日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「up」の翻訳

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カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 宗教 , 天文    画数: 4
翻訳:heaven, god, sky
天から: てんから: from the heavens, from above
天の: てんの: heavenly, celestial
天の声: てんのこえ: God's voice, order from a powerful person <<<
天の方に: てんのほうに: heavenward, skyward <<<
天を仰ぐ: てんをあおぐ: look up in the sky <<<
天に祈る: てんにいのる: pray to God <<<
天の助け: てんのたすけ: God's help <<<
天は自ら助ける者を助く: てんはみずからたすけるものをたすく: Heaven helps those who help themselves
天と地: てんとち: Heaven and Earth (an Olivier Stone's film, 1993) <<<
天: あま: heaven, god
天: あめ
天: そら: sky <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 機械学    画数: 4
翻訳:support, maintain, sustain, prop, buttress, branch

支える: ささえる: support (v.), hold out, maintain, sustain, keep up, stay, prop up, buttress, check, resist, stem
支え: ささえ: support (n.), prop, buttress, stay
支れる: わかれる: part (vi.), separate <<<
支: えだ: branch <<<
支える: つかえる: be obstructed (jp.)
支え: つかえ: obstacle (jp.)

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 道具    画数: 4
翻訳:cut, chop, hack, carve, slash, saw, shear, punch
セツ, サイ
切ない: せつない: painful, distressing, heartrending <<< 苦痛
切る: きる: cut, chop, hack, carve, slash, saw, shear, punch, hang up, ring off, turn [switch] off, pause, break off
切れる: きれる: be sharp, separate (jp.)
切: きれ: piece (jp.), bit, slip, strip, slice
切: きり: end (jp.)
切り落とす: きりおとす: cut off [down], chop [lop] off, prune <<<
切り刻む: きりきざむ: chop up, cut into pieces, hash <<<
切り崩す: きりくずす: cut through, level, break, split <<<
切り捨てる: きりすてる: cut down, slay, omit, cut off <<<
切り倒す: きりたおす: fell, cut [hew] down <<<
切り詰める: きりつめる: shorten, cut short, reduce, curtail, economize <<<
切り取る: きりとる: cut off [away, out], clip <<<
切り離す: きりはなす: cut off [asunder], sever, detach <<<
切り払う: きりはらう: cut away, prune [lop] off (twigs), clear (the land of tees) <<<
切り出す: きりだす: cut down (timber), quarry, broach [bring up] (a subject) <<<
次もチェック , カット

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 建築 , 交通    画数: 4
翻訳:draw, pull, haul, tug, tow, drag, trail, attract
引く: ひく: draw, pull, give a pull (at), haul, tug, tow, drag, trail, attract, catch, lead, quote, cite, refer to, conduct, install, lay on, inherit, reduce, cut down, subtract, [deduct] (from), take away from, lay on (paint), oil, wax
引き離す: ひきはなす: pull apart, estrange, run ahead of (a person), have a lead on (a person), wean <<<
引き返す: ひきかえす: come [go] back, return <<<
引き籠る: ひきこもる: stay indoors, shut oneself in, be laid up, keep to one's bed <<<
引き戻す: ひきもどす: pull [bring] back <<<
引き起こす: ひきおこす: raise [lift] up, help (a person) to get up, cause, bring about (an event), unleash, entail <<<
引き裂く: ひきさく: tear up, tear (cloth) to pieces, rend, split, sever (the two), estrange <<<
引き絞る: ひきしぼる: draw aside, tuck up, bend (a bow) into a ring [to the full], strain (one's voice) <<<
引き倒す: ひきたおす: pull down <<<
引き止める: ひきとめる: detain, have a person stay, buttonhole (a person), keep [hold] back <<<
引き延ばす: ひきのばす: extend, prolong, protract <<<
引き寄せる: ひきよせる: draw (a thing) near [toward, close to] one, attract <<<
引き摺る: ひきずる: draw, pull along, trail <<<
引き摺り込む: ひきずりこむ: drag [bring, force] in
引き攣る: ひきつる: be cramped, have a cramp
引き攣った: ひきつった: cramped, twitchy
引っ掻く: ひっかく: scratch, claw <<<
引っ括める: ひっくるめる: make (things) into a bundle, put [bring] things together <<<
引っ立てる: ひったてる: walk [march] (a person) off <<<
引っ手繰る: ひったくる: take (a thing) by force, snatch (off, away)(from)
引くに引かれぬ: ひくにひかれぬ: unavoidable, inevitable

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 4
翻訳:piece, half
片: かた: one of a pair, half
片を付ける: かたをつける: settle (a question), clear up (a problem), dispose of, get through with <<<
片付ける: かたづける: put (things) in order, set [put] (a room) to rights, tidy (up), put away, put back, dispose of (a matter), settle (a problem), finish, close, carry [get] through, marry off (one's daughter), kill, dispatch, do away with <<<
片付く: かたづく: be put in good order, be settled, be disposed, come [be brought] to an end, be concluded, be finished, get [be] married (to) <<<
片が付く: かたがつく <<<
片寄る: かたよる: lean (to one side), incline (toward), be biased, be partial to, be prejudiced <<< ,
片寄らない: かたよらない: impartial, unbiased, unprejudiced, fair <<<
片: きれ: piece, bit <<<
片: ぺんす: pence (jp.)

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: エネルギー , 食べ物    画数: 4
翻訳:fire, burn, blaze, flame
カ, コ
火: ひ: fire, flame
火く: やく: burn <<<
火が点く: ひがつく: catch [take] fire, flame up, burst into flames <<<
火の点き易い: ひのつきやすい: easy to catch fire, inflammable
火に当たる: ひにあたる: warm oneself at the fire <<<
火に掛ける: ひにかける: put (a thing) over the fire <<<
火を点ける: ひをつける: light (v.), set fire (to a thing), set (a thing) on fire <<<
火を熾す: ひをおこす: make [build] a fire
火を吹く: ひをふく: blow the fire, shoot flames, burst into flames <<<
火を扇ぐ: ひをあおぐ: fan the fire <<<
火を消す: ひをけす: put out the fire <<<
火を通す: ひをとおす: broil, cook <<<
火を出す: ひをだす: start a fire <<<
火の様な: ひのような: fiery, blazing <<<
火に油を注ぐ: ひにあぶらをそそぐ: pour oil on the flame
火を見るよりも明らか: ひをみるよりあきらか: be (as) clear as day
次もチェック ,

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 4
翻訳:hand, person in charge
手: て: hand, arm, palm, paw, method (jp.), trick, move
手ら: てずから: oneself
手の甲: てのこう: back of the hand <<<
手の平: てのひら: palm of the hand <<< ,
手を上げる: てをあげる: raise one's hand, lift one's hand (against), throw up one's hands <<<
手を離す: てをはなす: let go one's hold (of), release <<<
手を触れる: てをふれる: touch, feel <<<
手を握る: てをにぎる: close one's hand, grasp a person's hand, shake hands (with), reconcile with <<< , 握手
手を押える: てをおさえる: seize (a person) by hand, seize a person's hand <<<
手を取る: てをとる: take (a person) by hand, take a person's hand <<<
手を尽くす: てをつくす: try every (possible) means <<<
手を貸す: てをかす: lend (a person) a (helping) hand <<<
手を出す: てをだす: put [hold] out one's hands, have a hand in, concern oneself with, embark on, meddle with [in], make advances to, make a pass at, dabble <<<
手を下す: てをくだす: begin, put [set] one's hand to, get to (work), kill <<<
手を回す: てをまわす: send out (helping) hands, prepare, make ready <<<
手を着ける: てをつける: touch, lay hands [a finger] on, put [set] one's hand to, have one's will with <<<
手を打つ: てをうつ: clap one's hands, strike a bargain, come to an agreement (with) <<<
手に余る: てにあまる: cannot control, be unmanageable, be too much for one, be more than one's much, be beyond one's power [control] <<<
手に入れる: てにいれる: get, obtain, win, take [gain] possession of, come by <<<
手厚い: てあつい: hospitable, courteous, cordial, warm <<<
手堅い: てがたい: safe, trust-worthy, steady and honest <<<
手早い: てばやい: quick, nimble <<<
手酷い: てひどい: severe, harsh, violent, cruel, merciless <<<
手広い: てびろい: extensive, wide, roomy, commodious, spacious <<<
次もチェック , ハンド

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 交通    画数: 4
翻訳:foot, stop (bor.), finish, cease

止: あし: foot <<<
止まる: とまる: stop (vi.), halt, come to a stop [halt, halt, standstill], pull [draw] up, run down, stay, perch [alight] on, be discontinue, be suspended, cease
止める: とどめる: stop (vt.), cease, put an end to (a matter), detain, leave
止め: とどめ: finishing stroke [blow], coup de grace
止める: とめる: stop (vt.), bring (a thing) to stop, turn off, switch [cut] off, allay, stem
止む: やむ: stop (vi.), cease, come to an end, be over, abate, calm down, lull, die away [down, out], fade away, leave off
止める: やめる: stop (doing), cease (doing, to do), put an end to, discontinue (doing), give up (doing), abandon, abolish, do away with, break oneself of, refrain [abstain] from
止むを得ない: やむをえない: unavoidable, inevitable, irresistible, necessary, obligatory <<<
止むを得ず: やむをえず: unavoidably, inevitably, of necessity, out of sheer necessity <<<
同意語: ストップ

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 5
翻訳:flat, even, level, conquer, subdue, subjugate
ヘイ, ビョウ
平ら: たいら: flatness
平らな: たいらな: flat (a.), even, level
平らにする: たいらにする: flatten, level (v.)
平らげる: たいらげる: conquer, subdue, eat up (jp.)
平ぎ: たいらぎ: armistice
平たい: ひらたい: flat (a.), even, level
平たくする: ひらたくする: flatten, level (v.), simplify
平たく言えば: ひらたくいえば: to put it plainly, in plain words <<<
平に: ひらに: humbly (bow down, jp.)

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 台所用品    画数: 5
翻訳:plate, dish, platter, saucer
皿: さら: plate, dish, platter, saucer, kneecap
皿を洗う: さらをあらう: do [wash up] dishes <<< , 皿洗
皿に盛る: さらにもる: fill up the dish (with) <<<

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