Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: insect

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Direct access: 蝿取り , 飛蝗 , 蜜蜂 , 蚯蚓 , 百足 , 虫除け , 幼虫 , , ,


pronunciation: haetori   kanji characters: ,    keyword: insect   
translation: flycatcher, flytrap


pronunciation: batta   kanji characters:    keyword: insect   
translation: grasshopper, locust
synonyms: 稲子


pronunciation: mitsubachi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: ミツバチ   keyword: insect   
translation: honeybee, bee
蜜蜂の巣: mitsubachinosu: honeycomb, honeyhive <<<
蜜蜂の女王: mitsubachinojoou: queen bee <<< 女王
check also 蜂蜜


pronunciation: mimizu   kanji characters:    other spells: ミミズ   keyword: insect   
translation: earthworm
蚯蚓書: mimuzugaki: doodle (n.), graffito, scribble, scribbling <<<
蚯蚓書をする: mimuzugakiosuru: doodle (v.), scribble, scratch
蚯蚓腫れ: mimizubare: scrape, scratch, graze <<<


pronunciation: mukade   kanji characters: ,    other spells: ムカデ   keyword: insect   
translation: centipede


pronunciation: mushiyoke   kanji characters: ,    keyword: insect   
translation: insect powder, moth ball


pronunciation: youchuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: insect   
translation: larva
幼虫の: youchuuno: larval
幼虫期: youchuuki: larval stage <<<
check also 成虫

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: insect    nb of strokes: 6
translation: insect, bug, worm, nervousness (fig.), temper
chuu, ki
虫: mushi
虫の食った: mushinokutta: worm-eaten, moth-eaten <<<
虫が起こる: mushigaokoru: become petulant [peevish], have an amorous itching <<<
虫が知らせる: mushigashiraseru: have a hunch [presentiment] (of, that), feel in one's bones (that) <<<
虫の知らせ: mushinoshirase: hunch, presentiment, foreboding <<<
虫が付く: mushigatsuku: be infested with vermin, have a lover <<<
虫が好かない: mushigasukanai: dislike, have an aversion (to) <<<
虫の好かない: mushinosukanai: disagreeable, hateful <<<
虫の良い: mushinoii: self-indulgent, self-seeking, selfish <<<
虫の良い話だ: mushinoiihanashida: His plan is too selfish [self-seeking]
虫が良すぎる: mushigayosugiru: That's asking too much. <<<
虫の息で: mushinoikide: breathing faintly, gaspingly <<<
虫を殺す: mushiokorosu: suppress one's rising passion, control [keep] one's temper <<<
虫も殺さぬ: mushimokorosanu: innocent-looking, look as if one could not even hurt a fly <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: insect    nb of strokes: 10
translation: silkworm
蚕: kaiko

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: insect    nb of strokes: 10
translation: mosquito
蚊: ka
蚊に刺される: kanisasareru: be bitten [stung] by a mosquito <<<
蚊の鳴く様な声で: kanonakuyounakoede: in a very thin voice

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