Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'in'

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Direct access: 円満 , 遠慮 , 大勢 , 大空 , 大凡 , 屋外 , 御負け , 御礼 , 恩返し , 音程


pronunciation: enman   kanji characters: ,   
translation: perfection, harmony, smoothness, peace
円満な: enmannna: perfect, harmonious, amicable, smooth
円満な人格: enmannnajinkaku: (man of) mellow character
円満な解決: enmannnakaiketsu: peaceful [amicable] settlement <<< 解決
円満な家庭: enmannnakatei: happy home <<< 家庭
円満な紳士: enmannnashinshi: perfect gentleman
円満に: enmannni: perfectly, harmoniously, amicably, smoothly
円満に暮らす: enmannnikurasu: live in harmony (with) <<<
円満を欠く: enmannokaku: lack harmony, be at odds [not harmonious] (with a person) <<<


pronunciation: enryo   kanji characters: ,   
translation: reserve, modesty, deference, discretion, hesitation, forethought, foresight
遠慮する: enryosuru: be preserved [modest], stand on ceremony, hesitate, refrain [keep] from (doing), withhold, stay out, refuse
遠慮深い: enryobukai: reserved, modest, shy <<<
遠慮勝ちな: enryogachina <<<
遠慮深く: enryobukaku: in a reserved manner, modestly <<<
遠慮勝ちに: enryogachini <<<
遠慮無く: enryonaku: without reserve [hesitation], freely <<<
遠慮せずに: enryosezuni
遠慮の無い: enryononai: free, frank, outspoken, unconstrained


pronunciation: oozei   kanji characters:   
translation: a large [great] number of people, masse of people, large crowd
大勢で: oozeide: in great numbers [force]
大勢の: oozeino: a large [great] number (of ), a host (of), many
大勢の家族: oozeinokazoku: large family
check also


pronunciation: oozora   kanji characters: ,    keyword: astronomy   
translation: (big) sky [skies], heavens, firmament, vault, welkin
大空に: oozorani: in the sky, overhead
check also 天空


pronunciation: ooyoso   kanji characters: ,   
translation: about, nearly, in round number, around, quite, entirely, (not) at all
大凡の: ooyosono: rough, approximate
大凡の数: ooyosonokazu: approximate number
大凡の所: ooyosonotokoro: taking it by and large, roughly speaking <<<
大凡の見積: ooyosonomitsumori: rough estimate


pronunciation: okugai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: out-of-doors
屋外の: okugaino: outdoor (a.), open-air, exterior
屋外で: okugaide: in the open air, outdoors, outside
屋外劇場: okugaigekijou: open air theater <<< 劇場
屋外遊戯: okugaiyuugi: outdoor games
屋外運動: okugaiundou: outdoor exercise <<< 運動
屋外スポーツ: okugaisupootsu: outdoor sports
屋外プール: okugaipuuru: outdoor pool
check also 屋内 , 野外


pronunciation: omake   kanji characters:    other spells: 御まけ   keyword: business   
translation: extra, premium, discount
御負けに: omakeni: in addition, besides, moreover
御負けする: omakesuru: give a discount


pronunciation: orei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: greeting   
translation: reward (n.), thanks, gratitude
御礼をする: oreiosuru: reward (v.), give a reward, remunerate, pay a fee
御礼に: oreini: in return for
御礼を述べる: oreionoberu: thank (v.), express one's thanks <<<
御礼を言う: oreioiu
御礼参り: oreimairi: visit (of a temple) for thanksgiving, revenge call (by gangsters)
check also , 謝意


pronunciation: ongaeshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: greeting   
translation: return for a person's kindness [favor, service]
恩返しに: ongaeshini: by way of thanks for, in appreciation of, in gratitude for, in return for
恩返しする: ongaeshisuru: requite [repay] a person's kindness [favor]
鶴の恩返し: tsurunoongaeshi: The gratitude of the crane (a Japanese fairy tale), The grateful crane <<<
check also


pronunciation: ontei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: music   
translation: musical interval, step
音程が狂う: onteigakuruu: get [go] out of tune <<<
音程が狂った: onteigakurutta: out of tune
音程が合う: onteigaau: get in tune <<<
音程が合った: onteigaatta: in tune
check also 調子 , 音階

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