Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: words beginning with 'b'

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Direct access: 売店 , 梅毒 , 売買 , 培養 , 馬鹿 , 爆音 , 爆撃 , 爆笑 , 莫大 , 爆弾


pronunciation: baiten   kanji characters: ,    keyword: shop   
translation: stand, stall, booth, kiosk, store, shop
売店を出す: baitennodasu: set up a stand <<<
check also 売場 , 屋台


pronunciation: baidoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: syphilis
梅毒の: baidokuno: syphilitic
梅毒性: baidokusei <<<
梅毒に罹る: baidokunikakaru: suffer from syphilis <<<
梅毒患者: baidokukanja: syphilitic person <<< 患者


pronunciation: baibai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: selling and buying, business
売買する: baibaisuru: sell and buy
売買高: baibaidaka: turnover, sales <<<
売買総額: baibaisougaku <<< 総額
売買価格: baibaikakaku: purchase value <<< 価格
売買条件: baibaijouken: conditions (terms) of purchase <<< 条件
売買契約: baibaikeiyaku: bargain, sales contract <<< 契約
売買契約者: baibaikeiyakusha: contractant, contracting party <<<
売買契約書: baibaikeiyakusho: contractual document <<<


pronunciation: baiyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: biology , farming   
translation: culture, cultivation
培養する: baiyousuru: cultivate
培養液: baiyoueki: culture fluid <<<
培養基: baiyouki: culture medium <<<
培養家: baiyouka: planter <<<
培養所: baiyousho: arboretum, tree nursery <<<


pronunciation: baka   kanji characters: , 鹿    other spells: バカ  
translation: stupidity, idiot (n.), foolishness
馬鹿の: bakano: stupid, idiot (a.), ass, fool, foolish, silly, absurd, nonsensical
馬鹿な: bakana
馬鹿げた: bakageta
馬鹿に: bakani: awfully, terribly
馬鹿にする: bakanisuru: make a fool of, make light of, ridicule, laugh at, make fun of <<< 愚弄
馬鹿にされる: bakanisareru: become a laughing-stock, expose oneself to ridicule
馬鹿に成る: bakaninaru: get benumbed, lose its essence <<<
馬鹿を見る: bakaomiru: blunder, disgrace [shame] oneself, make a fool of oneself <<<
馬鹿話: bakabanashi: silly [idle] talk <<<
馬鹿笑: bakawarai: laughing fit, giggle <<<
馬鹿値: bakane: crazy price <<<
馬鹿正直な: bakashoujikina: foolishly honest <<< 正直
馬鹿丁寧な: bakateineina: exceedingly polite <<< 丁寧
親馬鹿: oyabaka: doting parent, fond parent <<<
synonyms: 阿房


pronunciation: bakuon   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war , transport   
translation: detonation, roar (n.), whir (n.)
爆音を立てる: bakuonnotateru: detonate, roar (v.), whir (v.) <<<
爆音を発する: bakuonnohassuru <<<
爆音高く: bakuontakaku: with a loud whir <<<


pronunciation: bakugeki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: bombardment
爆撃する: bakugekisuru: bombard, bomb (v.)
爆撃機: bakugekiki: bomber, bombing plane <<<
重爆撃機: juubakugekiki: heavy bomber <<<
check also 爆弾 , 空爆


pronunciation: bakushou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: show   
translation: roar of laughter
爆笑する: bakushousuru: burst out laughing, burst into laughter


pronunciation: bakudai   kanji characters:    keyword: finance   
translation: enormity, hugeness
莫大な: bakudaina: enormous, immense, huge
莫大な金: bakudainakane: vast sum of money <<<
莫大な金額: bakudainakingaku <<< 金額


pronunciation: bakudan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon   
translation: bomb, bombshell
爆弾の雨: bakudannnoame: hail of bombs <<<
爆弾を投げる: bakudannonageru: throw a bomb <<<
爆弾霰: bakudannarare: popcorn
爆弾の破片: bakudannnohahen: bomb fragment [splinter] <<< 破片
爆弾を仕掛ける: bakudannoshikakeru: plant an explosive <<< 仕掛
爆弾を投下する: bakudannotoukasuru: bomb (v.), drop [throw] a bomb <<< 投下
爆弾投下: bakudantouka: bomb dropping [release]
爆弾宣言: bakudansengen: bombshell declaration <<< 宣言
爆弾声明: bakudanseimei <<< 声明
check also 爆撃

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