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梃子pronunciation: teko kanji characters: 梃 , 子 keyword: mechanicstranslation: lever 梃子の柄: tekonoe: lever arm <<< 柄 梃子の腕: tekonoude <<< 腕 梃子で: tekode: with a lever 梃子で持上げる: tekodemochiageru: lever up, raise (a thing) with a lever 梃子でも動かない: tekodemougokanai: do not budge [stir] an inch <<< 動 梃子の作用: tekonosayou: leverage, purchase <<< 作用 , レバレッジ 梃子入れ: tekoire: reinforcement, strengthening <<< 入 梃子入れする: tekoiresuru: reinforce, strengthen, give one's support to synonyms: レバー
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