Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'to'

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Direct access: 一目 , 一本 , 依頼 , 色気 , 因果 , 引退 , 受取 , 受持 , 右折 , 運命


pronunciation: ichimoku, hitome   kanji characters:    other spells: 1目   keyword: unit , game   
translation: a glance, a stone (of go game), a point
一目置く: ichimokuoku: yield the palm (to), rate a person superior to oneself <<<
一目瞭然: ichimokuryouzen: be clear at a glance
一目均衡表: ichimokukinkouhyou: Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (a financial chart)
一目散に: ichimokusannni: at full speed <<<
一目散に逃げる: ichimokusannninigeru: take to one's heels, run (away) for one's life <<<
一目で: hitomede: at a glance
一目で解る: hitomedewakaru: understand at a glance
一目見る: hitomemiru: have a glimpse of, sneak a peek
一目惚れ: hitomebore: love at first sight <<<
一目惚れする: hitomeboresuru: fall in love at first sight
check also 囲碁


pronunciation: ippon   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 1本   keyword: sport , unit   
translation: one piece, one stick, one hair, one roll, one gain, one blow, one stroke
一本取る: ippontoru: gain one point <<<
一本取られる: ippontorareru: be reduced to the silence by interlocutor, be defeated [beaten]
一本足の: ipponnashino: one-legged <<<
一本立ち: ippondachi: independence
一本立ちの: ippondachino: independent, self-supporting
一本立ちする: ippondachisuru: become independent, stand on one's own legs
一本道: ipponmichi: straight road <<<
一本橋: ipponbashi: bridge of one tree trunk, tree trunk bridge <<<
一本化: ipponka: unification <<<
一本松: ipponmatsu: solitary pine tree <<<
一本気: ippongi: decided, determined, resolute <<<
一本槍: ipponnyari: lance thrust, master stroke, total commitment [devotion] <<<
一本調子: ipponchoushi: monotony <<< 調子
一本調子の: ipponchoushino: monotonous


pronunciation: irai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: request, trust, commission
依頼する: iraisuru: ask [request] a person to do, entrust, commission (v.), depend [rely] upon, turn to
依頼により: irainiyori: at a person's request
依頼に応じる: irainioujiru: grant a person's request <<<
依頼通りに: iraidoorini: as requested <<<
依頼人: irainin: client (of a lawyer) <<<
依頼状: iraijou: letter of request <<<
依頼書: iraisho <<<
依頼心: iraishin: lack of self-reliance
synonyms: 要請 ,


pronunciation: iroke   kanji characters: ,    keyword: love   
translation: tone of color, coloring, tint, amorous passion, sex appeal, interest
色気の有る: irokenoaru: amorous, coquettish, voluptuous, sexy <<< , セクシー
色気が有る: irokegaaru: be interested in, take an interest in
色気の無い: irokenonai: colorless, without sex appeal, innocent, native, prosaic, brusque, curl <<<
色気の無い返事: irokenonaihenji: straight answer <<< 返事
色気付く: irokeZuku: become awakened to love, arrive at puberty <<<
色気抜きの: irokenukino: without any hint of feminine charm <<<


pronunciation: inga   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: cause and effect, fate, ill luck, misfortune, karma
因果な: ingana: unfortunate, unlucky, fatal
因果な子: inganako: unfortunate child <<<
因果な事には: inganakotoniha: as ill luck would have it, to make matters worse <<<
因果と諦める: ingatoakirameru: resign oneself to one's fate <<<
因果を含める: ingaohukumeru: persuade (a person) to accept the inevitable
因果律: ingaritsu: law of cause and effect <<<
因果関係: ingakankei: casualty, casual relation <<< 関係
因果応報: ingaouhou: retribution, nemesis
check also 運命 , 不運


pronunciation: intai   kanji characters: , 退    keyword: job   
translation: retirement
引退する: intaisuru: retire (from), return to private life
引退した: intaishita: in retirement
check also


pronunciation: uketori   kanji characters:    other spells: 受け取   keyword: accounting , transport   
translation: reception, receipt, voucher
受取る: uketoru: receive, accept, get, come to hand, take, understand, believe
受取を出す: uketoriodasu: acknowledge receipt of sth.
受取人: uketorinin: recipient, remittee, beneficiary <<<
受取帳: uketorichou: receipt book <<<
受取証: uketorishou: receipt, quittance <<< , レシート
受取通知: uketoritsuuchi: acknowledgment of receipt, proof of delivery <<< 通知
check also 領収 ,


pronunciation: ukemochi   kanji characters:    other spells: 受け持   keyword: job   
translation: charge, assignment
受持つ: ukemotsu: take [be in] charge of, have (a matter) under one's charge
受持教師: ukemochikyoushi: teacher in charge (of), class [homeroom] teacher <<< 教師
受持区域: ukemochikuiki: district assigned [allotted] to one, one's beat, one's territory <<< 区域
受持時間: ukemochijikan: one's teaching [class] hours


pronunciation: usetsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: car   
translation: right turn
右折する: usetsusuru: turn to the right
右折禁止: usetsukinshi: No right turn <<< 禁止
check also 左折


pronunciation: unmei   kanji characters:    keyword: life   
translation: fate, fortune, destiny
運命付ける: unmeiZukeru: destine, doom <<<
運命的: unmeiteki: fatal, fateful, inevitable, unavoidable <<<
運命的に: unmeitekini: fatefully, inevitably, unavoidably
運命に従う: unmeinishitagau: bow to the inevitable <<<
運命に任せる: unmeinimakaseru <<<
運命と諦める: unmeitoakirameru: submit to one's fate <<<
運命に甘んじる: unmeiniamanjiru <<<
運命を決する: unmeiokessuru: decide the fate of <<<
運命を共にする: unmeiotomonisuru: share the fate with <<<
運命と戦う: unmeitotatakau: fight [defy] fate <<<
運命の悪戯: unmeinoitazura: irony of destiny
運命の女神: unmeinomegami: Goddess of Destiny <<< 女神
運命線: unmeisen: line of Saturn, Fate <<<
運命論: unmeiron: fatalism <<<
運命論者: unmeironsha: fatalist <<<
check also 宿命

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