Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: 11 strokes

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 11
translation: move, transfer, migrate
移る: utsuru: remove [move] (to, into), change, pass, turn [drift] (to), catch, be infected (with), soak into, spread, catch fire
移す: utsusu: remove [move] (to, into), transfer, refer, pour [empty] (into), transfuse, infect (a person with a disease), divert, turn, direct
Kanji words: 移籍 , 移植 , 移送 , 移動 , 移転 , 口移し , 推移 , 移住 , 移民
Expressions: 時を移さず , 乗り移る , 病気を移す , 風邪を移す , 行動に移す , 実践に移す , 実行に移す

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: cereal    nb of strokes: 11
translation: grain, drop
粒: tsubu: grain
粒が揃った: tsubugasorotta: even-grained <<<
Kanji words: 粒状 , 粒子 , 大粒 , 米粒
Expressions: 辛子粒 , 芥子粒 , 御飯粒

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: biology    nb of strokes: 11
translation: mushroom, mildew, microbe
kin, gin
菌: kin: bacillus, germ, fungus, mildew, microbe
菌: kinoko: mushroom <<<
Kanji words: 細菌 , 抗菌 , 殺菌
Expressions: 結核菌 , 腸炎菌 , 大腸菌 , 酵母菌 , 分裂菌 , サルモネラ菌 , イースト菌 , ペスト菌 , コレラ菌
synonyms: バクテリア

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: bag, sack
袋: hukuro
袋に入れる: hukuroniireru: put in a bag <<<
袋に詰める: hukuronitsumeru <<<
袋を張る: hukurooharu: make a paper bag <<<
袋の鼠: hukurononezumi: like a mouse in a trap <<<
Kanji words: 手袋 , 足袋 , 芥袋 , 池袋 , 塵袋 , 有袋類 , 浮袋 , 一袋
Expressions: 布施袋 , 月給袋 , 買物袋 , 給料袋 , 袋小路 , 南京袋 , レジ袋 , ビニール袋
synonyms: バッグ

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: color    nb of strokes: 11
translation: purple, violet (color)
紫: murasaki: purple, violet, soy sauce (jp.)
紫がかった: murasakigakatta: violet
Kanji words: 紫陽花 , 紫外線 , 紫色
Expressions: 紫水晶 , 紫キャベツ
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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: utensil    nb of strokes: 11
translation: pot, jar, jug, vase
bin, hei
瓶: bin: bottle (jp.)
瓶: kame: pot, jar, jug, vase
瓶に詰める: binnnitsumeru: bottle (v.) <<<
瓶の蓋をする: binnnohutaosuru: cap [cork] a bottle <<<
瓶の蓋を取る: binnnohutaotoru: uncap [uncork] a bottle
Kanji words: 土瓶 , 水瓶 , 瓶詰 , 花瓶
Expressions: 牛乳瓶 , 哺乳瓶 , 火炎瓶 , 貯蔵瓶 , 香水瓶 , 使い捨て瓶 , 魔法瓶 , ガラス瓶 , インク瓶 , ビール瓶

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: flower    nb of strokes: 11
translation: chrysanthemum
Kanji words: 雛菊
Expressions: 矢車菊

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: lonely, lonesome, solitary, deserted, desolate, dreary, quiet, calm
seki, jaku
寂しい: sabishii, samishii: lonely, lonesome, solitary, deserted, desolate, dreary
寂しく: sabishiku: lonesomely, solitarily
寂しく成る: sabishikunaru: become sad, sadden <<<
寂しく暮らす: sabishikukurasu: lead a solitary life <<<
寂しさ: sabishisa: loneliness, desolation
寂しがる: sabishigaru: feel lonely, miss (a person)
寂か: shizuka: quiet, calm <<<
寂: sabi: tranquility (jp.)
寂れる: sabireru: decline (jp.)
寂れた: sabireta: desolate, deserted
Kanji words: 静寂
Expressions: 懐が寂しい

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: cereal    nb of strokes: 11
translation: bark, husk, hull, shell
殻: kara: husk, hull, shell, nutshell, eggshell
Kanji words: 吸殻 , 地殻 , 貝殻
Expressions: 卵の殻 , 栗の殻 , 石炭殻 , 蝸牛の殻 , 胡桃の殻

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: health    nb of strokes: 11
translation: sleep, slumber
min, men, ben
眠り: nemuri: sleep (n.), slumber, nape, doze
眠りに就く: nemurinitsuku: go to sleep, fall asleep <<<
眠り込む: nemurikomu: fall asleep <<<
眠る: nemuru: sleep, have a sleep, fall asleep, take a nap, die (jp.)
眠らす: nemurasu: put (a person) to sleep, kill, do away with (a person)
眠い: nemui: feel sleepy
眠そうな: nemusouna: sleepy, drowsy, sleepy-looking
眠そうに: nemusouni: sleepily, drowsily
眠れない: nemurenai: feel sleepless <<< 不眠
眠れない夜: nemurenaiyoru, nemurenaiyo: sleepless night <<<
Kanji words: 冬眠 , 居眠 , 永眠 , 催眠 , 睡眠 , 不眠 , 休眠
Expressions: 深い眠り , 浅い眠り , 緩り眠る , 眠れる美女 , 眠れる森の美女
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