Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'up'

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Direct access: 隠蔽 , 生立 , 解体 , 高地 , 新式 , 設定 , 封鎖 , 真面 , 愛想 , 相棒


pronunciation: inpei   kanji characters:    keyword: crime   
translation: concealment, dissimulation, cover up
隠蔽する: inpeisuru: conceal, hide, dissimulate


pronunciation: oitachi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 生い立   keyword: life   
translation: growth, bringing-up, one's personal history, one's childhood
生立の記: oitachinoki: sory of one's childhood <<<


pronunciation: kaitai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: industry   
translation: break-up, dismemberment, dissection
解体する: kaitaisuru: dismember, take (a thing) to pieces, break up, scrap, cannibalize, dissolve, dissect
解体して運ぶ: kaitaishitehakobu: convey (a machine) in parts <<<
解体屋: kaitaiya: cannibalizer, wrecker <<<
解体業者: kaitaigyousha <<< 業者
財閥解体: zaibatsukaitai: break-up of zaibatsu <<< 財閥
synonyms: 解剖


pronunciation: kouchi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: high ground, highlands, upland, hill, heights*****
高地民族: kouchiminzoku: high-land tribe, highlander <<< 民族
上高地: kamikouchi: Kamikochi (a tourist site in Nagano) <<< , 長野
ギアナ高地: gianakouchi: Guiana Shield <<< ギアナ
synonyms: 高原
antonyms: 低地


pronunciation: shinshiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology   
translation: new style [pattern, type, system, method]
新式の: shinshikino: of a new style [pattern], modern, up-to-date
新式にする: shinshikinisuru: modernize
最新式: saishinshiki: the newest style [pattern] <<<
check also 新型


pronunciation: settei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: industry   
translation: establishment, institution, set-up
設定する: setteisuru: establish, institute, set up
境界設定: kyoukaisettei: boundary marking, demarcation <<< 境界
法人設定: houjinsettei: incorporation <<< 法人
初期設定: shokisettei: initial setting [configuration] <<< 初期
synonyms: 設置


pronunciation: huusa   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: blockade (n.), lock-down, bottle-up, seal-off, freezing
封鎖する: huusasuru: blockade (v.), lock down, bottle up, seal off, freeze
封鎖を解く: huusaotoku: lift the blockade, unfreeze <<<
海上封鎖: kaijouhuusa: naval blockade <<< 海上
経済封鎖: keizaihuusa: economic blockade <<< 経済


pronunciation: matomo   kanji characters: ,   
translation: honesty, soundness, straight
真面な: matomona: honest, up-right, sane, sound
真面に: matomoni: directly, straight, to [in] one's face, right (against)
真面に成る: matomoninaru: go straight <<<
真面に見る: matomonimiru: look a person (full) in the face <<<
check also 真面目


pronunciation: aisou, aiso   kanji characters: ,    keyword: greeting   
translation: kindness, courtesy
愛想の良い: aisounoii: amiable, sociable, affable, agreeable, fair-spoken <<<
愛想を良くする: aisouoyokusuru: be affable (to), make oneself agreeable (to)
愛想良く: aisouyoku: amiably, hospitably, cordially, sleekly
愛想の悪い: aisounowarui: cold, unsociable, inhospitable, blunt <<<
愛想の無い: aisounonai <<<
愛想を尽かす: aisouotsukasu: be disgusted (with, at by) <<<
愛想が尽きる: aisougatsukiru
愛想を尽かされる: aisouotsukasareru: be given up (by)
愛想笑い: aisouwarai: ingratiating smile <<<
check also 御世辞 , 愛嬌


pronunciation: aibou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: mate (n.), partner, pal, accomplice
相棒に成る: aibouninaru: mate [pale up] (with) <<<
check also 仲間

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