日英翻訳辞書・事典: 「me」の翻訳

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直接アクセス: , 麿 , , , , , , , ,

カテゴリー:JIS1   部首:    キーワード:    画数: 8
翻訳:kept mistress, concubine, maid, me (for woman)
妾: めかけ: kept mistress, concubine
妾: こしもと: maid (anc.)
妾: わらわ: me (for woman, anc.) <<<


カテゴリー:JIS1, 国字   部首:    画数: 18
翻訳:I (anc.), me
麿: まろ: I, me, pers.
次もチェック ,

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 位置    画数: 3
翻訳:down, below, under, inferior, low
カ, ゲ
下る: くだる: come [get] down, descend, fall, drop, be inferior (to), be less than, be issued, be given
下らない: くだらない: foolish, stupid, silly, absurd, unprofitable, useless, vain, trivial, worthless, insignificant
下さい: ください: Please do, I wish you would do, Will you give me (a thing.), Give me (a thing) please
下さる: くださる: give (pol.), confer (a thing) on (a person)
下す: くだす: give, issue, subjugate, subdue, have loose bowels, purge bowels
下がる: さがる: hang down, dangle, be hanging, fall, go down, descend, leave, retire, draw [step] back, dome down, demoted, decline, sink
下げる: さげる: hand (down), suspend, lower, let down, slash, reduce (a person) to a lower rank
下: した, しも: below, down, under
下の: したの: lower, downward, subordinate, inferior
下りの: くだりの: down
下に: したに: down (adv.), downward, downstairs
下から: したから: from below [the bottom]
下の者: したのもの: one's subordinates, one's inferiors <<<
下に置く: したにおく: put [lay] down <<<
下に降りる: したにおりる: go [come] down, go downstairs <<<
下に降ろす: したにおろす: let down <<<
下を向く: したをむく: look down, lower one's eyes <<<
下にも置かぬ: したにもおかぬ: hearty welcome <<<
下: もと: root, base <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 7
翻訳:watch, look, see, glance, observe, view
ケン, ゲン
見る: みる: watch, look at, see, glance, observe, view, read, look after, take care of
見せる: みせる: show, let (a person) see [look at], exhibit, display
見せて: みせて: Show me
見える: みえる: be visible, be seen, be in sight
見える: まみえる: meet
見付ける: みつける: find out, discover, detect, catch [get] sight of, perceive, notice, look for, come across <<<
見い出す: みいだす: find, discover <<<
見詰める: みつめる: gaze [stare] (at), look fixedly [hard] (at), gaze (on), watch intently, peer (at, into, through) <<<
見据える: みすえる: stare fixedly (at), gaze at, fix one's gaze (upon) <<<
見捨てる: みすてる: give up (a person), desert, forsake, throw (a person) over, walk out on (a person), ditch (v.) <<<
見澄ます: みすます: observe carefully, make sure (of, that) <<<
見做す: みなす: regard [think of, look upon] as, consider [reckon] as (to be)
見守る: みまもる: watch, gaze (at), stare (at), keep an eye on <<<
見易い: みやすい: easy to see, legible, obvious <<<
見破る: みやぶる: see through, detect, penetrate (a person's intention) <<<
見忘れる: みわすれる: fail to recognize, forget <<<
見分ける: みわける: distinguish [discriminate] (A from B, between A and B) <<<
見渡す: みわたす: look out over, take an extensive view of, look around <<<
見渡す限り: みわたすかぎり: as far as one can see [the eye can reach]
見誤る: みあやまる: fail to recognize, mistake <<<
見上げる: みあげる: look up (to, at) <<<
見下す: みくだす: despise, look down on [upon] (a person), hold (a person) in contempt <<<
見失う: みうしなう: miss, lose (sight of) <<<
見極める: みきわめる: ascetain, make sure (of, that), see through, discern, probe (a matter) to the bottom <<<
同意語: , ,

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    画数: 11
翻訳:cross, end (ext.), save
サイ, セイ
済る: わたる: cross (vi.) <<<
済し: わたし: crossing point, ferry
済ます: すます: end (vt.), finish, terminate, get through, conclude, settle, make do with
済む: すむ: end (vi.), finish, come to an end, be finished, be over, be cleared off, be settled <<<
済まない: すまない: I am very sorry (for what I have done), I really did you wrong, I regret
済みません: すみません: I am very sorry (to trouble you), Excuse me
済う: すくう: save <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: 医学    画数: 12
翻訳:pain, painful, sore, hurt
ツウ, トウ
痛む: いたむ: pain (vi.)
痛める: いためる: hurt
痛い: いたい: painful, sore
痛い目に会う: いたいめにあう: have a bitter experience [a hard time of it]
痛い目に会わせる: いたいめにあわせる: make (a person) smart for it, give (a person) a lesson
痛くも痒くもない: いたくもかゆくもない: It doesn't matter to me at all, It is a mere fleabite to me <<<
痛み: いたみ: pain (n.), smart
痛みを感じる: いたみをかんじる: feel a pain <<<
痛みを堪える: いたみをこらえる: bear [stand] the pain <<<
痛みを和らげる: いたみをやわらげる: ease [relieve, alleviate] the pain <<<
痛みを軽くする: いたみをかるくする <<<
痛く: いたく: very
痛し痒し: いたしかゆし: in a dilemma [a fix, an awkward position] <<<

カテゴリー:教育漢字   部首:    キーワード: オーディオ    画数: 14
翻訳:hear, listen
ブン, モン
聞く: きく: hear, be informed of, learn, listen to, give an ear to, obey, accede (to), grant, ask, inquire, make a reference to
聞こえる: きこえる: hear, catch, be heard, be audible, sound, seem, be known, be famed
聞こえますか: きこえますか: Can you hear me?
聞こえなく成る: きこえなくなる: die away, be out of hearing, become inaudible <<<
聞こえ: きこえ: fame, reputation, sonority
聞こえが良い: きこえがいい, きこえがよい: sound well, be respectable, The connection is good <<<
聞こえが悪い: きこえがわるい: sound bad, be disreputable, The connection is bad <<<
聞こえよがしに: きこえよがしに: (as if) wishing to be overheard, (purposely) in a person's hearing
聞きたがる: ききたがる: be inquisitive, be curious to hear, have itching ears
聞き入る: ききいる: listen attentively to, be all ears to, devour every word <<<
聞き入れる: ききいれる: comply with, assent to, accept, grant, take [follow] (a person's advice) <<< , 同意
聞き苦しい: ききぐるしい: disagreeable to hear, offensive [harsh] to the ear, unpleasant, objectionable <<<
聞き直す: ききなおす: ask [inquire] again <<<
聞き返す: ききかえす <<<
聞き損なう: ききそこなう: fail to hear [catch] <<<
聞き違える: ききちがえる: hear (a matter, a person) wrong <<<
聞き出す: ききだす: find out, get wind of, pump information out of (a person) <<<
聞き流す: ききながす: take no notice of, pay no attention to, let (a question) by <<<
聞く所に因れば: きくところによれば: from what I hear, I hear [am told] that
聞く所に因ると: きくところによると

カテゴリー:常用漢字   部首:    画数: 13
翻訳:trouble, annoy, worry, bore, cumber
ハン, ボン
煩わしい: わずらわしい: annoying, boring, cumbersome
煩わす: わずらわす: trouble (vt.), annoy, worry, bore, cumber
煩う: わずらう: be worried, be concerned
煩い: わずらい: sickness (jp.), illness <<<
煩い: うるさい: annoying, troublesome, tiresome, noisy, boisterous, persistent, importunate, fastidious, hard to please, Shut up! Don't bother me! Leave me alone!
煩く: うるさく: annoyingly, persistently, importunately
煩る: うるさがる: feel annoyed [bothered] (by, at), find (a matter) troublesome
煩らせる: うるさがらせる: annoy, bother
煩くせがむ: うるさくせがむ: pester (a person into doing), importune (a person to do)
煩そうに: うるさそうに: with an annoyed look [air]

カテゴリー:JIS1   部首:    キーワード: 位置    画数: 5
翻訳:this, it, here

此の: この: this (a.)
此れ: これ: this (n.)
此れは: これは: here is, this is
此れで: これで: now, with this, here
此れを: これを: this, to this
此れに反して: これにはんして: while, whereas, on the contrary <<<
此れを以て: これをもって: consequently, for this reason <<<
此れより先: これよりさき: before this, previously, after this <<<
此れ見よがし: にこれみよがしに: to attract attention, ostentatiously, for display, to show off <<<
此れ何ですか: これなんですか: What is this? <<<
此れ下さい: これください: Give me this (in a shop) <<<
此: ここ: here <<< 此所

カテゴリー:JIS2   部首:    画数: 15
翻訳:afraid, hesitate
憚る: はばかる: be afraid (to do, of doing, that), hesitate (to do, about)
憚り: はばかり: hesitation, WC <<< 便所
憚りながら: はばかりながら: I dare say that, Let me remind you, I flatter myself that

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