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Direct access: 句 , 包 , 勺 , 匁 , 旬 , 勿 , 勾 , 匂 句category: to learn in school radicals: keyword: grammar nb of strokes: 5translation: phrase, paragraph, section, passage, expression, verse ku, kou 句: kugiri: punctuation, punctuation mark, period, full stop Kanji words: 句読 , 節句 , 俳句 , 文句 , 絶句 , 挙句 Expressions: 常套句 包category: to learn in school radicals: keyword: transport nb of strokes: 5translation: wrap, pack, envelop, packet, package, parcel hou 包む: tsutsumu: wrap up, pack up, cover, envelop (in), surround (with), conceal 包み: tsutsumi: packet, package, parcel, bundle, bale 包みにする: tsutsuminisuru: make a bundle [package] of (things), wrap (goods) 包みを解く: tsutsumiotoku, tsutsumiohodoku: open [undo, unwrap] a package <<< 解 包み隠す: tsutsumikakusu: enshroud, conceal, keep (a matter) secret (from a person) <<< 隠 包み隠さず: tsutsumikakusazu: frankly, openly <<< 隠 包み込む: tsutsumikomu: wrap (a thing) in (paper) <<< 込 包み直す: tsutsuminaosu: wrap (a thing) again <<< 直 包める: kurumeru: make (things) into a bundle, put [bring] things together <<< 括 Kanji words: 包茎 , 小包 , 包丁 , 梱包 , 包装 , 包囲 , 包帯 , 縫包み Expressions: 紙に包む , 巻き包む , 霧に包まれる , 言い包める , 二重に包む , 別々に包む , 火炎に包まれる , オブラートに包む , ミステリーに包まれ 勺category: common usage radicals: keyword: unit nb of strokes: 3translation: pump, scoop up shaku: unit of surface (ca. 0.033 m2 in Japan), unit of volume (ca. 0.018 L) 勺む: kumu: pump, scoop up <<< 汲 匁category: only in Japanese radicals: keyword: unit nb of strokes: 4translation: unit of weight ( ca. 3.75 g, jp.) 匁: monme
旬category: common usage radicals: keyword: calendar nb of strokes: 6translation: ten days, ten years jun shun: the season to taste sth (jp.) 旬: tooka: ten days <<< 十日 Kanji words: 中旬 , 下旬 , 初旬 , 上旬 勿category: JIS1 radicals: keyword: grammar nb of strokes: 4translation: don't do, ban, not, negate butsu mochi 勿れ: nakare: never do it 勿し: nashi: not Kanji words: 勿論 , 勿忘草 , 勿体 check also 否 , 非 勾category: JIS1 radicals: nb of strokes: 4translation: curve, bend, crook, hook kou, ku 勾: magaru: curve (vi.), bend, crook <<< 曲 勾: kagi: hook <<< 鉤 匂category: JIS1, only in Japanese radicals: nb of strokes: 4translation: smell, odor, scent, fragrant 匂: niou: smell (v.), be fragrant, stink, reek 匂: nioi: smell (n.), odor, scent, fragrance, perfume, aroma 匂いの有る: nioinoaru: scented, perfumed <<< 有 匂いの無い: nioinonai: odorless, scentless <<< 無 匂いの良い: nioinoii: sweet-smelling, fragrant <<< 良 匂いの悪い: nioinowarui: foul-smelling, stinking <<< 悪 , 臭 匂いが消える: nioigakieru: lose the odor, The smell goes off <<< 消 Expressions: 臭い匂い , 臭い匂いがする
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