Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: buddhism

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Direct access: 断末魔 , 畜生 , 入道 , 如来 , 涅槃 , 念仏 , 般若 , 彼岸 , 仏教 , 仏像


pronunciation: danmatsuma   kanji characters: , ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: hour of death
断末魔の苦しみ: danmatsumanokurushimi: death agonies <<<


pronunciation: chikushou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: beast, brute (of a man), Dam it! Hang it!
畜生の様な: chikushounoyouna: brutal, beastly <<<
此畜生: konchikushou: You brute! <<<
畜生道: chikushoudou: hell of beasts, incest <<<
check also 動物 ,


pronunciation: nyuudou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: lay bonze [priest]
入道雲: nyuudougumo: towering mass of clouds <<<
大入道: oonyuudou: huge monster, giant <<<


pronunciation: nyorai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: Tathagata
check also 釈迦 , Nyorai


pronunciation: nehan   kanji characters:    keyword: buddhism   
translation: nirvana
涅槃に入る: nehannnihairu: enter into nirvana <<<


pronunciation: nenbutsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: Buddhist prayer
念仏を唱える: nenbutsuotonaeru: chant a prayer (to the Buddha) <<<
馬に念仏: umaninenbutsu: A nod is as good as a wink (to a blind man), my advice fell like water off a duck's back, cast [throw] pearls before swine <<<


pronunciation: hannnya   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: prajna, wisdom in Buddhism
般若の面: hannnyanomen: mask of demon (in Noh theater) <<<
般若心経: hannnyashingyou: Heart Sutra, Pranaparamita Hrdaya


pronunciation: higan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism , calendar   
translation: equinoctial week, nirvana, afterlife
彼岸の: higannno: equinoctial
彼岸会: higanne: nirvana worship [religious] service <<<
彼岸桜: higanzakura: early flowering cherry (tree) <<<
彼岸花: higanbana: amaryllis <<< , アマリリス , リコリス
彼岸の入り: higannnoiri: beginning of the equinoctial week <<<
彼岸の中日: higannnochuunichi: equinoctial day
春の彼岸: harunohigan: vernal equinox <<<
秋の彼岸: akinohigan: autumnal equinox <<<
check also 春分 , 秋分


pronunciation: bukkyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: Buddhism
仏教の: bukkyouno: Buddhistic
仏教徒: bukkyouto: Buddhist <<<


pronunciation: butsuzou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: statue of Buddha

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