Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: plant

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Direct access: 栽培 , 挿木 , 仙人掌 , 山椒 , 雑草 , 羊歯 , 芝生 , 種子 , 植物 , 新芽


pronunciation: saibai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: plant   
translation: cultivation, culture
栽培する: saibaisuru: cultivate, grow, raise
栽培法: saibaihou: method of cultivation, how to grow [cultivate] <<<
栽培者: saibaisha: cultivator, grower <<<
花の栽培: hananosaibai: flower growing <<<
植物栽培: shokubutsusaibai: plant breeding <<< 植物
葡萄栽培: budousaibai: viticulture <<< 葡萄
温室で栽培する: onshitsudesaibaisuru: grow (plants) under glass <<< 温室
温室栽培: onshitsusaibai: greenhouse culture <<< 温室
樹木栽培: jumokusaibai: tree culture <<< 樹木
人工栽培: jinkousaibai: artificial culture <<< 人工
オリーブ栽培: oriibusaibai: olive growing <<< オリーブ
ハウス栽培: haususaibai: greenhouse culture <<< ハウス


pronunciation: sashiki   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 挿し木   keyword: plant   
translation: cutting
挿木する: sashikisuru: take a cutting (from)
check also 接木


pronunciation: saboten   kanji characters: , ,    other spells: サボテン   keyword: plant   
translation: cactus


pronunciation: sanshou   kanji characters:    keyword: plant , animal   
translation: Japanese pepper
山椒魚: sanshouuo: salamander <<<
大山椒魚: oosanshouuo: Japanese giant salamander, Andrias japonicus <<<


pronunciation: zassou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: plant   
translation: weeds
雑草の多い: zassounoooi: weedy <<<
雑草を刈る: zassouokaru: weed (v.) <<<
雑草を取る: zassouotoru <<<


pronunciation: shida   kanji characters: ,    other spells: シダ   keyword: plant   
translation: fern


pronunciation: shibahu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: plant   
translation: lawn, turf, sod
芝生を植える: shibahuoueru: grass over an area <<<
芝生に入る可からず: shibahunihairubekarazu: Keep off the lawn [grass]


pronunciation: shushi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: plant   
translation: seed
種子植物: shushishokubutsu: spermatophyte <<< 植物
check also 胞子


pronunciation: shokubutsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: plant , biology   
translation: plant, vegetable, vegetation
植物の: shokubutsuno: vegetarian, vegetable, plant-based, botanical
植物性: shokubutsusei: vegetarian, vegetable, plant-based, vegetative <<<
植物油: shokubutsuyu: plant [vegetable] oil <<<
植物園: shokubutsuen: botanical garden <<<
植物界: shokubutsukai: vegetable kingdom <<<
植物学: shokubutsugaku: botany <<<
植物学者: shokubutsugakusha: botanist <<< 学者
植物標本: shokubutsuhyouhon: botanical specimen <<< 標本
植物採取: shokubutsusaishu: plant collection <<< 採取
植物採集: shokubutsusaishuu <<< 採集
植物人間: shokubutsuningen: person in a vegetative state, gork <<< 人間
植物栽培: shokubutsusaibai: plant breeding <<< 栽培
種子植物: shushishokubutsu: spermatophyte <<< 種子
野生植物: yaseishokubutsu: wild plant <<< 野生
室内植物: shitsunaishokubutsu: house plant <<< 室内
帰化植物: kikashokubutsu: naturalized plant <<< 帰化
寄生植物: kiseishokubutsu: parasitic plant <<< 寄生
薬用植物: yakuyoushokubutsu: medicinal herb [plant] <<< 薬用
園芸植物: engeishokubutsu: garden plant <<< 園芸
海底植物: kaiteishokubutsu: sea-bottom plants <<< 海底
観賞植物: kanshoushokubutsu: ornamental [garden] plant <<< 観賞
外来植物: gairaishokubutsu: exotic plant <<< 外来
球根植物: kyuukonshokubutsu: bulbous plant <<< 球根
繊維植物: sennishokubutsu: fiber plant <<< 繊維
原生植物: genseishokubutsu: protophyte, thallophyte <<< 原生
肉食植物: nikushokushokubutsu: carnivorous plant <<< 肉食
高山植物: kouzanshokubutsu: alpine plant [flora] <<< 高山
温室植物: onshitsushokubutsu: hothouse plant <<< 温室
食虫植物: shokuchuushokubutsu: insectivorous plant <<< 食虫
寒帯植物: kantaishokubutsu: polar plant <<< 寒帯
熱帯植物: nettaishokubutsu: tropical plant [flora] <<< 熱帯
antonyms: 動物


pronunciation: shinme   kanji characters: ,    keyword: plant   
translation: sprout (n.), shoot, bud
新芽を出す: shinmeodasu: bud (v.), sprout, put forth (its) leaves <<<
新芽を吹く: shinmeohuku <<<
synonyms: 若芽

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