Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 13 strokes

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: law    nb of strokes: 13
translation: forbid, prohibit, interdict, stop, detain
禁じる: kinjiru: forbid (a person to do), prohibit (a person from doing, a person's doing), interdict, place [put] (a matter) under a ban, suppress, check, restrain
禁める: todomeru: stop, detain <<<
禁: okite: law <<<
禁め: imashime: caution, warning <<<
Kanji words: 解禁 , 監禁 , 失禁 , 禁止 , 禁輸 , 禁物 , 禁煙 , 禁断
Expressions: 禁転載 , 撮影を禁ず , 発言を禁じる

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 13
translation: warm, mild, temperate, kind
dan, non
暖か: atataka: warm (a.), mild, temperate, kind
暖かい: atatakai
暖かい人: atatakaihito: warmhearted person <<<
暖かい家庭: atatakaikatei: cheerful [sweet] home
暖かみ: atatakami: warmth, heat, geniality
暖かく: atatakaku: warmly, kindly
暖かく成る: atatakakunaru: grow [get] warmer <<<
暖める: atatameru: warm (v.), heat
暖まる: atatamaru: warm oneself, get warm
暖を取る: dannotoru: warm oneself <<<
Kanji words: 暖流 , 暖炉 , 温暖 , 暖房 , 暖簾
Expressions: 懐が暖かい , 日差が暖かい
check also , 親切

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: grammar    nb of strokes: 13
translation: refuse, decline, resign, word (bor.), speech, expression
辞する: jisuru: resign, take one's leave of, say good-bye (to a person)
辞を低くして: jiohikukushite: humbly, politely <<<
辞を低うして: jiohikuushite <<<
辞: kotoba: speech, expression, word <<< 言葉
辞る: kotowaru: refuse, decline <<<
辞める: yameru: resign, give up <<<
Kanji words: 辞退 , 御辞儀 , 弔辞 , 御世辞 , 辞書 , 辞職 , 辞典 , 辞任 , 賛辞 , 祝辞 , 辞令
Expressions: 務めを辞める , 職を辞める , 俳優を辞める , 告別の辞 , 接尾辞 , 接頭辞 , 学校を辞める , 就任の辞 , 仕事を辞める , 閉会の辞 , 大臣を辞める , 会社を辞める , 巻頭の辞 , 開会の辞 , 送別の辞 , 称賛の辞

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: put, place, set, leave, let, keep
置く: oku
置き忘れる: okiwasureru: leave (a thing behind), forget, mislay <<<
Kanji words: 放置 , 配置 , 前置 , 位置 , 措置 , 拘置 , 物置 , 設置 , 置去 , 安置 , 装置 , 仕置 , 処置 , 留置
Expressions: 二つ置きに , 据え置く , 据え置きの , 放って置く , 脇に置く , 隅に置けない , 籍を置く , 下に置く , 下にも置かぬ , 差し置く , 間を置く , 間を置いて , 筆を置く , 空間を置く , 二日置きに , 三日置きに , 番人を置く , 間隔を置く , 日陰に置く , 一年置きに , 手元に置く , 期間を置く , 距離を置く , 一目置く , 一日置きに , 地雷を置く , 冗談はさて置き , 限界を置く , 中心に置く , 余談はさて置き , ポーズを置く , レシーバを置く

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: nature    nb of strokes: 13
translation: source, origin
源: minamoto
に源を発する: niminamotoohassuru: rise from [in], come [stem, originate] from
Kanji words: 源氏 , 源五郎 , 電源 , 源泉 , 資源 , 起源 , 震源 , 語源 , 光源
Expressions: 汚染源 , 取材源 , 感染源 , 情報源 , 供給源 , エネルギー源

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: tree    nb of strokes: 13
translation: main, principal, trunk, bole
幹: miki: trunk, bole
幹: waza: feat, performance <<< ,
Kanji words: 基幹 , 幹部 , 幹線
Expressions: 幹細胞

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: imagine, think
想う: omou: imagine, think
想い: omoi: thought, imagination
Kanji words: 発想 , 愛想 , 瞑想 , 回想 , 妄想 , 想像 , 予想 , 夢想 , 幻想 , 感想 , 空想 , 思想 , 想定 , 理想 , 黙想 , 仮想

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: politics    nb of strokes: 13
translation: swear, vow, pledge
盟う: chikau: swear, vow, pledge, make [take] a vow, take a oath, give [pass, pledge] one's word
Kanji words: 連盟 , 同盟 , 加盟

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: administration    nb of strokes: 13
translation: part, role, office (ext.), station
sho, jo
署: sho: office, station
署: yakuwari: part, role <<< 役割
署す: shirusu: write down, sign <<< ,
Kanji words: 部署 , 署名
Expressions: 警察署 , 税務署 , 消防署

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: true, faithful, sincere, truth, sincerity, faithfulness
sei, jou
誠: makoto: truth, sincerity, faithfulness, fidelity
誠の: makotono: true, real, sincere, faithful, actual, genuine
誠に: makotoni: indeed, really, in truth, very, greatly, much
Kanji words: 誠実 , 誠意 , 忠誠

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