Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: keyword: buddhism

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Direct access: 黄泉 , 小僧 , 金輪際 , 後生 , 権化 , 三尊 , 山門 , 座禅 , 釈迦 , 修羅


pronunciation: kousen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: Hades, region of the dead
synonyms: 地獄 , 冥途


pronunciation: kozou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism , job   
translation: priestling, shop-boy, apprentice, kid, brat
小僧に成る: kozouninaru: be apprenticed to <<<
膝小僧: hizakozou: kneepan, kneecap, knee joint <<<
腕白小僧: wanpakukozou: naughty boy, urchin <<< 腕白
悪戯小僧: itazurakozou: mischievous [naughty] boy, urchin <<< 悪戯
check also 坊主 , ボーイ


pronunciation: konrinzai   kanji characters: , ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: the most profound part of the world (in Buddhism), never, by no means, on no account, upon [on, by] my soul


pronunciation: goshou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: future life
後生大事に: goshoudaijini: most carefully, at all costs <<< 大事


pronunciation: gonge   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: incarnation, personification, avatar
悪魔の権化: akumanogonge: devil incarnate <<< 悪魔
check also 化身 , アバター


pronunciation: sanzon   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism , market   
translation: Buddhist Trinity (a Buddha statue escorted by smaller one in both sides), head and shoulders (a pattern of financial chart)
逆三尊: gyakusanzon: inverse head and shoulders <<<
check also 仏像


pronunciation: sanmon   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: main gate of a Buddhist temple (they were used to being built in a mountain), temple gate


pronunciation: zazen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: religious meditation
座禅を組む: zazennokumu: sit in (religious) meditation <<<
check also ヨガ


pronunciation: shaka   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: Shakyamuni, Sakyamuni, Gautama
釈迦に説法: shakaniseppou: It is like teaching your grandmother how to suck eggs, to bring [carry] coals to Newcastle
check also 如来 ,


pronunciation: shura   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: Asura (a buddhist god)
阿修羅: ashura <<<
修羅場: shuraba: scene of bloodshed, shambles, pandemonium <<<
修羅の巷: shuranochimata: death camp <<<

49 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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