Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'gca'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 3
translation: down, below, under, inferior, low
ka, ge
下る: kudaru: come [get] down, descend, fall, drop, be inferior (to), be less than, be issued, be given
下らない: kudaranai: foolish, stupid, silly, absurd, unprofitable, useless, vain, trivial, worthless, insignificant
下さい: kudasai: Please do, I wish you would do, Will you give me (a thing.), Give me (a thing) please
下さる: kudasaru: give (pol.), confer (a thing) on (a person)
下す: kudasu: give, issue, subjugate, subdue, have loose bowels, purge bowels
下がる: sagaru: hang down, dangle, be hanging, fall, go down, descend, leave, retire, draw [step] back, dome down, demoted, decline, sink
下げる: sageru: hand (down), suspend, lower, let down, slash, reduce (a person) to a lower rank
下: shita, shimo: below, down, under
下の: shitano: lower, downward, subordinate, inferior
下りの: kudarino: down
下に: shitani: down (adv.), downward, downstairs
下から: shitakara: from below [the bottom]
下の者: shitanomono: one's subordinates, one's inferiors <<<
下に置く: shitanioku: put [lay] down <<<
下に降りる: shitanioriru: go [come] down, go downstairs <<<
下に降ろす: shitaniorosu: let down <<<
下を向く: shitaomuku: look down, lower one's eyes <<<
下にも置かぬ: shitanimookanu: hearty welcome <<<
下: moto: root, base <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: fantasy , chemistry    nb of strokes: 4
translation: transform, chemistry
ka, ke
化わる: kawaru: transform <<<
化ける: bakeru: transform oneself
化かす: bakasu: bewitch, enchant, bedevil <<<
化かされる: bakasareru: be bewitched
化の皮を剥ぐ: bakenokawaohagu: unmask, bring (a matter) to light
化の皮が剥がれる: bakenokawagahagareru: One's true character is exposed, One betrays oneself
化の皮が剥げる: bakenokawagahageru

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: astronomy , calendar    nb of strokes: 4
translation: day, sun
nichi, jitsu
日: hi: day, sun, emperor (jp.)
日: hibi: every day
日: ka: unit to count days (jp.)
日が出る: higaderu: The sun rises [goes up] <<< , 日出
日が入る: higahairu: The sun sets [goes down] <<< , 日入
日の当る: hinoataru: sunny, sunshiny <<<
日に当る: hiniataru: bask [bathe] in the sun <<<
日に焼ける: hiniyakeru: be sunburnt <<<
日に干す: hinihosu: dry (a thing) in the sun <<<
日に曝す: hinisarasu: expose (a thing) to the sun <<<
日が経つ: higatatsu: days go by <<<
日が暮れる: higakureru: Night falls, It gets dark <<<
日を送る: hiookuru: pass one's days [time] <<<
日に日に: hinihini: day by [after] day, every day, rapidly, with rapid strides
synonyms: 太陽
check also

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: energy , food    nb of strokes: 4
translation: fire, burn, blaze, flame
ka, ko
火: hi: fire, flame
火く: yaku: burn <<<
火が点く: higatsuku: catch [take] fire, flame up, burst into flames <<<
火の点き易い: hinotsukiyasui: easy to catch fire, inflammable
火に当たる: hiniataru: warm oneself at the fire <<<
火に掛ける: hinikakeru: put (a thing) over the fire <<<
火を点ける: hiotsukeru: light (v.), set fire (to a thing), set (a thing) on fire <<<
火を熾す: hiookosu: make [build] a fire
火を吹く: hiohuku: blow the fire, shoot flames, burst into flames <<<
火を扇ぐ: hioaogu: fan the fire <<<
火を消す: hiokesu: put out the fire <<<
火を通す: hiotoosu: broil, cook <<<
火を出す: hiodasu: start a fire <<<
火の様な: hinoyouna: fiery, blazing <<<
火に油を注ぐ: hiniaburaososogu: pour oil on the flame
火を見るよりも明らか: hiomiruyoriakiraka: be (as) clear as day
check also ,

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 5
translation: good, just, possible
可: ka: right, good, passable
可とする: katosuru: approve (of), vote for
可もなく不可もない: kamonakuhukamonai: It is neither good nor bad, It is just so so
可い: yoi: good, ok, just <<<
可し: yoshi
可し: beshi: possible, acceptable

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: mathematics    nb of strokes: 5
translation: add, sum, join, participate
加える: kuwaeru: add [sum] (up), give, inflict, deliver
加わる: kuwawaru: join (in), participate [take part] in, enter, increase (in), be added
を加えて: okuwaete: including

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 6
translation: provisional, temporary, falsehood, lie, fraud
ka, ke
仮: kari: provisional (pref.), temporary
仮の: karino: provisional (a.), temporary, transient, transitory
仮の名: karinona: assumed name, pseudonym, alias <<< , 通称
仮の世: karinoyo: evanescent [transient] world <<<
仮に: karini: provisionally, provisionally, for the time being, on trial
仮り: itsuwari: falsehood, lie, fraud <<<
仮りる: kariru: borrow <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: flower    nb of strokes: 7
translation: flower, blossom
ka, ke
花: hana
花が咲く: hanagasaku: Flowers open [come out], blossom (v.), bloom <<<
花が開く: hanagahiraku <<<
花が咲いた: hanagasaita: The blossoms [flowers] are out <<<
花の: hanano: floral
花の咲いた: hananosaita: flowering, blossoming, in bloom [blossom] <<<
花の咲かない: hananosakanai: flowerless <<<
花の様な: hananoyouna: flowery, flowerlike <<<
花を生ける: hanaoikeru: arrange flowers <<<
花を習う: hanaonarau: learn flower arrangement <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: anything, something, what
何: nani
何ぞ: nanzo: all the more so
何で: nande: why
何でも: nandemo: any, anything, whatever, everything, all, at any rate, at all events, probably, in all probability, I am told
何と: nanto, nante: what, how
何と言っても: nantoittemo: whatever one may say, after all <<<
何とか: nantoka: somehow, one way or another, by all means, at any cost
何と無く: nantonaku: somehow, in some way, without knowing why <<<
何とも言えない: nantomoienai: One cannot tell, God [Heaven only] knows, unspeakable, inexpressible, indescribable <<<
何とも思わない: nantomoomowanai: don't care a straw [two straws], make nothing [little] of, do not hesitate <<<
何なら: nannnara: if you like [wish], if you can, if possible, if you don't mind, if convenient, if necessary
何の: nannno: what kind of, what
何の為に: nannnotameni: What for? <<<
何の役に立もたない: nannnoyakunimotatanai: good-for-nothing
何く: izuku: where
何れ: izure: which, one of these days, some day, sooner or later
何れも: izuremo: any, all, every, both, either, neither
何: ikubaku: how many, how much

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position , fruit    nb of strokes: 8
translation: fruit, complete (bor.), end, consequence
果: kudamono: fruit <<< 果物
果: hate: end, final result, consequence, limit, bound <<<
果ては: hateha: finally, in the end
果てしない: hateshinai: boundless, endless, everlasting, eternal <<< 永遠
果てしなく: hateshinaku: endlessly, without end [limit], everlastingly
果たす: hatasu: accomplish, complete
果てる: hateru: end (v.), die (jp.) <<<

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