Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'ý}jo'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: family    nb of strokes: 3
translation: woman, female, lady
jo, nyo, nyu
女: onnna: woman (n.), female, mistress, girl, sweetheart
女: me: woman
女: nanji: thou <<<
女わす: meawasu: marry <<<
女の: onnnano: lady (a.), woman, female
女の子: onnnanoko: (young) girl, daughter, baby girl <<< , 女子
女の人: onnnanohito: a woman, a lady <<< , 婦人
女らしい: onnnarashii: womanly, ladylike, feminine
女らしくない: onnnarashikunai: unwomanly, unladylike
女らしさ: onnnarashisa: womanliness, femininity
女に成る: onnnaninaru: reach womanhood, become a woman <<<
女に弱い: onnnaniyowai: have a weakness for women <<<
女を拵える: onnnaokoshiraeru: have [keep] a mistress <<<
Kanji words: 女神 , 乙女 , 王女 , 女帝 , 持女 , 聖女 , 山女 , 魔女 , 少女 , 女川 , 長女 , 女房 , 巫女 , 養女 , 子女 , 男女 , 幼女 , 下女 , 売女 , 女史 , 官女 , 彼女 , 醜女 , 美女 , 女給 , 女子 , 女性 , 女中 , 処女 , 次女 , 痴女 , 女王 , 女優 , 女装
Expressions: 男と女 , 良い女 , 夜の女 , 町の女 , 女便所 , 羊飼の女 , 女忍者 , 浮気女 , 女生徒 , 御喋り女 , 魔性の女 , 女同士 , 女学校 , 女店員 , 女乞食 , 女学生 , 女番長 , 黒人女 , 阿婆擦女 , 中年女 , 女主人 , 女戦士 , 女職員 , 女友達 , 女教師 , 女悪魔 , 修道女 , 女城主 , 女丈夫 , 金髪の女 , 堕落女 , ブロンドの女 , バーの女
check also

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: book    nb of strokes: 7
translation: tell [relate, express] in order, foreword, preface
序の口: jonokuchi: start, first stage <<< ,
序で: tsuide: next, secondly, in the next [second] place, after, subsequently, occasion (jp.), opportunity <<<
序べる: noberu: state, mention, tell, relate, express, explain, refer to <<<
Kanji words: 秩序 , 序列 , 序曲 , 序文

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: aid, help, assistance, support, rescue, reinforcement, relief, auxiliary
助ける: tasukeru: help (v.), assist, aid, support, second, back (up)
助けて: tasukete: Help!
助け: tasuke: aid, help, assistance, support, rescue, reinforcement, relief
助けを求める: tasukeomotomeru: call [cry] for help, ask for aid <<<
助けを呼ぶ: tasukeoyobu <<<
助けに行く: tasukeniiku: go to the rescue (of) <<<
助け合い: tasukeai: mutual aid <<<
助け合う: tasukeau: help each other [one another] <<<
助け起す: tasukeokosu: help (a person) to his feet, help (a person) up <<<
助け出す: tasukedasu: rescue (a person) from <<<
助けを借りて: tasukeokarite: with the help of <<<
助けと成る: tasuketonaru: be a help (to), be of help [service] (to), contribute to <<<
助かる: tasukaru: be saved, be rescued, be spared
助: suke: person (suff., pej.)
Kanji words: 補助 , 佐助 , 援助 , 助平 , 救助 , 助詞 , 人助 , 助言 , 助産 , 助手
Expressions: 天の助け , 命を助ける , 助教授 , 助産婦

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: take off, remove, exclude, omit, leave out, abolish, brush off, wipe out
jo, ji
除く: nozoku: take off, remove, exclude, omit, leave out, abolish, do away with
除けば: nozokeba: except for, aside from, exclusive of
除う: harau: brush off, wipe out <<<
Kanji words: 排除 , 削除 , 解除 , 掃除 , 控除 , 虫除け , 除夜 , 除外 , 除去 , 除雪 , 免除
Expressions: 跳ね除ける , 取り除ける , 撥ね除ける , 学籍から除く , 汚染を除く , 炭素を除く , 公害を除く , 日程から除く

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: administration    nb of strokes: 13
translation: part, role, office (ext.), station
sho, jo
署: sho: office, station
署: yakuwari: part, role <<< 役割
署す: shirusu: write down, sign <<< ,
Kanji words: 部署 , 署名
Expressions: 警察署 , 税務署 , 消防署

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 6
translation: reach, seem (bor.), look like, if
jo, nyu
如し: gotoshi: seem, look like, as if
如く: yuku: go, reach <<< ,
如く: shiku: comparable <<< ,
如かず: nishikazu: had better, It is better to do
如し: moshi: if, in case (of), provided [supposing] (that) <<<
如: yuki, suke, nao: pers.
Kanji words: 突如 , 如何様 , 不如帰 , 如来 , 如何
Expressions: 意の如く , 龍が如く , 以上の如く , 如雨露 , 以下の如し , 下記の如く , 脱兎の如く , 悪魔の如き , 別紙の如く

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: arrange, order (v.)
叙で: tsuide: next, secondly, in the next [second] place, after, subsequently <<<
叙: hashigaki: preface, foreword, prefatory note <<< 端書
叙べる: noberu: explain, talk, tell, say, mention <<<
Kanji words: 叙述 , 叙情

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: slow, deliberate
徐に: omomuroni: slowly, deliberately, gently, patiently
Kanji words: 徐々に

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 6
translation: thou (anc.)
汝: nanji

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: farming    nb of strokes: 15
translation: spade, plow, plough
鋤: suki
鋤で耕す: sukidetagayasu: plow the field <<<
Kanji words: 鋤焼
check also スペード

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