日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「up」の翻訳

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カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 位置    画数: 3
翻訳:top, up, upper, above, superior, high, noble
ジョウ, ショウ
上げる: あげる: raise, lift (up), elevate, hold up, hoist, fly, land, unload, promote, increase, raise, give (pol.) offer, present, do for a person <<< ,
上がる: あがる: go [come] up (to), rise, jump up (on), go up, climb, soar, advance, be promoted, be completed [finished], come to an end [a finish], be sufficient, come in, walk in, enter, improve, make progress, produce, achieve, accomplish, get nervous [excited]
上る: のぼる: go up, come up, soar, mount <<<
上: うえ: top, up, upper, above
上: かみ: superior (n.)
上の: うえの: upper (a.), above, higher, larger, older, more, better, superior
上りの: のぼりの: uphill, up
上に: うえに: on, over, above, up, upward
上から: うえから: from above
上から下まで: うえからしたまで: from above to bottom <<<
上の級: うえのきゅう: upper class <<<
上の階: うえのかい: upper floor [story], upstairs <<<
上の人: うえのひと: one's superior, those above one <<<
上り詰める: のぼりつめる: go [ascend] up to the top <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 9
翻訳:pick up, gather up, glean, ten (bor.)
シュウ, ジュウ
拾う: ひろう: pick up, find, gather up, glean
拾: とお: ten <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 10
翻訳:raise, lift (up), elevate, hold up, hoist, unanimous (bor.)
挙げる: あげる: raise, lift (up), elevate, hold up, hoist, fly <<<
挙がる: あがる: go [come] up (to), rise, jump up (on), go up, climb, soar <<<
挙る: こぞる: unanimously
挙: みな: whole, all <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 10
翻訳:get up, rise, stand up, wake up, take place, happen

起きる: おきる: get up, rise, get out of bed, wake up, happen, take place, occur, arise
起つ: たつ: stand up, rise <<<
起こる: おこる: take place, occur, happen, come about, break out, originate (in), arise [start, spring] (from)
起こす: おこす: raise, set up, wake up, awake, arouse, give rise to, cause, create, stir up, commence, start, launch, promote, organize, produce, generate
起き上がる: おきあがる: get up, sit up in one's bed, rise to one's feet, pick oneself up <<<
起: ゆき, おき, かず: pers.

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 11
翻訳:throw, give up, abandon, relinquish, renounce
捨てる: すてる: throw [cast, fling] away, dump, abandon, give up, forsake, desert, drop, leave
捨てる神あれば拾う神あり: すてるかみあればひろうかみあり: The world is as kind as cruel

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 食べ物    画数: 11
翻訳:fill up, prosperous (ext.), flourishing, thriving
セイ, ジョウ
盛: もりもの: offering (for a god)
盛る: もる: fill up, serve in a dish, pile up (jp.), compose a drug
盛ん: さかん: prosperous, flourishing, thriving
盛り: さかり: zenith, climax, rut <<< 絶頂
盛りの: さかりの: in one's prime, in the bloom of youth
盛る: さかる: become prosperous
盛りが過ぎる: さかりがすぎる: be past one's prime, be on the wane [decline], be no longer in one's youth <<<
盛りが付く: さかりがつく: (go to) rut, get on heat <<< , 発情
盛りが付いた: さかりがついた: in rut [heat] <<<
盛り上る: もりあがる: swell, rise <<<
盛り上げる: もりあげる: heap up, pile up, stir up <<<
盛り返す: もりかえす: regain (one's power), recover (oneself), pick up, rally <<<
盛り込む: もりこむ: incorporate, include <<<
盛り付ける: もりつける: dish up, dish out <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 衣服    画数: 12
翻訳:wear (v.), be dressed, make up, pretend
ソウ, ショウ
装う: よそおう: wear [put on] (a dress), be dressed [attired] (in), dress oneself (in), make one's toilet, make (oneself) up, pretend, affect, assume, fein
装い: よそおい: array, dress, attire, toilet, makeup

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 金融    画数: 12
翻訳:store, hoard, treasure, save, lay up [aside]
貯える: たくわえる: store (up), lay (a thing) in store, hoard, treasure, save, lay up [aside]

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 12
翻訳:understand, know, awake, wake up
カク, コウ
覚える: おぼえる: remember, keep [bear] (a matter) in mind, memorize (jp.), learn by heart, commit (a passage) to memory
覚えて居る: おぼえている: remember, have a recollection of <<<
覚えが有る: おぼえがある <<<
覚えて居ろ: おぼえていろ: You shall pay for this! <<<
覚え: おぼえ: memory (jp.) <<< 記憶
覚えが早い: おぼえがはやい: have a good memory, be quick to learn <<<
覚えが良い: おぼえがよい, おぼえがいい <<<
覚えが悪い: おぼえがわるい: have a poor memory, be slow to learn <<<
覚る: さとる: understand <<<
覚り: さとり: understanding, awakening <<<
覚める: さめる: awake, wake up (vi.), become awake <<<
覚ます: さます: awake, wake up (vt.) <<<
覚めた目で: さめためで: with calm [indifferent] eyes, nonchalantly <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 子供    画数: 15
翻訳:foster, rear, feed, bring up
養う: やしなう: bring up, foster, rear, feed, support, keep, provide (a person) with board and lodging, cultivate, develop
養い: やしない: nurture, feeding, nourishment

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