Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'ý}uý}ý}ý}[ý}n'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: show    nb of strokes: 7
translation: art, performance, technique
gei, un
芸の無い: geinonai: talentless, untalented, dilettante, amateurish, incompetent <<<
芸を磨く: geiomigaku: cultivate the art <<<
芸は身を助ける: geiwamiotasukeru: Accomplishments are a lifelong benefit to their possessor
芸が細い: geigakomakai: have an elaborate way of acting <<<
芸: waza: art, performance, technique, feat, trick, stunt <<<
芸: nori: rule, standard <<<
Kanji words: 芸名 , 工芸 , 手芸 , 芸者 , 園芸 , 曲芸 , 芸能 , 芸術 , 陶芸 , 芸人
Expressions: 名人芸 , 旦那芸 , 素人芸

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 12
translation: cloud
雲: kumo
雲が出る: kumogaderu: The clouds rise [come up, gather], The sky is clouded [overcast] <<<
雲が湧く: kumogawaku <<<
雲が切れる: kumogakireru: The clouds break [lift] <<<
雲が晴れる: kumogahareru <<<
雲の無い: kumononai: cloudless <<<
雲が掛かった: kumogakakatta: clouded <<<
雲に覆われた: kumonioowareta: covered [veiled] by the clouds <<<
雲の峰: kumonomine: column [bank] of clouds <<<
雲を突く様な: kumootsukuyouna: towering, skyscraping, giant, colossal <<< 巨大
雲を掴む様な: kumootsukamuyouna: vague, visionary, fantastic, like a wild-goose chase
Kanji words: 星雲 , 雨雲 , 雲雀 , 瑞雲 , 闇雲
Expressions: 原子雲 , 飛行雲 , 入道雲
check also

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport , life    nb of strokes: 12
translation: go round, transport (ext.), fate, destiny, lot, luck, fortune, chance
運: un: fate, destiny, lot, luck, fortune, chance
運が良い: ungaii, ungayoi: be in luck <<<
運の良い: unnnoii, unnnoyoi: lucky, fortunate <<<
運良く: unnyoku: luckily, fortunately, by good luck, as good luck would have it <<<
運が悪い: ungawarui: be out of luck <<<
運の悪い: unnnowarui: unlucky, unfortunate <<<
運悪く: unwaruku: unluckily, unfortunately, by ill luck, as ill luck would have it <<<
運が向く: ungamuku: luck turns to one's favor <<<
運が尽きる: ungatsukiru: One's fate is sealed <<<
運を試す: unnotamesu: try one's luck <<<
運ぶ: hakobu: transport, carry, convey
運る: meguru: go round, come round, revolve <<< ,
運: mawariawase: chance, fate, destiny, opportunity
運: yasu, kazu, yuki: pers.
Kanji words: 運河 , 不運 , 幸運 , 運賃 , 運動 , 開運 , 運行 , 運命 , 運輸 , 運搬 , 運送 , 運航 , 運営 , 運用 , 運転 , 運勢
Expressions: 事を運ぶ , 持ち運ぶ , 筏で運ぶ , 担架で運ぶ , 解体して運ぶ , スムースに運ぶ , トラックで運ぶ
check also チャンス

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 12
translation: hot, warm
on, un
温か: atataka
温かい: atatakai
温める: atatameru: warm up, heat (v.), reheat
温め直す: atatamenaosu: reheat, warm up again <<<
温まる: atatamaru: warm oneself, get warm
温か味: atatakami: warmth, heat, geniality <<<
温み: nukumi: (slight) warmth, lukewarmness
温もり: nukumori
温める: nukumeru: warm up
温まる: nukumaru: warm oneself, get warm
温もる: nukumoru
温い: nurui: tepid
Kanji words: 温床 , 体温 , 温度 , 温水 , 保温 , 高温 , 低温 , 気温 , 温泉 , 温暖 , 温室 , 温厚 , 温存

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 4
translation: say, tell
云う: iu: it is said, they say
云く: iwaku
云: oki, kore, hito, tomo: pers.
check also

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: color    nb of strokes: 13
translation: halo, dizziness, vertigo, shade, gradation
暈: kasa: halo
暈: memai: dizziness, vertigo <<<
暈: kuma: shade, gradation <<<
暈し: bokashi: gradation
暈す: bokasu: gradate, mute
暈る: bokeru: grow faint, fade, shade off
暈ける: boyakeru: grow dim, become blurred, fade
Expressions: 色を暈す

category: JIS2, only in Japanese   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 19
translation: Japanese noodle, wheat vermicelli
饂: udon
Kanji words: 饂飩

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: life , law    nb of strokes: 8
translation: order, life (ext.), chance, fate, destiny
mei, myou
命じる: meijiru, meizuru: order (v.), summon, appoint, nominate
命せ: oose: order <<<
命: un: chance, fate, destiny <<<
命: inochi: life (god's order)
命の有る: inochinoaru: living, live, alive <<<
命を助ける: inochiotasukeru: save [spare] a person's life <<<
命を救う: inochiosukuu <<<
命を捨てる: inochiosuteru: lose one's life <<<
命を縮める: inochiochiJimeru: shorten one's life <<<
命を懸ける: inochiokakeru: risk [venture] one's life, set one's life on a chance <<<
命を懸けて: inochiokakete: for one's life <<<
命懸けで: inochigakede: at the risk of one's life <<<
命: mikoto: god (suff., jp.), prince
Kanji words: 宿命 , 絶命 , 致命 , 亡命 , 絶体絶命 , 命令 , 懸命 , 革命 , 運命 , 救命 , 命懸 , 命日 , 本命 , 寿命 , 生命
Expressions: 退場を命じる , 蜉蝣の命 , 再審を命じる , 出張を命じられる , 退去を命じる , 命の恩人

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