <<<
打ち込む: うちこむ: drive [strike] in, fire [shoot] into, devote [apply] oneself to, be absorbed in, be keen on, smash <<<
打ち殺す: うちころす: strike [beat] (a person) to death, shoot (a person) dead <<<
打ち倒す: うちたおす: knock down, strike down, overthrow <<<
打ち解ける: うちとける: open one's heart, be frank [open, candid] (with a person), feel at home <<<
打ち抜く: うちぬくうちぬく: pierce, penetrate, shoot through, stamp out (a coin), punch (a hole) <<<
打ちのめす: うちのめす: knock [beat, strike] (a person) down, beat (a person) to a pulp
打ち払う: うちはらう: drive away, shake [brush] off <<<
打ち立てる: うちたてる: found, establish <<<
打ち出す: うちだす: open fire <<<
打ち取る: うちとる: kill, slay <<<
打ち止める: うちとめる: kill, shot dead, shot down <<<
打ち損なう: うちそこなう: miss (one's aims, the target), fail hit [shoot] <<<
打ち延ばす: うちのばす: beat [hammer] out, chin <<<
打ち寄せる: うちよせる: roll on, wash (the shore), beat (upon), dash (against), come [march] (on) <<<
打って出る: うってでる: sally out, come out as a candidate (for), run [stand] (for) <<<
打って変わる: うってかわる: change completely <<<
打って付けの: うってつけの: the most suitable <<<
同意語: ,

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 交通    画数: 5
翻訳:wrap, pack, envelop, packet, package, parcel
包む: つつむ: wrap up, pack up, cover, envelop (in), surround (with), conceal
包み: つつみ: packet, package, parcel, bundle, bale
包みにする: つつみにする: make a bundle [package] of (things), wrap (goods)
包みを解く: つつみをとく, つつみをほどく: open [undo, unwrap] a package <<<
包み隠す: つつみかくす: enshroud, conceal, keep (a matter) secret (from a person) <<<
包み隠さず: つつみかくさず: frankly, openly <<<
包み込む: つつみこむ: wrap (a thing) in (paper) <<<
包み直す: つつみなおす: wrap (a thing) again <<<
包める: くるめる: make (things) into a bundle, put [bring] things together <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 地学    画数: 5
翻訳:hole, slit, gap, leak, pit, cave
穴: あな: hole, slit, gap, leak, pit, cave, loss (jp.), deficit, dark horse
穴が空く: あながあく: A hole is made <<<
穴を空ける: あなをあける: make [eat] a hole, stave <<<
穴を掘る: あなをほる: dig a hole <<<
穴を塞ぐ: あなをふさぐ: stop up a hole, fill up a hole <<<
穴を埋める: あなをうめる <<<
穴を当てる: あなをあてる: pick a dark horse <<<
穴があったら入りたい: あながあったらはいりたい: I wish I could sink through the floor <<<
穴が開くほど見る: あながあくほどみる: stare [look hard] at
同意語: ホール

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 位置 , 建築    画数: 5
翻訳:stand, rise, erect, build
リツ, リュウ
立つ: たつ: stand up, rise (to one's feet), stand, erect, be built [established, founded], start, depart, set off [out], evaporate, rise up, go up
立てる: たてる: stand, put [set] up, hoist, plant, turn up, build, construct, erect, establish, found, organize, form [make] (a plan), frame, lay down, map out, advance, regard, respect, rise in the world, establish oneself
立て掛ける, 立て懸ける: たてかける: put [rest, lean] (a thing) against
立て籠もる: たてこもる: hold (a position), shut oneself up <<<
立て込む: たてこむ: be pressed with business, be busy (with), be crowded [packed] (with) <<<
立て続けに: たてつづけに: in succession, on end <<<
立ち止まる: たちどまる: (come to a) pause [stop], halt, stand still <<<
立ち塞がる: たちふさがる: block [bar, stand in] one's way (to), stand in front of (a person), confront <<<
立ち回る: たちまわる: move about, act, maneuver <<<
立ち戻る: たちもどる: come [go] back (from), return, retrace one's steps <<<
立ち向かう: たちむかう: fight against, confront (one's adversary), face (the enemy, oppose (a person) <<<
立ち上がる: たちあがる: rise, go up, ascend <<<
立ち退く: たちのく: quit, leave, remove, vacate, evacuate <<< 退
立ち後れる: たちおくれる: be handicapped at the start, lag (behind), miss the good time to stand <<<
立ち去る: たちさる: quit, leave, go away (from), depart (from) <<<
立ち竦む: たちすくむ: be petrified [paralyzed, unable to move] with fear), be transfixed on the spot, stand shuddering <<<
立ち寄る: たちよる: call (on a person, at a house), drop [look] in (on a person, at a house), step by [in], visit, stop, touch at <<<
立ち行く: たちゆく, たちいく: can get along, can be kept up <<<
立ち会う: たちあう: attend [be present] at, be a witness to [of] <<<
立ち返る: たちかえる: come back, return <<<
立ち働く: たちはたらく: go about one's work <<<
立ち直る: たちなおる: regain one's footing, recover (oneself), rally, improve <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 時間    画数: 6
翻訳:rest, pause
休む: やすむ: rest (vi.), take a rest
休める: やすめる: rest oneself, repose, suspend, set a ease, give relief (to)
休み: やすみ: rest (n.), pause, recess, vacation, holiday
休みを取る: やすみをとる: take a rest [pause], take a recess [holiday, leave], get off <<<
休み無く: やすみなく: without rest [stopping], continuously, incessantly <<<
休みに成る: やすみになる: close [break up] (school) <<<
休み中に: やすみちゅうに: during one's holidays, on one's vacation <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 6

耳: みみ: ear, edge, selvage, selvedge
耳が早い: みみがはやい: be quick of hearing <<<
耳が良い: みみがいい <<<
耳が遠い: みみがとおい: be hard of hearing <<<
耳が鳴る: みみがなる: have a ringing [singing, buzzing] in one's ears, One's ears ring [sing] <<<
耳にする: みみにする: hear <<<
耳に入る: みみにはいる: learn, reach one's ears, come to one's knowledge <<<
耳に入れる: みみにいれる: informer <<<
耳に残る: みみにのこる: ring [linger] in one's ear <<<
耳を貸す: みみをかす: lend one's ear to <<<
耳を貸さない: みみをかさない: give no ear to, turn a deaf ear to, won't listen to <<<
耳を澄ます: みみをすます: pick up [strain, cock] one's ears <<<
耳を欹てる: みみをそばだてる
耳が痛い: みみがいたい: have an earache, be ashamed to hear (it), tingle in one's ears <<<

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