Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: radical

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category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 16
translation: knead, gloss, temper, elaborate
錬る: neru: knead, soften and polish, gloss, temper, elaborate
Kanji words: 錬金術 , 鍛錬 , 精錬

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: tool    nb of strokes: 16
translation: weight, plummet, plumb, sinker
sui, tsui
錘: omori <<<
錘: tsumu: parts of spinning machine
Kanji words: 紡錘

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 16
translation: rasp, mix (bor.), confuse, mistake
saku, so
錯: yasuri: rasp, file (n.) <<<
錯じる: majiru: mix, confuse <<< ,
錯る: ayamaru: mistake, err <<<
Kanji words: 錯覚 , 交錯 , 錯綜 , 錯乱

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: tool    nb of strokes: 16
translation: high leg dish
jou, tei
錠: jou: lock (n., jp.), padlock, tablet (medicine)
錠を掛ける: jouokakeru: lock (v.), fasten a lock <<<
錠を下ろす: jouoorosu <<<
錠を開ける: jouoakeru: unlock <<<
Kanji words: 手錠
Expressions: 南京錠 , ビタミン錠
synonyms: ロック
check also

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: industry , sport    nb of strokes: 17
translation: forge, temper
鍛える: kitaeru: fortify, strengthen, forge, temper
Kanji words: 鍛冶 , 鍛錬

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: war    nb of strokes: 18
translation: quiet, calm, still, defense, hold (n.), subjugate, subdue
chin, ten
鎮める: shizumeru: quiet (vt.), calm, still, pacify, subjugate, subdue, quell, suppress <<<
鎮まる: shizumaru: quiet (vi.), calm, still <<<
鎮え: osae: defense, control (n.), hold, subjugation
Kanji words: 鎮火 , 鎮痛 , 鎮痙剤 , 鎮魂 , 鎮圧
Expressions: 反乱を鎮める , 内乱を鎮める

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 18
translation: lock, chain (ext.)
鎖: jou: lock, padlock <<<
鎖: kusari: chain (n.) <<< チェーン
鎖で繋ぐ: kusaridetsunagu: chain (up), put in chains <<<
鎖に繋ぐ: kusarinitsunagu <<<
鎖を外す: kusariohazusu: unchain <<<
鎖を解く: kusariotoku <<<
Kanji words: 連鎖 , 閉鎖 , 封鎖
Expressions: 犬の鎖 , 時計の鎖

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: musical instrument    nb of strokes: 20
translation: bell, gong
鐘: kane
鐘の音: kanenone: sound of a bell <<<
鐘が鳴る: kaneganaru: There goes the bell <<<
鐘を鳴らす: kaneonarasu: ring a bell <<<
鐘を突く: kaneotsuku: strike [toll] a bell <<<
Expressions: 除夜の鐘
synonyms: ベル

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 23
translation: mirror, in view of, take into consideration
鑑: kagami: mirror <<<
鑑みる: kangamiru: take into consideration
に鑑みて: nikangamite: in view [consideration, the light] of
Kanji words: 鑑賞 , 鑑識 , 年鑑 , 鑑別 , 図鑑 , 印鑑 , 鑑定

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: construction    nb of strokes: 10
translation: nail, spike
tei, chou
釘: kugi
釘を打つ: kugioutsu: drive a nail <<<
釘を抜く: kugionuku: pull out a nail <<<
釘を刺す: kugiosasu: run [drive] a nail, remind [warn] (a person of, a person that) <<<
釘に掛ける: kuginikakeru: hang (a thing) on a peg <<<
釘の頭: kuginoatama: nailhead <<<
Kanji words: 釘付け
Expressions: 糠に釘

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