Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: radical

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: psychology    nb of strokes: 4
translation: heart, spirit, mind
心: kokoro
心から: kokorokara: heartily, sincerely, from the bottom of one's heart
心からの: kokorokarano: hearty, cordial, warm, sincere, wholehearted, heartfelt
心の籠った: kokoronokomotta <<<
心成らずも: kokoronarazumo: against one's will, unwillingly, reluctantly <<<
心の儘に: kokoronomamani: at (one's own) will [pleasure], as one likes [pleases] <<<
心が変わる: kokorogakawaru: change one's mind <<<
心に浮かぶ: kokoroniukabu: (Good ideas) occur to (a person) <<<
心に描く: kokoroniegaku: picture to oneself, imagine, visualize <<<
心に懐く: kokoroniidaku: cherish, harbor, entertain (an idea) <<<
心の広い: kokoronohiroi: large-minded, generous <<<
心の狭い: kokoronosemai: narrow-minded, ungenerous <<<
心無い: kokoronai: thoughtless, inconsiderate <<<
心優しい: kokoroyasashii: tenderhearted, kindhearted <<<
心有る: kokoroaru: thoughtful, considerate <<<
心置き無く: kokorookinaku: without reserve, frankly, freely, to one's heart's content
心苦しい: kokorogurushii: feel uneasy, feel compunction, feel sorry (for) <<<
心強い: kokoroZuyoi: heartening, encouraging, feel safe [secure], feel encouraged <<<
心憎い: kokoronikui: admirable, excellent, perfect, graceful, tasteful, hateful <<<
心にも無い: kokoronimonai: unmeaning, insincere <<<
心細い: kokorobosoi: lonely, lonesome, forlorn, helpless, uneasy, hopeless <<<
心許無い: kokoromotonai: uneasy, uncertain, unreliable
心安い: kokoroyasui: intimate, familiar, friendly <<<
Kanji words: 細心 , 改心 , 熱心 , 下心 , 好奇心 , 恋心 , 野心 , 決心 , 苦心 , 無心 , 心持 , 核心 , 心遣い , 関心 , 感心 , 安心 , 真心 , 都心 , 炉心 , 肝心 , 小心 , 水心 , 初心 , 心身 , 心中 , 信心 , 心臓 , 心痛 , 心理 , 心霊 , 重心 , 心地 , 中心 , 物心 , 心棒 , 心配 , 疑心 , 親心 , 心得 , 用心
Expressions: 氷の様な心 , 母の心 , 美しい心 , 清い心 , 邪な心 , 身も心も , 乙女心 , 心の傷跡 , 愛国心 , 浮気心 , 嫉妬心 , 嫉妬心から , 向上心 , 貯蓄心 , 依頼心 , 闘争心 , 出来心 , 団結心 , 任侠心 , 投機心 , 心が触合う , 執着心 , 復讐心 , 薄情な心 , 公共心 , 独立心 , 企業心 , 研究心 , 名誉心 , 自立心 , 慈悲心 , 自負心 , 冒険心 , 道徳心 , 競争心
synonyms: ハート
check also , ,

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 5
translation: certainly, surely, necessarily, inevitably
必ず: kanarazu: certainly, surely, without fail, by all means, at any cost, necessarily, inevitably, always, ever, habitually
必ずする: kanarazusuru: be sure [bound] to do, never fail to do
必ずしも無い: kanarazushimonai: not always, not necessarily <<<
Kanji words: 必殺 , 必修 , 必死 , 必要 , 必須 , 必然
check also 確実

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: answer, reply, certainly
ou, you
応じる: oujiru: answer (a question), respond (to), reply, comply with, agree [accede] to, accept
応える: kotaeru: affect, answer, respond, reply <<<
応に: masani: surely, certainly <<<
Kanji words: 対応 , 一応 , 応対 , 反応 , 応用 , 応答 , 応力 , 応募 , 応接 , 相応 , 応援 , 感応 , 適応 , 呼応 , 応酬
Expressions: 胸に応える , 場合に応じて , 縁談に応じる , 決闘に応じる , 依頼に応じる , 招待に応じる , 申込に応じる , 挑戦に応じる , 相談に応じる , 招聘に応じる , 要求に応じて , 要求に応じる , 請求に応じる , 注文に応じる , 事情に応じて , インタビューに応じる

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: life    nb of strokes: 7
translation: mind, will, intention, aim, purpose, ambition, aspiration, desire, wish, register (conf.), shilling (English money, fam.)
志す: kokorozasu: intend (to do), aim (at), have in view, have an ambition (to), aspire (to)
志し: kokorozashi: mind, will, intention, object, aim, purpose, ambition, aspiration, desire, wishes
志を立てる: kokorozashiotateru: set an aim in life <<<
志を遂げる: kokorozashiotogeru: fulfill one's ambition, reach his aim <<<
志す: shirusu: register, record, write [note, jot] down, put [set] down, describe, give an account (of) <<< ,
志: sakan: tit. (jp.)
Kanji words: 有志 , 志願 , 志望 , 意志
Expressions: 文学を志す , 三国志

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: forget,
忘れる: wasureru: forget, dismiss (a matter) from one's mind, put (a matter) out of one's mind, think no more of, leave (a thing) behind, forget to bring [take] (a thing)
忘れて: wasurete: oblivious
忘れずに: wasurezuni: without forgetting, without fail
忘れられる: wasurerareru: be forgotten, be buried
忘れられない: wasurerarenai: unforgettable, cannot put (a matter) out of one's mind
忘れ難い: wasuregatai <<<
忘れっぽい: wasureppoi: be forgetful (of), have a poor [bad, short] memory
Kanji words: 物忘れ , 勿忘草 , 忘年会 , 忘れ物 , 忘却
Expressions: 我を忘れる , 我を忘れて , 置き忘れる , 恨みを忘れる , 見忘れる , 前後を忘れる , 台詞を忘れる , 綺麗に忘れる , 初心忘るべからず

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: philosophy    nb of strokes: 8
translation: devotion
忠: magokoro: sincerity <<< 真心
忠: jou: tit. (jp.)
Kanji words: 忠告 , 忠実 , 忠義 , 忠誠

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: religion    nb of strokes: 8
translation: sense, idea, feeling, desire
念じる: nenjiru: pray, have [keep] (a matter) in mind <<<
念を押す: nennoosu: call (a person's) attention, repeatedly (to), remind (a person of) <<<
念を入れる: nennoireru: pay attention (to), be careful (of, to do) <<<
念の為: nennnotame: in order to make sure, by way of precaution <<<
念う: omou: think <<<
念える: tonaeru: recite <<<
Kanji words: 懸念 , 念願 , 執念 , 無念 , 理念 , 余念 , 概念 , 念仏 , 残念 , 念動 , 正念 , 記念 , 丹念 , 通念 , 信念

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 8
translation: neglect, instantly (pho.), immediately, suddenly
忽ち: tachimachi: instantly, at once, in no time at all, in a twinkling, immediately, right away [off], suddenly, all of a sudden
忽せにする: yurugasenisuru: neglect, give no heed (to), slight
Kanji words: 忽然

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 9
translation: hurry, rapid, quick, fast, swift, urgent, hasty, steep
急: kyuu: danger, emergency, crisis, necessity, urgency
急に備える: kyuunisonaeru: be prepared for the worst <<<
急を救う: kyuuosukuu: rescue from danger <<<
急を告げる: kyuuotsugeru: give the alarm, become critical, be in danger <<<
急を知らせる: kyuuoshiraseru <<<
急な: kyuuna: pressing, urgent, steep, precipitous, sudden
急な坂: kyuunasaka: steep slope <<<
急な流れ: kyuunanagare: rapid current <<< , 急流
急に: kyuuni: hastily, in a hurry, suddenly, without notice, quickly, immediately
急ぐ: isogu: be in a hurry
急げ: isoge: Hurry up! Make haste! Be quick!
急ぎ: isogi: urgency, haste
急ぎの: isogino: urgent, pressing, hasty
急いで: isoide: in a hurry, in haste, hastily, hurriedly
急ぎ足で: isogiashide: at a quick pace <<<
急がば回れ: isogabamaware: More hast less speed, The longest way round is the shortest way home <<<
急い: hayai: rapid, quick, fast, swift <<<
急く: seku: hasten, make haste, press, urge, be impatient, be to eager (to do)
急いては事を仕損ずる: seitehakotooshisonzuru: Haste makes waste
Kanji words: 救急 , 急性 , 急勝 , 火急 , 宅急便 , 急用 , 急須 , 至急 , 急所 , 急流 , 特急 , 急行 , 急速 , 急落 , 緊急 , 急騰
Expressions: 売り急ぐ , 功を急ぐ , 馬を急がせる , 帰りを急ぐ , 先を急ぐ , 善は急げ , 結論を急ぐ , 急停止 , 急角度 , 急傾斜 , 富士急 , 富士急ハイランド , 急な階段 , 急降下 , 急カーブ , 急カーブする , 急ピッチで , 急ブレーキ
check also

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: philosophy    nb of strokes: 9
translation: thought, idea, feeling, mind, think, consider, imagine, suppose, guess, believe
思う: omou: think (of, about), consider, imagine, suppose, guess, believe, be convinced (of, that), feel, regard [look upon] (as), expect, hope, take [mistake] A for B, wish, desire, be going to (do), be thinking of (doing), intend (to do), wonder, suspect
思い: omoi: thought, idea, feeling, mind, heart, affection, love, intention, will, wish, desire, expectation
思いに耽る: omoinihukeru: be lost [buried] in thought <<<
思いを凝らす: omoiokorasu: think hard (about), ponder (on, over) <<<
思いを遂げる: omoiotogeru: satisfy one's desire <<<
思いを寄せる: omoioyoseru: take a fancy to, fall in love (with a person) <<<
思い上がる: omoiagaru: become conceited, be puffed up (with), have swelled head <<<
思い当たる: omoiataru: occur to (one, one's mind), flash on (one), call (a matter) to mind, recall, realize <<<
思い余る: omoiamaru: be at a loss, find oneself, unable to make up one's mind (about) <<<
思い合わせる: omoiawaseru: consider [put] together, think of (this and that) <<<
思い浮かぶ: omoiukabu: occur [come] to one's mind, pass through one's mind <<<
思い掛けない: omoigakenai: unexpected, unforeseen, unlooked-for <<<
思い焦がれる: omoikogareru: pine [languish] (for), burn with love (for), yearn for [after] <<<
思い込む: omoikomu: be possessed with, be convinced that, be under the impression that, set one's heart upon, fall in love (with a person) <<<
思い知る: omoishiru: realize, come to know, become aware of, repent of, learn a lesson <<<
思い出す: omoidasu: recollect, recall, bring [call] (a matter) to mind, remember <<<
思い立つ: omoitatsu: plan (to do), think of (doing), take (a matter) into one's head, make up one's mind (to do) <<< , 決心
思い詰める: omoitsumeru: take (a matter) to heart, brood over, eat one's heart out <<<
思い巡らす: omoimegurasu: reflect (upon), , think [ponder] (over) <<<
思い煩う: omoiwazurau: feel very anxious about, worry (oneself) about <<<
思い悩む: omoinayamu <<<
思う壺に嵌まる: omoutsubonihamaru: (Things) turn out just as one wants, play into a person's hands
Kanji words: 意思 , 不思議 , 思い出 , 思想 , 思考 , 思い遣 , 片思 , 思惑
Expressions: 悲しく思う , 忌まわしく思う , 総思います , 誇りに思う , 快く思う , 快く思わない , 何とも思わない , 頼もしく思う , 変に思う , 屁と思わぬ , 哀れに思う , 辛い思いをする , 意外に思う , 不便な思いをする , 適当と思う , 光栄に思う , 無念に思う , 不思議に思う , 可哀相に思う , 可哀相に思って , 成程と思わせる , 残念に思う , 不審に思う , 名誉に思う , 不満に思う , 遺憾と思う , 不快な思いをする , 不快な思いをさせる , 不安に思う

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