Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: keyword: animal

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: animal    nb of strokes: 4
translation: cow, ox
gyuu, go
牛: ushi
牛を飼う: ushiokau: keep cows, raise cattle <<<
牛の群れ: ushinomure: herd of cattle <<<
牛の歩み: ushinoayumi: snail's pace <<<
牛の骨: ushinohone: man of doubtful origin <<<
牛耳る: gyuujiru: take command of, take the lead (in), control (a person), defeat (a person in) <<<
Kanji words: 牡牛 , 牛丼 , 水牛 , 闘牛 , 牛乳 , 子牛 , 蝸牛 , 野牛 , 牛蒡 , 牛肉
Expressions: 雄の牛 , 雌の牛 , 去勢牛 , 牛の肝臓 , 神戸牛 , 牛小屋

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: animal    nb of strokes: 6
translation: sheep, lamb
羊: hitsuji: sheep, Australian dollar (in forex)
羊の毛: hitsujinoke: wool <<<
羊の肉: hitsujinoniku: mutton, lamb <<< , ラム
羊の皮: hitsujinokawa: sheepskin <<<
羊の群れ: hitsujinomure: flock of sheep <<<
Kanji words: 子羊 , 羊飼 , 山羊 , 羊羹 , 羊毛 , 羊水 , 羊歯
Expressions: 雄の羊 , 去勢羊 , クローン羊 , アンゴラ羊 , メリーさんの羊

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: bird , animal    nb of strokes: 11
translation: nest, beehive, cobweb, lair
巣: su: nest (n.), beehive, cobweb, lair
巣う: sukuu: nest (v.)
巣を作る: suotsukuru: build a nest <<<
巣に着く: sunitsuku: sit (on eggs), brood <<<
巣を掛ける: suokakeru: weave [spin] a web <<<
Kanji words: 巣窟 , 卵巣 , 懸巣 , 巣籠
Expressions: 鷲の巣 , 蜂の巣 , 鳥の巣 , 燕の巣 , 蜘蛛の巣 , 蜘蛛の巣だらけの , 蜜蜂の巣 , 白蟻の巣 , 雀蜂の巣

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: animal    nb of strokes: 12
translation: elephant, copy, law
shou, zou
象: zou: elephant
象の鼻: zounohana: trunk of an elephant <<<
象る: katadoru: copy (v.), imitate <<< コピー
象: kata: form, shape, model <<<
象: nori: law, rule <<< , ,
Kanji words: 海象 , 現象 , 対象 , 印象 , 気象 , 象形 , 抽象 , 象牙 , 象徴
Expressions: アジア象 , アフリカ象 , インド象

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: animal    nb of strokes: 13
translation: feed, bring up, keep, raise
shi, ji
飼う: kau: keep (an animal), raise
飼う: yashinau: feed, bring up, nurse, foster <<<
Kanji words: 飼主 , 羊飼 , 飼育 , 鵜飼 , 放飼い , 飼葉
Expressions: 牛を飼う , 犬を飼う , 鶏を飼う , 鳥を飼う , 籠に飼う , 小鳥を飼う , 家畜を飼う

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: animal    nb of strokes: 13
translation: group, throng, crowd
群れ: mure: group (n.), throng, crowd, multitude, party, mob, gang, herd, flock, pack, drove, bevy, swarm, cloud, shoal, school
群れを成す: mureonasu: make [form] groups <<<
群れを成して: mureonashite: in crowds [flocks, swarms] <<<
群れる: mureru: group (v.), throng, crowd
群がる: muragaru
Kanji words: 群島 , 群集 , 群青 , 群馬 , 群衆
Expressions: 羊の群れ , 牛の群れ , 蜂の群 , 山賊の群れ , 症状群 , 症候群 , 家畜の群れ , 流星群 , 盗賊の群れ

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: animal , bird    nb of strokes: 14
translation: sing (for birds), sound, ring
mei, myou
鳴く: naku: cry (dog), bark, yelp, whine, mew (cat), purr, neigh, whinny, bray, bellow, moo, low, bleat, grunt, howl, gibber, squeak, bell, crow, peep, caw, quack, crackle, coo, hoot, cuckoo, scream, sing (bird), warble, chirp
鳴き声: nakigoe: cry, call, song, warble, twitter, chirping, crowing, cawing, mewing, neighing, mooing, barking, whining <<<
鳴る: naru: sound (vi.), ring
鳴らす: narasu: sound (vt.), ring, famous (hear his reputation)
鳴かず飛ばず: nakazutobazu: remain obscure [quiet] <<<
Kanji words: 悲鳴 , 雷鳴 , 鳴門 , 共鳴 , 耳鳴り
Expressions: 鹿が鳴く , 蛙が鳴く , 鼠が鳴く , 狐が鳴く , 牙を鳴らす , 耳が鳴る , 非を鳴らす , 舌を鳴らす , 指を鳴らす , 猫が鳴く , 靴が鳴る , 腕が鳴る , 烏が鳴く , 雀が鳴く , 鳩が鳴く , 蝉が鳴く , 梟が鳴く , 雷が鳴る , 鐘が鳴る , 鐘を鳴らす , 鈴を鳴らす , 鞭を鳴らす , 喉が鳴る , 喉を鳴らす , 怒鳴る , 鼻を鳴らす , 踏み鳴らす , 山羊が鳴く , 閑古鳥が鳴く , 驢馬が鳴く , 鬼灯を鳴らす , 蟋蟀が鳴く , 警報を鳴らす , 銅鑼を鳴らす , 汽笛を鳴らす , 警笛を鳴らす , サイレンを鳴らす , サイレンが鳴る , ブザーが鳴る , ブザーを鳴らす , チャイムを鳴らす , ベルを鳴らす , ベルが鳴る , クラッカーを鳴らす , アラームを鳴らす , クラクションを鳴らす

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: animal    nb of strokes: 18
translation: kind, sort, example, law, good
類: rui: kind, sort, description, class, order, family, genus, parallel, equal
類の無い: ruinonai: unique, unparalleled, rare, unprecedented <<<
類を以て集まる: ruiomotteatsumaru: Birds of a feather flock together
類は友を呼ぶ: ruiwatomooyobu
類: tagui: kind, sort, species
類い稀な: taguimarena: rare, unique, matchless, unequaled <<<
類いの無い: taguinonai <<<
類い: yoi: good, excellent, fine <<<
Kanji words: 種類 , 衣類 , 鳥類 , 有袋類 , 分類 , 同類 , 穀類 , 爬虫類 , 人類 , 書類 , 親類 , 類似
Expressions: 両生類 , 哺乳類 , 靴下類 , 織物類 , 霊長類 , 猛禽類 , 宝石類 , 食虫類 , 魚介類

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: animal    nb of strokes: 4
translation: species, unit to count animals
hitsu, hiki
匹: tagui: species, kind, match <<<
匹える: tagueru: compare
Kanji words: 匹敵 , 一匹

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: animal    nb of strokes: 7
translation: tail, scut, trail
尾: o: tail, scut, brush, train, trail
尾: shippo <<< 尻尾
尾を振る: oohuru: wag its tail <<<
尾を巻く: oomaku: curl its trail <<<
尾を引く: oohiku: drag [draw] out <<<
尾り: owari: end, termination <<<
尾む: tsurumu: copulate
Kanji words: 尾行 , 尾根 , 交尾 , 接尾 , 船尾 , 竜頭蛇尾 , 尻尾 , 尾骨
Expressions: 狐の尾 , 彗星の尾

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