Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of '泣き伏す'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: kids    nb of strokes: 8
translation: cry, weep, sob
泣く: naku
泣: naki: excuse (n., jp.)
泣いて: naite: with [in] tears
泣いて頼む: naitetanomu: supplicate <<<
泣きながら: nakinagara: with tears in one's eyes, weeping
泣き泣き: nakinaki
泣かせる: nakaseru: make (a person) cry, move [touch] (a person) to tears, grieve
泣き叫ぶ: nakisakebu: scream, cry, howl <<<
泣き噦る: nakijakuru: sob, blubber, cry (as one's heart is breaking)
泣き出す: nakidasu: begin to weep, burst into tears [out crying] <<<
泣き止む: nakiyamu: stop crying, cry oneself out <<<
泣き付く: nakitsuku: implore, entreat, cry to, supplicate (a person for help, a person to do) <<<
泣き腫らす: nakiharasu: cry one's eyes out <<<
泣き伏す: nakihusu: throw oneself down crying, break down <<<
泣き面: nakitsura: tearful [tearstained] face <<<
泣き面に蜂: nakitsuranihachi: Misfortunes seldom [never] come alone [single]
Kanji words: 泣き虫
Expressions: 泣き泣き , 咽び泣く , 咽び泣き , 忍び泣く
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