Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'as'

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Direct access: 実際 , 実物 , 重大 , 重要 , 自由 , 女装 , 推測 , 素早い , 請求 , 善処


pronunciation: jissai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: practice, actual condition, reality, truth, fact
実際の: jissaino: practical, actual, real, true
実際の所: jissainotokoro: to tell the truth, as it is <<<
実際に: jissaini: in practice, actually, in fact, truly, really, indeed, virtually, as a matter of fact, in reality
実際は: jissaiwa: in reality
実際的: jissaiteki: practical, matter-of-fact, down-to-earth <<<
実際的考え: jissaitekikangae: practical idea <<<
実際的知識: jissaitekichishiki: practical knowledge <<< 知識
実際家: jissaika: practical man <<<
実際教育: jissaikyouiku: practical instruction, object-lesson, visual instruction <<< 教育
実際問題: jissaimondai: practical question <<< 問題
実際価格: jissaikakaku: cash value <<< 価格
synonyms: 事実


pronunciation: jitsubutsu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: real thing, actual object, genuine article, original
実物そっくり: jitsubutsusokkuri: same as the original, lifelike
実物大: jitsubutsudai: actual size, life-size, full-size <<<
実物大の: jitsubutsudaino: of actual size, as large as life, life-sized, full-sized
実物教育: jitsubutsukyouiku: object lesson <<< 教育
実物取引: jitsubutsutorihiki: spot transaction <<< 取引
synonyms: 本物


pronunciation: juudai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: seriousness, gravity, importance
重大性: juudaisei <<<
重大な: juudaina: serious, grave, important, weighty, momentous
重大な過ち: juudainaayamachi: gross mistake <<<
重大な過失: juudainakashitsu <<< 過失
重大な時期: juudainajiki: crucial moment <<< 時期
重大に成る: juudaininaru: become serious, aggravate <<<
重大化する: juudaikasuru <<<
重大視する: juudaishisuru: take (a matter) seriously, regard (a matter) as serious, attach great importance to <<<
重大事件: juudaijiken: serious affair [case] <<< 事件
重大声明: juudaiseimei: momentous announcement <<< 声明
重大責任: juudaiseikinin: grave responsibility <<< 責任
synonyms: 重要


pronunciation: juuyou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: importance, gravity, heft
重要性: juuyousei <<<
重要な: juuyouna: important, of importance (consequence), weighty, momentous, principal, essential
重要で無い: juuyoudenai: unimportant, of little importance <<<
重要視する: juuyoushisuru: take (a matter) seriously, regard (a matter) as serious, attach great importance to <<<
重要商品: juuyoushouhin: important goods <<< 商品
重要人物: juuyoujinbutsu: important person, key person, vip <<< 人物
重要地位: juuyouchii: important position <<< 地位
重要物産: juuyoubussan: staple products <<< 物産
重要物資: juuyoubusshi: key commodities <<< 物資
重要産業: juuyousangyou: key [major] industry <<< 産業
重要書類: juuyoushorui: important documents [papers] <<< 書類
重要文化財: shuuyoubunkazai: important cultural asset
synonyms: 主要 , 大切 , 重大


pronunciation: jiyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , society   
translation: freedom, liberty, disposal
自由な: jiyuuna: free, unrestricted, independent, liberal
自由に: jiyuuni: freely, unrestrictedly, as one's pleases [lines], at will, without restraint [reserve], with ease
自由にする: jiyuunisuru: free (v.), release (v.), liberate
自由港: jiyuukou: free port <<<
自由業: jiyuugyou: liberal profession <<<
自由型: jiyuugata: free style (swimming) <<<
自由化: jiyuuka: liberation (of trade), liberalization <<<
自由の女神: jiyuunomegami: Statue of Liberty <<< 女神
自由市民: jiyuushimin: free citizen <<< 市民
自由都市: jiyuutoshi: free city <<< 都市
自由主義: jiyuushugi: liberalism <<< 主義
自由貿易: jiyuuboueki: free trade <<< 貿易
自由投票: jiyuutouhyou: free vote <<< 投票
自由落下: jiyuurakka: free fall <<< 落下
自由市場: jiyuushijou: free [open] market <<< 市場
synonyms: フリー


pronunciation: josou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: clothes   
translation: woman's clothing, drag
女装の: josouno: in a woman's dress
女装する: josousuru: put on a female dress, disguise oneself as a woman
女装趣味の男: josoushuminootoko: shemale, ladyboy, transvestite
antonyms: 男装


pronunciation: suisoku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: guess, supposition, conjecture (n.), inference, speculation
推測する: suisokusuru: guess (v.), suppose, conjecture (v.), infer, speculate
推測によって: suisokuniyotte: at a guess, by guess, by inference
推測が当たる: suisokugaataru: guess right, be right in one's conjecture <<<
推測が外れる: suisokugahazureru: guess wrong, be wrong in one's conjecture <<<
推測通り: suisokudoori: as one supposed (conjectured) <<<


pronunciation: subayai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: quick, swift, nimble, smart, agile, fleet
素早く: subayaku: quickly, swiftly, quick as thought, fleetly
素早さ: subayasa: swiftness, agility


pronunciation: seikyuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: claim (n.), demand, application
請求する: seikyuusuru: claim (v.), demand, request, apply (for), ask (for)
請求に応じる: seikyuunioujiru: meet (a person's) demand, comply with (a person's) request <<<
請求通に: seikyuudoorini: as requested [demanded] <<<
請求額: seikyuugaku: amount claimed <<<
請求権: seikyuuken: (right of) claim <<<
請求者: seikyuusha: claimant, demandant, applicant <<<
請求書: seikyuusho: account, bill, invoice <<<
請求書を出す: seikyuushoodasu: submit [send in] a bill <<<
請求書発行: seikyuushohakkou: invoicing <<< 発行
請求書発行システム: seikyuushohakkoushisutemu: invoicing system
請求次第: seikyuushidai: on demand, at a person's request
請求払手形: seikyuubaraitegata: demand draft (bill)
synonyms: 要求


pronunciation: zensho   kanji characters: ,   
translation: proper measures
善処する: zenshosuru: do [manage]as one thinks fit, take proper measures (against), cope with (the situation), make the best of

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