Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: keyword: food

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 12
translation: meal, food, eat
han, bon
飯: meshi: meal, food, boiled rice
飯の種: meshinotane: means of living <<<
Kanji words: 焼飯 , 赤飯 , 朝飯 , 昼飯 , 御飯
Expressions: 米の飯

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: food , weather    nb of strokes: 13
translation: hemp stalk, steam (bor.)
jou, shou
蒸す: musu: steam (vt.)
蒸らす: murasu
蒸れる: mureru: be steamed
蒸し暑い: mushiatsui: sultry, muggy, soggy <<<
蒸し暑さ: mushiatsusa: damp heat <<<
蒸し返す: mushikaesu: steam over again, bring up (the settled matter) again, harp on, sing the same line, repeat, adapt <<<
蒸し返し: mushikaeshi: resteaming, repetition, revival, adaptation <<<
蒸: ogara: hemp stalk
蒸: moromoro: all, every
Kanji words: 蒸焼 , 蒸気 , 蒸発
Expressions: 御飯蒸 , 茶碗蒸し , 蒸タオル

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: food , chemistry    nb of strokes: 14
translation: acid, sour, hard, painful
酸: su: vinegar <<<
酸い: sui: sour (a.), acid
酸い: tsurai: hard, painful <<<
酸っぱい: suppai: sour (a.), acid
酸っぱく成る: suppakunaru: turn sour <<<
Kanji words: 酸性 , 酸素 , 核酸 , 炭酸 , 塩酸 , 酸塊 , 酸化 , 硼酸 , 酢酸 , 硝酸 , 燐酸
Expressions: 甘酸っぱい , 水素酸 , 脂肪酸 , 沃素酸 , 塩素酸 , 塩素酸カリウム , 無機酸 , 林檎酸 , ニコチン酸 , クロム酸 , アミノ酸 , アクリル酸 , マンガン酸 , シアン酸 , グルタミン酸 , グルタミン酸ソーダ , イノシン酸

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 15
translation: ripe, mature
熟る: niru: cook <<<
熟れる: ureru: become ripe, mature
熟れた: ureta: ripe, matured
熟る: minoru: bear fruit <<<
熟す: konasu: digest, manage (to do), master
熟れる: konareru
熟れ: konare: digestion
熟れが良い: konaregaii, konaregayoi: easy of digestion, easily digested <<<
熟れが悪い: konaregawarui: hard of digestion, not easily digested <<<
熟: tsuratsura: deeply, carefully
熟: nigi: soft (pref., jp.)
Kanji words: 未熟 , 早熟 , 成熟 , 円熟 , 熟成 , 熟年 , 熟練 , 熟読 , 熟達
Expressions: 使い熟す , 数で熟す , 読み熟す , 腹熟しに

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 5
translation: juice, sap, soup, broth
juu, shuu
汁: shiru
汁の多い: shirunoooi: juicy, succulent <<<
Kanji words: 出汁 , 肉汁
Expressions: 味噌汁 , レモン汁
synonyms: スープ , ジュース

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 5
translation: invite, engage
召す: mesu: summon, call, wear (pol.), eat
召く: maneku: invite, engage <<<
召し上げる: meshiageru: confiscate <<<
召し上がる: meshiagaru: eat (pol.) <<< ,
召し上がれ: meshiagare: Bon appétit! Enjoy your meal! <<<
Kanji words: 召還 , 召喚

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 5
translation: delicious, tasty, sugared, contented
甘い: umai: delicious, tasty <<<
甘い: amai: sugared
甘んじる: amanjiru: be contented, resign
甘える: amaeru: be coquettish (jp.), coax
甘やかす: amayakasu: indulge, pamper, spoil
甘く見る: amakumiru: make [think] little of, hold (a person) cheap, underestimate <<<
甘く成る: amakunaru: become sweet, mellow, become (more) indulgent, get spoony (on, over) <<<
甘くする: amakusuru: sweeten, be indulgent (to), be spoony (on, over)
甘酸っぱい: amazuppai: sweet and sour <<<
甘ったるい: amattarui: too sweet
甘ったれ: amattare: spoilt [pampered] child
甘っちょろい: amatchoroi: half-baked, half-assed
Kanji words: 甘味 , 甘口 , 甘露 , 甘言 , 甘草
Expressions: 点が甘い , 甘い生活 , 砂糖で甘くする , 運命に甘んじる , 採点が甘い , 甘納豆 , ピントが甘い
synonyms: スイート

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 6
translation: taste, purport (conf.)
旨い: umai: tasty, nice, good <<<
旨そうな: umasouna: delicious-looking, appetizing, tempting
旨: mune: purport (n.) <<<
旨: wake: reason, warrant <<<
Kanji words: 趣旨 , 旨味
Expressions: 着付が旨い

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 7
translation: bitter, pain, piquant, difficult, harsh, eighth symbol of jik. (bor.)
辛い: karai: piquant, hot, pungent, peppery, salty
辛い: tsurai: painful, hard, difficult, harsh, trying, bitter
辛い目に遭う: tsuraimeniau: have a hard time of it, have bitter experiences
辛い思いをする: tsuraiomoiosuru <<<
辛く当たる: tsurakuataru: treat (a person) cruelly [unkindly], be hard upon (a person) <<<
辛うじて: karoujite: barely, with difficulty
辛うじて間に合う: karoujitemaniau: just in time (for)
辛: kanoto: eighth symbol of jik.
辛: karashi: pepper (jp.) <<< 辛子
Kanji words: 辛子 , 辛口 , 香辛料 , 辛抱
Expressions: 点が辛い , 読み辛い , 採点が辛い

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 8
translation: cook, boil
炊く: taku
炊ぐ: kashigu
Kanji words: 雑炊 , 炊事
Expressions: 米を炊く , 御飯を炊く

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