Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'hi'

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Direct access: 刑期 , 降参 , 皇太子 , 公務 , 言葉 , 洒落 , 生涯 , 書斎 , 親愛 , 手相


pronunciation: keiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: justice   
translation: prison term
刑期を勤める: keikiotsutomeru: serve one's term of imprisonment <<<
刑期を終える: keikiooeru: serve out one's sentence <<<
刑期が満ちる: keikigamichiru: His sentence [prison term] has expired***** <<<
刑期が満了する: keikigamanryousuru
check also 刑務所


pronunciation: kousan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: surrender, submission
降参する: kousansuru: surrender (to), submit (to), yield (to), give in (to), be floored, be stumped
降参させる: kousansaseru: make (a person) surrender, bring (a person) to his knees*****
synonyms: 降伏


pronunciation: koutaishi   kanji characters: , ,    keyword: history   
translation: crown prince
皇太子妃: koutaishihi: crown princess <<<
皇太子殿下: koutaishidenka: His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince*****
check also 王子


pronunciation: koumu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job , politics   
translation: official [public] business [duties]
公務で: koumude: on official business
公務上の: koumujouno: official (a.) <<<
公務を行う: koumuookonau: execute one's official duties <<<
公務員: koumuin: public official, civil servant <<<
公務員法: koumuinhou: public service law <<<
公務執行妨害: koumushikkoubougai: interference with a government official in the execution of his official duties***** <<< 妨害


pronunciation: kotoba   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: word, term, speech, language, wording, expression, diction, remark
言葉を交わす: kotobaokawasu: exchange words with, speak with <<<
言葉を返す: kotobaokaesu: answer, talk back <<<
言葉を飾る: kotobaokazaru: adorn one's speech <<<
言葉を濁す: kotobaonigosu: give a vague answer <<<
言葉を遮る: kotobaosaegiru: interrupt sb. <<<
言葉を信じる: kotobaoshinjiru: take sb.'s word for it, take sb. at his word***** <<<
言葉の多い: kotobanoooi: talkative, loquacious <<< , 御喋り
言葉の少ない: kotobanosukunai: taciturn, quiet, (man) of few words <<<
言葉静かに: kotobashizukani: in a calm tone <<<
言葉巧みに: kotobatakumini: with sweet words <<<
言葉汚く: kotobakitanaku: in revolting language <<<
合言葉: aikotoba: password, parole <<< , 暗号
話言葉: hanashikotoba: spoken language <<<
書言葉: kakikotoba: written language <<<
花言葉: hanakotoba: flower language <<<
言葉遣い: kotabaZukai: wording, diction, expression, language <<<
check also 文句 , 言語


pronunciation: share   kanji characters:    keyword: beauty   
translation: joke, jest, witticism, pun, play upon words, humor, dandyism, foppery
洒落が巧い: sharegaumai: be good at jokes <<<
洒落を言う: shareoiu: crack a joke <<<
洒落者: sharemono: dandy <<<
洒落気: sharekki: passion for finery <<<
洒落気が無い: sharekkiganai: unconcerned about her [his] appearance***** <<<
御洒落: oshare: dandyism, foppery <<<
御洒落な: osharena: foppish, dandyish
御洒落をする: oshareosuru: dress [smarten] oneself up, prink (up)
駄洒落: dajare: poor pun, cheap [dull] joke <<<
駄洒落を言う: dajareoiu: make poor puns, crack cheap jokes <<<
check also 伊達 , ギャグ


pronunciation: shougai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: life, career, lifetime, for life, throughout (all) one's life, so long as one lives, to the end of one's life
生涯の: shougaino: lifelong
生涯を通じて: shougaiotsuujite: throughout his life, for as long as he lived [lives], all one's life***** <<<
生涯の友: shougainotomo: lifelong [lifetime] friend <<<
生涯の仕事: shougainoshigoto: (one's) lifework <<< 仕事
生涯学習: shougaigakushuu: lifelong learning [study] <<< 学習
生涯教育: shougaikyouiku: lifelong education <<< 教育


pronunciation: shosai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: office   
translation: study room, library
書斎の人: shosainohito: man of the study <<<
書斎に籠る: shosainikomoru: shut oneself up [be confined] in his study room***** <<<


pronunciation: shinnai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: greeting   
translation: dearness, likability, likableness, lovableness
親愛の: shinnaino: dear, darling, beloved
親愛なる: shinnainaru
親愛の情: shinnainojou: deep affection, sympathy <<<
親愛の情を示す: shinnainojouoshimesu: express his sympathy for a person***** <<<


pronunciation: tesou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: fantasy   
translation: line of the palm
手相が良い: tesougaii: have lucky lines in one's hand <<<
手相を見る: tesouomiru: read a person's palm [hand] <<<
手相を占う: tesououranau: tell a person's fortune by the lines of his palm***** <<<
手相術: tesoujutsu: palmistry <<<
手相見: tesoumi: palmist <<< , 占師

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