Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: disease

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Direct access: 頭痛 , 接種 , 腺炎 , 喘息 , 早漏 , 卒中 , 脱毛 , 蓄膿症 , 痴呆 , 中気


pronunciation: zutsuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: headache
頭痛がする: zutsuugasuru: have a headache
頭痛の種: zutsuunotane: headache (for a person), source of anxiety [annoyance] <<<
頭痛に病む: zutsuuniyamu: worry (about a matter) <<<
頭痛を訴える: zutsuuouttaeru: complain of one's headache <<<
頭痛持ち: zutsuumochi: subject to headaches <<<
頭痛薬: zutsuugusuri: medicine against headache <<<
偏頭痛: henzutsuu: migraine, megrim <<<
偏頭痛がする: henzutsuugasuru: have a migraine


pronunciation: sesshu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: inoculation, vaccination
接種する: sesshusuru: inoculate, vaccinate


pronunciation: sennen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: adenitis, inflammation of a gland


pronunciation: zensoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: asthma
喘息の: zensokuno: asthmatic (a.)
喘息性の: zensokuseino <<<
喘息患者: zensokukanja: asthmatic patient <<< 患者
喘息発作: zensokuhossa: attack of asthma <<< 発作


pronunciation: sourou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease , sex   
translation: premature ejaculation


pronunciation: sotchuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: apoplexy, cerebral paralysis
卒中性: sotchuusei: apoplectic (a.), apoplectical <<<
卒中性の人: sotchuuseinohito: apoplectic (n.) <<<
卒中の人: sotchuunohito
卒中を起こす: sotchuuookosu: suffer [have, be seized with] a stroke (of apoplexy) <<<
卒中に罹かる: sotchuunikakaru <<<
卒中で死ぬ: sotchuudeshinu: die of an apoplectic stroke <<<
卒中発作: sotchuuhossa: attack of apoplexy <<< 発作
脳卒中: nousotchuu: cerebral attack <<<


pronunciation: datsumou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: loss of hair, depilation
脱毛する: datsumousuru: lose one's hair, depilate
脱毛剤: datsumouzai: depilatory (n.) <<<
脱毛症: datsumoushou: alopecia <<<
脱毛クリーム: datsumoukuriimu: depilatory cream


pronunciation: chikunoushou   kanji characters: , ,    keyword: disease   
translation: sinusitis, empyema


pronunciation: chihou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: dementia
痴呆症: chihoushou <<<


pronunciation: chuuki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: palsy, paralysis
中気の: chuukino: palsied, paralyzed, paralytic
中気に成る: chuukininaru: have a stroke of [be taken with] paralysis <<<
中気に罹る: chuukinikakaru <<<
synonyms: 麻痺

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