Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'in'

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Direct access: 色気 , 印刷 , 引退 , 受持 , 団扇 , 埋立 , 獲物 , 縁起 , 炎上 , 延滞


pronunciation: iroke   kanji characters:    keyword: love   
translation: tone of color, coloring, tint, amorous passion, sex appeal, interest
色気の有る: irokenoaru: amorous, coquettish, voluptuous, sexy <<< セクシー
色気が有る: irokegaaru: be interested in, take an interest in
色気の無い: irokenonai: colorless, without sex appeal, innocent, native, prosaic, brusque, curl <<<
色気の無い返事: irokenonaihenji: straight answer
色気付く: irokeZuku: become awakened to love, arrive at puberty <<<
色気抜きの: irokenukino: without any hint of feminine charm <<<


pronunciation: insatsu   kanji characters:    keyword: office , book   
translation: printing
印刷する: insatsusuru: print
印刷の: insatsuno: typographic
印刷の誤り: insatsunoayamari: misprint
印刷中の: insatsuchuuno: in the press <<<
印刷工: insatsukou: printer (person) <<<
印刷屋: insatsuya: printer (person), printing office <<<
印刷所: insatsusho: printing office, print shop <<<
印刷物: insatsubutsu: printer matter <<<
印刷術: insatsujutsu: art of printing, typography <<<
印刷費: insatsuhi: printing costs <<<
印刷機: insatsuki: printing press [machine]
印刷機械: insatsukikai <<< 機械
印刷用紙: insatsuyoushi: printing paper <<< 用紙
印刷インキ: insatsuinki: printing ink


pronunciation: intai   kanji characters: , 退    keyword: job   
translation: retirement
引退する: intaisuru: retire (from), return to private life
引退した: intaishita: in retirement
check also


pronunciation: ukemochi   kanji characters:    other spells: 受け持   keyword: job   
translation: charge, assignment
受持つ: ukemotsu: take [be in] charge of, have (a matter) under one's charge
受持教師: ukemochikyoushi: teacher in charge (of), class [homeroom] teacher
受持区域: ukemochikuiki: district assigned [allotted] to one, one's beat, one's territory <<< 区域
受持時間: ukemochijikan: one's teaching [class] hours


pronunciation: uchiwa   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accessory   
translation: round fan
団扇を使う: uchiwaotsukau: fan (v.), use a (round) fan <<< 使
団扇で煽ぐ: uchiwadeaogu <<<
左団扇: hidariuchiwa: abundance, prosperity, easy life <<<
左団扇で暮す: hidariuchiwadekurasu: live in abundance, live on living in comfort <<<
check also 扇子


pronunciation: umetate   kanji characters:    other spells: 埋め立   keyword: construction   
translation: reclamation
埋立てる: umetateru: reclaim (land), fill in, drain
埋立地: umetatechi: reclaimed ground <<<
埋立工事: umetatekouji: drainage <<< 工事


pronunciation: emono   kanji characters: ,    keyword: animal   
translation: game, bag, catch, take, prize, booty, spoils, capture
獲物の多い: emononoooi: abounding in game, well-stocked with game <<<
獲物を追う: emonooou: chase game
獲物入れ: emonoire: gamebag <<<
check also 狩猟


pronunciation: engi   kanji characters:    keyword: buddhism   
translation: luck, omen, history of the origin
縁起が良い: engigaii: lucky, auspicious, of good omen <<<
縁起が悪い: engigawarui: unlucky, ominous, ill-omened
縁起を祝う: engioiwau: wish good luck <<<
縁起を祝って: engioiwatte: for luck
縁起を担ぐ: engiokatsugu: believe in omens, be superstitious <<<
縁起を担いで: engiokatsuide: for superstition
縁起直し: enginaoshi: conjuration, exorcism <<<
縁起直しに: enginaoshini: to get rid of ill luck, to conjure [exorcise]
縁起物: engimono: lucky charm <<<


pronunciation: enjou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: burning, ignition, destruction by fire
炎上する: enjousuru: go up in flames, be destroyed by fire


pronunciation: entai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: delay, arrearage
延滞する: entaisuru: be delayed, be overdue, be in arrears
延滞金: entaikin: arrears, be overdue <<<
延滞利子: entairishi: overdue interest <<< 利子
延滞日歩: entaihibu: daily interest [premium] on arrearage

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