Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: transport

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 8
translation: reach
届く: todoku: arrive (at, in), reach, get to, get at, be fulfilled [realized, heard]
届ける: todokeru: forward, send, deliver, report, notify
届け出る: todokederu: report, notify <<<
届: todoke: report (send officially, jp.), notice, notification
届け出: todokede <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 9
translation: shoot, fire, discharge, emit, send forth, shed, emit light, shine, expose, disclose, reveal, dispatch, envoy
hatsu, hotsu
発: hatsu: departure, leaving, shot, shell
発する: hassuru: emit, radiate, give out, send forth, issue, promulgate, utter, originate (in), come [spring] from, flow (from)
発つ: hanatsu: shoot, fire, discharge, emit, send forth, shed, emit light, shine <<<
発こる: okoru: take place, occur <<<
発く: abaku: expose, disclose, reveal <<<
発わす: tsukawasu: dispatch, envoy <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 9
translation: ride, go on board
乗じる: joujiru: multiply, take advantage of
乗る: noru: ride, go on board, get into (on), get [step] on, mount, take part in, have a share in, fall into, be taken in, fell inclined (to do), feel like (doing)
乗せる: noseru: carry (goods, passengers), take in (passengers), take (passengers) on board, deceive, cheat, betray
乗り上げる: noriageru: run aground [ashore], be stranded, run on (the sidewalk etc.) <<<
乗り合わす: noriawasu: happen to ride (in the same train etc.) with (a person) <<<
乗り入れる: noriireru: ride into, drive (a car) into, extend (a railway line) into (a city) <<<
乗り移る: noriutsuru: change (cars, ships, trains etc.), possess, bedevil <<<
乗り遅れる: noriokureru: miss (a train, a boat, a bus etc.), fail to catch (the train) <<<
乗り掛かる: norikakaru: set about (a new enterprise), be about to get into (a car, a train etc.) <<<
乗り掛ける: norikakeru <<<
乗り切る: norikiru: ride [sail] across, weather (a storm), tide [get] over (difficulties) <<<
乗り越える: norikoeru: get [climb] over, overcome [tide over] (difficulties), clear (an obstacle) <<<
乗り込む: norikomu: get into (a car), board (a ship, a train, a plane), go on board (a ship), arrive at [in], enter, march into <<<
乗り出す: noridasu: set about (one's work), start out (in business), embark on (an enterprise), put (out) to sea, set sail, lean [push oneself] forward <<<
乗り付ける: noritsukeru: ride [drive] up to, get used to driving (a car) <<<
乗り潰す: noritsubusu: ride (a horse) down, drive (a car) so often [roughly] <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 9
translation: send, ship, mail, post
送る: okuru: send, forward, remit, transmit, ship, consign, dispatch, escort, see (a person) off, spend, pass, lead
送り出す: okuridasu: send out, forward, show (a person) out, see (a person) to the door <<<
送り返す: okurikaesu: send back, return <<<
送り込む: okurikomu: see (a person) home, escort, send into <<<
送り届ける: okuritodokeru <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport , sport    nb of strokes: 9
translation: chase, pursue, follow, seek, expel
tsui, tai
追う: ou: chase, pursue, follow, seek, run after, drive away, expel
追い上げる: oiageru: gain upon <<<
追い返す: oikaesu: send [turn] away, drive back, repulse <<<
追い掛ける: oikakeru: run after (a person), pursue, chase <<<
追い縋る: oisugaru: run after (a person) closely <<<
追い出す: oidasu: drive [send, kick, turn] out, expel, evict, divorce, dismiss, send (a person) packing, fire, extrude (from) <<<
追い立てる: oitateru: drive on [away], urge on, hasten (a person), eject [evict] (a person) <<<
追い散らす: oichirasu: drive [send] away, scatter [disperse] (the crowd), put (the enemy) to rout, ding <<<
追い払う: oiharau <<<
追い付く: oitsuku: overtake, catch [come] up with, gain upon <<<
追い詰める: oitsumeru: corner, drive (a person) into a corner, bring (an animal) to bay, run down (a person) <<<
追い回す: oimawasu: chase about, follow [hang] about, dangle after, order (a person) about <<<
追い遣る: oiyaru: drive [send] (a person) away, relegate (a person) to a lower position, demote <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 10
translation: distribute, deliver, display, spread, couple (bor.), spouse
配べる: naraberu: display, spread <<<
配: tsureai: couple, spouse, companion <<< 連合い
配る: kubaru: distribute, hand out, serve out, deal (cards to players), deliver, send out, send out, dispose, arrange, allot, apportion

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 10
translation: lotus, load (bor.), baggage, burden
ka, ga
荷: ka: unit to count packages
荷: ni: load (n.), baggage, burden
荷う: ninau: carry (a load) on one's shoulders, load (v.), shoulder <<<
荷: hasu: lotus <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 10
translation: quick, fast, rapid, swift
速い: hayai: quick, fast, rapid, swift
速く: hayaku: quickly, fast, swiftly, rapidly, speedily, hastily
速く成る: hayakunaru: get faster, become more rapid <<<
速める: hayameru: accelerate, quicken
速やか: sumiyaka: quickness, rapidity, swiftness
速やかな: sumiyakana: quick, rapid, swift, speedy, prompt, instant, immediate
速やかに: sumiyakani: quickly, rapidly, swiftly, speedily, promptly, instantly, immediately, at once

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport , weather    nb of strokes: 10
translation: go down, fall, descend
kou, gou
降りる: oriru: go down, come down, get out, fall, jump off, go downstairs, retire, pull out, withdraw <<<
降ろす: orosu: get down, bring down <<<
降る: kudaru: go down, come down, descend <<<
降る: huru: fall (v.), rain
降っても照っても: huttemotettemo: rain or shine, regardless of the weather <<<
降って湧いた様な: huttewaitayouna: quite unforeseen
check also ダウン

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 10
translation: road without obstacle (org.), pass, get through
tsuu, tsu, tou
通: tsuu: connoisseur (jp.), expert
通じる: tsuujiru: be deeply versed (in), be well acquainted (with), be conversant (with), be understood, be comprehended, make oneself understood, be intelligible, pass, be opened (to), be connected by, lead to, communicate secretly with, betray, be transmitted
通る: tooru: pass (along, through, by), get through, go by the name of, be known as, hold good, be accepted
通す: toosu: let (a person) pass [through], make way for (a person), pass [let] (a thing) through, pierce, penetrate, permeate, be pervious to, carry out, realize, persist in, keep [stick] to, hold firm to, keep (doing)
通り: toori: street (jp.), road, street traffic, passage, drainage, a kind, a sort, a way, a manner
通り掛る: toorikakaru, toorigakaru: happened to pass by <<<
通り掛りの: toorigakarino: passing <<<
通り掛りの人: toorigakarinohito: passer-by
通り越す: toorikosu: go beyond [past], pass (a place) <<<
通り過ぎる: toorisugiru <<<
通り抜ける: toorinukeru: pass [get, go, run] through <<<
通う: kayou: go to and from (a place), go to (a place) and back, ply (between), run (between), be opened to traffic, visit frequently, frequent( v.), resort (to)
通い: kayoi: living-out (employee), chit book (jp.)
通い詰める: kayoitsumeru: frequent (a place), make frequent visits (to) <<<

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