Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 6 strokes

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category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 6
translation: fill up, apply, appropriate, devote
juu, shuu
充ちる: michiru: fill up, abound <<<
充てる: ateru: apply, appropriate, devote (to) <<<
Kanji words: 拡充 , 補充 , 充血 , 充電 , 充実 , 充填

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 6
translation: inferior (in capacity), unskillful, poor, awkward, clumsy
劣る: otoru: be inferior (to a person), fall behind (a person), be worse (than)
劣い: tsutanai: unskillful, poor, awkward, clumsy <<<
Kanji words: 卑劣 , 劣勢 , 劣化
Expressions: 勝るとも劣らない , 負けず劣らず

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: calendar    nb of strokes: 6
translation: ten days, ten years
shun: the season to taste sth (jp.)
旬: tooka: ten days <<< 十日
Kanji words: 中旬 , 下旬 , 初旬 , 上旬

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: life    nb of strokes: 6
translation: good, fine, favorable, propitious
kichi, kitsu
吉い: yoi: good, fine, favorable, propitious
吉し: yoshi
吉い: saiwai: happiness, fortune <<<
Kanji words: 不吉 , 吉報

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: war    nb of strokes: 6
translation: attack, beat, cut, pride
伐つ: utsu: attack, beat <<<
伐る: kiru: cut <<<
伐る: hokoru: be proud of, take pride in <<<
Kanji words: 殺伐

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: health    nb of strokes: 6
translation: sweat, perspire
汗: ase: sweat (n.), perspiration
汗を掻く: aseokaku: sweat (v.), perspire <<<
汗を掻いている: aseokaiteiru: be in a sweat, be perspiring <<<
汗ばむ: asebamu: sweat lightly
汗ばんだ: asebanda: lightly sweaty
汗塗れの: asemamireno: covered [drenched] with perspiration, soaked with sweat <<<
汗だくの: asedakuno
汗を拭く: aseohuku: wipe the perspiration (from) <<<
汗臭い: asekusai: smell of sweat <<<
汗の染み: asenoshimi: sweat stain <<<
Kanji words: 汗腺 , 冷汗
Expressions: 玉の汗
synonyms: スウェット

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: justice    nb of strokes: 6
translation: punishment, penalty, sentence, law, rule
kei, gyou
刑を科する: keiokasuru: condemn (a person) to a penalty, sentence (v.) <<<
刑に処する: keinishosuru <<<
刑に服する: keinihukusuru: serve [submit to] one's sentence <<<
刑: nori: law, order, rule <<< ,
刑: shioki: punishment, penalty, sentence (n.) <<< 仕置
刑る: kubikiru: decapitate
Kanji words: 減刑 , 刑事 , 刑法 , 処刑 , 流刑 , 刑期 , 死刑 , 刑務所
Expressions: 終身刑 , 刑の軽減 , 刑を軽減する , 罰金刑 , 刑を執行する

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 6
translation: skin, complexion
肌: hada: skin, complexion, character, temper
肌が美しい: hadagautsukushii: have a clear [fair] skin <<<
肌を脱ぐ: hadaonugu: strip oneself to the waist, bare one's shoulders <<<
肌が合う: hadagaau: be congenial (to one), can get on well (with a person) <<<
肌が合わない: hadagaawanai: be uncongenial (to one), cannot get on well (with a person) <<<
肌を許す: hadaoyurusu: give oneself (up) to (a man) <<<
肌寒い: hadazamui: chilly <<<
Kanji words: 肌着 , 鳥肌 , 素肌 , 肌触 , 肌身
Expressions: 親分肌の , 豪傑肌の

category: common usage   other spells: 罐   radicals:    keyword: utensil    nb of strokes: 6
translation: pitcher, a Chinese music instrument
kan, huu, hu
缶: kan: can (n., jp.), tin
缶: kama: boiler <<<
缶: hotogi: pitcher, jug
Kanji words: 缶切 , 缶詰 , 薬缶
Expressions: ブリキ缶 , アルミ缶 , ドラム缶 , コールタール缶

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: ship    nb of strokes: 6
translation: ship, boat, vessel
舟: hune: ship, boat, tub (jp.), bathtub <<<
check also ボート

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