Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'do'

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Direct access: 仕事 , 宿題 , 商売 , 処置 , 使用 , 真意 , 慈悲 , 事務 , 人事 , 炊事


pronunciation: shigoto   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: work (n.), task, job, employment, occupation, exercise
仕事する: shigotosuru: work (v.), labor (v.)
仕事を捜す: shigotoosagasu: seek for employment, hunt for a job <<<
仕事が無い: shigotoganai: have nothing to do, be out of job [work] <<<
仕事に追われる: shigotoniowareru: be pressed with business, be very busy <<<
仕事を休む: shigotooyasumu: absent oneself [stay away] from work <<<
仕事に行く: shigotoniiku: go to work <<<
仕事を止める: shigotooyameru: knock off work <<<
仕事を辞める: shigotooyameru: resign one's post, retire <<<
仕事を任せる: shigotoomakaseru: entrust with a task <<<
仕事中: shigotochuu: at work, occupied <<<
仕事場: shigotoba: studio, working place <<<
仕事着: shigotogi: working [workaday] clothes <<<
針仕事: harishigoto: needlework, sewing <<<
手仕事: teshigoto: handwork, manual labor <<<
畑仕事: hatakeshigoto: farmwork, agricultural work <<<
check also 作業 ,


pronunciation: shukudai   kanji characters: 宿 ,    keyword: school   
translation: homework, assignment
宿題をする: shukudaiosuru: do one's homework
宿題を出す: shukudaiodasu: set a homework <<<
宿題にする: shukudainisuru: reserve for future discussion
宿題帳: shukudaichou: workbook <<<


pronunciation: shoubai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: trade, business, commerce
商売をする: shoubaiosuru: do [conduct] business, trade [deal] (in)
商売を始める: shoubaiohajimeru: open a shop, go into [start in] business <<<
商売を止める: shoubaioyameru: give up one's business, be out of business <<<
商売を継ぐ: shoubaiotsugu: succeed a person in business <<<
商売に成る: shoubaininaru: pay, be a paying business <<<
商売に成らない: shoubaininaranai: do not pay, be not a paying business
商売を替える: shoubaiokaeru: change one's trade <<<
商売敵: shoubaigataki: trade rival <<<
商売柄: shoubaigara: professionally, because of one's profession <<<
商売気: shoubaigi: business turn, commercial spirit <<<
商売気が有る: shoubaigigaaru: be of a business turn, have a commercial spirit <<<
商売が上手い: shoubaigaumai <<< 上手
商売人: shoubainin: merchant, tradesman, professional <<< , 商人
商売が繁盛する: shoubaigahanjousuru: do good business [trade], do very well in business <<< 繁盛
商売道具: shoubaidougu: requisites for a trade, stock in trade, one's kit <<< 道具
水商売: mizushoubai: hospitality industry <<<
check also 商業 , ビジネス


pronunciation: shochi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: disposition, disposal, dealing, measure, treatment
処置する: shochisuru: deal with, dispose of, take measures [steps]
処置を取る: shochiotoru <<<
処置に困る: shochinikomaru: do not know what to do [how to deal] with (a thing) <<<
処置を誤る: shochioayamaru: take wrong measures <<<
処置無し: shochinashi: beyond hope [cure], no help for <<<
synonyms: 対策
check also 手段 , 措置


pronunciation: shiyou   kanji characters: 使 ,    keyword: job   
translation: use (n.), usage
使用する: shiyousuru: use (v.), employ
使用される: shiyousareru: be used, be in use
使用に耐える: shiyounitaeru: be fit for use, stand use <<<
使用に供する: shiyounikyuusuru: place at a person's disposal <<<
使用法: shiyouhou: directions for use, manual <<< , マニュアル , 用法
使用人: shiyounin: (house) employee, servant <<< , 下男 , 雇人
使用者: shiyousha: user, employer <<<
使用中: shiyouchuu: occupied <<<
使用権: shiyouken: right of using <<<
使用料: shiyouryou: rent <<<
使用価値: shiyoukachi: utility value <<< 価値
使用禁止: shiyoukinshi: do not use <<< 禁止
未使用: mishiyou: boxed as new, unopened, not used <<<
未使用品: mishiyouhin: unopened goods [article] <<< 用品
synonyms: 利用


pronunciation: shinni   kanji characters: ,   
translation: one's real intention [motive], true meaning
真意が分からない: shinnigawakaranai: do not understand what a person is getting at <<<


pronunciation: jihi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion   
translation: mercy, clemency, charity, grace, leniency
慈悲深い: jihibukai: merciful, clement, charitable, gracious, lenient <<<
慈悲を施す: jihiohodokosu: do an act of charity, have mercy on <<<
慈悲を請う: jihiokou: beg for mercy <<<
慈悲心: jihijin: benevolent heart <<<
無慈悲: mujihi: mercilessness, heartlessness <<< , 無情
無慈悲な: mujihina: merciless, heartless


pronunciation: jimu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: office work, desk work, business (n.)
事務上の: jimujouno: business (a.) <<<
事務を執る: jimuotoru: do office work, attend to one's business, be at one's desk <<<
事務に明るい: jimuniakarui: be experienced in office work <<<
事務的: jimuteki: businesslike <<<
事務的に: jimutekini: in a businesslike manner, in a matter-of-fact way
事務所: jimusho: office, bureau <<<
事務室: jimushitsu: office room <<<
事務員: jimuin: clerk <<<
事務官: jimukan: administrative official, secretary <<<
事務長: jimuchou: head official, purser <<<
事務服: jimuhuku: working dress [suit] <<<
事務管理: jimukanri: office management <<< 管理
事務用品: jimuyouhin: office equipment [supplies] <<< 用品 , 文房具
check also 業務


pronunciation: jinji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: human affairs, personnel affairs
人事院: jinjiin: National Personnel Authority <<<
人事課: jinjika: personnel section [office] <<<
人事部: jinjibu: personnel department [division], staff [human resources] department <<<
人事欄: jinjiran: personal column <<<
人事異動: jinjiidou: personnel changes
人事管理: jinjikanri: personnel management <<< 管理
人事行政: jinjigyousei: personnel administration <<< 行政
人事考課: jinjikouka: performance [merit] rating, personnel rating [evaluation]
人事部長: jinjibuchou: personnel director [manager] <<< 部長
人事問題: jinjimondai: personnel problem <<< 問題
人事相談所: jinjisoudansho: private affairs consultation office
人事を尽くして天命を待つ: jinjiotsukushitetenmeiomatsu: do one's best and leave the rest to Providence, man proposes and God disposes
人事不省: jinjihusei: syncope, syncopation <<< 気絶
人事不省に陥る: jinjihuseiniochiiru: fall senseless, lose consciousness, pass out, faint


pronunciation: suiji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: cooking, kitchen work
炊事する: suijisuru: cook, do cooking
炊事係: suijigakari: cock <<< , コック
炊事夫: suijihu <<<
炊事婦: suijihu: cock (f.) <<<
炊事場: juijiba: kitchen <<<
炊事道具: suijidougu: cooking utensils <<< 道具
炊事設備: suijisetsubi: cooking equipment <<< 設備
check also 料理

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