Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 16 strokes

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category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: fantasy    nb of strokes: 16
translation: dragon, hero, imperial
ryuu, ryou, rou
龍: tatsu: dragon
龍が如く: ryuugagotoku: Yakuza (Like a Dragon, a Japanese video game, 2005-2008) <<<
Kanji words: 飛龍 , 龍宮
synonyms: , ドラゴン

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 16
translation: transfer (orig.), say, tell, reason, cause, origin, think, believe
謂う: iu: say, tell <<<
謂れ: iware: reason, cause, history, origin <<< 根拠 , 理由
謂れ無い: iwarenai: unreasonable, unjustifiable, unfounded <<<
謂れ無く: iwarenaku: without any (good) reason <<<
謂う: omou: think, believe <<<
Kanji words: 所謂

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 16
translation: body, corpse
gai, kai
骸: mukuro: body, corpse
骸: hone: bone (of corpse) <<<
Kanji words: 骸骨 , 残骸 , 死骸 , 遺骸
check also 遺体

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: cereal    nb of strokes: 16
translation: flour, noodles
men, ben
麺: men: noodles
麺: mugiko: flour
麺: soba: buckwheat doodles [flour] <<< 蕎麦
麺: udon: wheat noodles <<< 饂飩
Kanji words: 拉麺 , 麺棒
Expressions: 即席麺

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: furniture    nb of strokes: 16
translation: well prepared meat
sen, zen
膳: zen: tray, small dinner table, meal <<< テーブル
膳に着く: zennnitsuku: sit at [sit down to] table <<<
膳に出す: zennnidasu: serve (up) at a person's table <<<
膳を据える: zennosueru: set a dinner table, set a meal (before a person) <<<
膳を引く: zennohiku: clear the table <<<
膳を下げる: zennosageru <<<
膳: kashiwa: chicken, fowl <<< 鶏肉
Kanji words: 配膳

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: tool    nb of strokes: 16
translation: gimlet, awl, drill, auger, pointed (like gimlet)
錐: kiri: gimlet, awl, drill, auger
synonyms: ドリル

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: tool    nb of strokes: 16
translation: weight, hammer
tsui, tai
鎚: kanaZuchi: hammer <<< 金鎚
Kanji words: 金鎚
synonyms: ハンマー

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: farming    nb of strokes: 16
translation: reap, gather, harvest, trim, clip, prune, mow, cut, dress, bob
tei, chi
薙る: karu: reap, gather, harvest, trim, clip, prune <<<
薙ぐ: nagu: reap, cut off, mow
薙ぎ倒す: nagitaosu: mow [cut] down, defeat one after another <<<
Kanji words: 薙刀

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 16
translation: watch, wait, observe
窺う: ukagau: watch [wait] for (a chance), observe, imagine, guess (at)
Expressions: 隙を窺う , 様子を窺う , 時機を窺う

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 16
translation: name of a river, move (bor.), remove, shift, shake, swing, wide, vast, spacious, broad, large, roomy
蕩かす: ugokasu: move (vt.), remove, shift, shake, swing, set in motion <<<
蕩い: hiroi: wide, vast, spacious, broad, large, roomy <<< ,
蕩: hoshiimama: arbitrary, wayward, freely <<< ,
蕩かす: torokasu: melt (vt.), dissolve, captivate, charm, bewitch, fascinate
蕩ける: torokeru: melt (away), dissolve, be captivated [charmed, fascinated]

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