Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: transport

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Direct access: 貨物 , 合体 , 機関 , 起点 , 起動 , 給油 , 切替 , 御者 , 空車 , 計器


pronunciation: kamotsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport   
translation: freight, cargo
貨物を積む: kamotsuotsumu: load <<<
貨物を降ろ: sukamotsuoorosu: unload <<<
貨物駅: kamotsueki: freight station <<<
貨物船: kamotsusen: cargo ship <<<
貨物機: kamotsuki: cargo plane <<<
貨物列車: kamotsuressha: freight train <<< 列車
貨物運送: kamotsuunsou: freight transport <<< 運送
貨物輸送: kamotsuyusou <<< 輸送
貨物輸送機: kamotsuyusouki: cargo [freight] plane <<<
貨物輸送料: kamotsuyusouryou: freight rates <<<
貨物運賃: kamotsuunchin <<< 運賃
check also 荷物


pronunciation: gattai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport   
translation: combination, union, fusion
合体する: gattaisuru: combine (with), be combined [united], merge
check also 合併


pronunciation: kikan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport , administration   
translation: machinery, organ, organization
機関銃: kikanjuu: machine gun <<< , 機銃
機関士: kikanshi: engineer, engine driver <<<
機関長: kikanchou: chief engineer <<<
機関室: kikanshitsu: engine room <<<
機関員: kikannin: stoker <<<
機関部: kikanbu: machine department <<<
機関紙: kikanshi: organ magazine, bulletin <<<
機関雑誌: kikanzasshi <<< 雑誌
機関車: kikansha: locomotive, engine <<<
機関庫: kikanko: engine house, roundhouse <<<
機関車庫: kikanshako <<< 車庫
check also エンジン


pronunciation: kiten   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport   
translation: starting point
起点とする: kitentosuru: start from
check also 終点


pronunciation: kidou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport   
translation: start (n.)
起動の: kidouno: motive
起動する: kidousuru: start (v.), come into operation
起動機: kidouki: starter <<<
起動装置: kidousouchi <<< 装置
起動力: kidouryoku: motive power <<<
起動抵抗: kidouteikou: starting resistor <<< 抵抗
再起動: saikidou: restart, reboot, reset <<<


pronunciation: kyuuyu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport   
translation: oil supply, refueling
給油する: kyuuyusuru: refuel (a plane, a car), feed, lubricate
給油機: kyuuyuki: tanker plane <<<
給油船: kyuuyusen: tanker <<< , タンカー
給油車: kyuuyusha: tank lorry [truck, car, wagon], rail [road] tanker <<<
給油所: kyuuyusho: oil [gasoline, filling] station <<<
給油係: kyuuyugakari: petrol [gas] pump attendant <<<


pronunciation: kirikae   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 切り替, 切換, 切り換   keyword: transport   
translation: change (of a train schedule), renewal, changeover, switchover
切替える: kirikaeru: change, renew, switch
切替電話: kirikaedenwa: extension phone <<< 電話
切替スイッチ: kirikaesuitchi: changeover switch
頭の切替: atamanokirikae: mental switchover <<<
check also スイッチ


pronunciation: gyosha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport   
translation: driver, coachman
御者台: gyoshadai: driver's seat [box] <<<


pronunciation: kuusha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport   
translation: vacant [empty] taxi [taxicab], idler


pronunciation: keiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology , transport   
translation: Instrument, gauge
計器に頼って: keikinitayotte: on instrument, blind <<<
計器盤: keikiban: dashboard, panel <<<
計器飛行: keikihikou: instrument flight <<< 飛行
計器着陸: keikichakuriku: blind landing <<< 着陸

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